Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:54:10 AM

Chapter 647: 647

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crucial moment.

  The soul soldiers arranged by Linshan played a role.

  He can come alone.

   There are many fleets left in low-Earth orbit. How could they have no success. After knowing that the Fifth Civilization has anti-matter weapons, the liquid celestial soul soldiers approached warships with anti-matter weapons in various countries.

   this moment.

   Everyone looked at Burke's eyes.

   Only coldness is left.

   "For Nanke Kingdom, you decide for yourself."

   These words.

  , on behalf of the Nanke Kingdom, even the opportunity to go to the outer islands is gone. Obtained by Lin Shan, the countries began to act. Soon, the warships of the Nanke Kingdom were taken over and Burke was arrested.

   "Impossible, impossible."

   When caught.

   Burke kept yelling, he wanted the fish to die and the net was broken, but in the end the fish died and the net was still there. Now, not to mention the countries, even the other people in the Nanke Kingdom will not let him go.


   is probably his only home.

   may also be a tragic death.

   "Deserve it." The old man hummed.

Everybody knows.

  Nanke Kingdom.

   Since then.

   is dead.

   What followed was that I was more in awe of Lin Shan. The unpredictable methods and the back-hands to turn the tide show that this person is not only a fist, but also a good strategy.

   I can't even think of it.

   The distance is so far.

  How did Linshan do it? Countries can only bury this question in their hearts. A group of Lin Shan's defeated generals asked the winner the secret of winning. Isn't this a brainstorm?

  . . .

  Mo City.

   Federal Temporary Command in the Fifth Civilization.


   Those ten minutes just now.

   They feel too exciting. The power that Lin Shan showed made them tremble with excitement. Being bombarded by countless laser weapons, Lin Shan froze for nothing.


   The Fifth Civilization Fleet seems to use nuclear weapons.

   But they still can't hurt their commander. It's like a cow, so I asked who else. Of course, while being excited, I couldn't help but worry about Lin Shan, because I had never seen such a battle before.


   The Fifth Civilization had warships that seemed to launch something at them.

   Then. . . There's no after that.

   "Captain Lu Ze."

   Lin Shan's voice sounded in the command center.

   "Yes, General."

   "Drive up a battleship and send some things to the fourth planet of the Fifth Civilization, and by the way, take them from the scientific research station personnel over there." If it weren't for the waste, Lin Shan wanted to set off fireworks in space.

   "Yes, General."

   battle defense ship.

   is not a ground ship, but a space ship.

after an hour.

   The anti-matter weapons of the Fifth Civilization Warship have been disassembled, the key components of the ground kinetic energy weapons have been removed, and all the warships have been installed. The space inside the ship is so full that it can hardly be put down.

   Looking at those magnetic beam cabins that are not easy at first glance.

   Lu Ze is very curious.

   "General, what are these?"



   Luze exclaimed, and the people in the command center were also startled. Antimatter, how could it be possible that I have never heard of its power, that is, one gram can top two tactical nuclear weapons.

   Recall the explosion in space before.

   And those things flying towards them.

   got a chill on their heads.

should be.

   The anti-matter bomb that Nanke Kingdom launched at them just now. Thinking of this, Lu Ze looked at Lin Shan, laser weapons were not good, and anti-matter bombs could not hurt his commander.

so amazing.

   "Master Lin Shan, everyone in Nanke Kingdom has been controlled." The old man reported at this time.

   "You decide for yourself." Lin Shandao.

   "Well, we are going to go back to the home planet in three days." Now that they have a choice besides coming back? It's just that the journey is a little far away, it takes about 60 days to fly.

   ten days faster than the previous fleet.

   It's not that their thrusters have made a breakthrough.

   is that the cycle of the planet's revolution is different, which makes the distance to the parent star less.


   Lin Shan didn't care when they came back, he came to the battleship full of dangerous goods.

   "Be careful along the way."


   These anti-matter weapons, if they want to be stored, must have a continuous energy supply to provide a strong magnetic confinement field. Therefore, in order to avoid exploding after a long time, they need to be sent to the Fourth Planetary Research Station. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Continuous energy can be provided there.


  The battle defense ship continued to accelerate.

   flew towards the fourth planet.

   Seeing the warship disappeared in the dark starry sky, the countries did not have much nostalgia. The fire of the civilization was almost wiped out by the Nanke Kingdom. They were also afraid of this thing.

   I'm afraid of another madman.

   Use annihilation weapon on the home planet.

  Nanke Kingdom dared to do things they couldn't even think of.

   "General, you... are you okay." After recovering, Lu Ze asked hurriedly.

   "What can I do?"

   Lin Shan smiled.

   none of the hair fell, and only one layer of the inner armor was broken, and the breathing room was repaired.

   "It's fine if it's nothing, it's fine if it's nothing..."

   Luze looked at the figure in space with a complicated expression.

   The commander's strength surpassed their imagination time and time again. I only hope that Lin Shan will not report the good or bad.

   "Well, the Fifth Civilization has come to an end. Next, let them break in first, and we will gradually hand over the city defense and space gate defense to them."

   Get the core of civilization.

   There is nothing wrong here.


   There is also the technology of the Fifth Civilization Provisional Government in these eight years.

   "After ten minutes, call a meeting of all city administrators."

   "Yes, General."

  . . .

ten minutes later.

   The interim governments of various countries, or groups of consuls of survivor cities in various countries, have all been connected to a large projection meeting. Countries understand that the city consuls are a little confused.

   "Today, the third review of the ruling plan is considered to have made some progress. Therefore, I allow people from the interim governments of various countries to enter the city, negotiate with the governor of the gathering place, and jointly manage the city."

   "Attention, this is not a replacement, but a cooperative, experimental cooperation. If the last one plus one is less than then the cooperation fails, and I will still implement the coalition government plan."

   Linshan's words.

   made each city's consul in his heart.

   If these people come in.

   can you still drive away?

   Could it be that Lin Shan was threatened by force by them and compromised? Yes, it is possible. Thinking of this, they became dissatisfied one by one. You did nothing and threatened the people who protected us when you came back.

   is terrible.

   I felt angry.

   Embrace the injustice for the forest.

   "Master Lin Shan, we only recognize you. They are so unreasonable that they use threats as despicable means." A more violent consul stood up and loudly supported Lin Shan.

   all of a sudden.

   got countless echoes.

   "It's horrible."

   "Do you still have principles and bottom lines."

   "We do not cooperate with despicable people."



In the    frequency band, numerous condemnations against the interim governments of various countries have been raised.

   After listening for a while.

  The countries all understand why these people are so excited, and then they all smiled bitterly. Please, brothers, it's not that we threatened Lin Shan, but Lin Shan put us all down.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Threatening Linshan?

   They can't even think about it now.

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