Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:53:23 AM

Chapter 680: 680

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   realized this.

   Tianheng and others are even more at a loss.

   What kind of disaster is it that can take them to the sky? Suddenly, each looked around. Tian Heng looked at the nobles with cold eyes, and the nobles stared at Tian Heng and Wu Ming.

   I thought the other party did it.

   "Your Majesty, don't you explain?" Bian Yan stared at Tian Heng.

   "Explain what?"

   "All this in front of me."

   "How do I know, do I still want to ask you?" Tian Heng snorted.

   "Ask me? This is your palace, no matter how we can't do anything below it."

"Not always."

   Tianheng does not believe it.

   "Your Majesty, if you have something to say openly, why bother." Bian Yan insisted in his heart that it was director Tian Heng. The purpose was not known for the time being, but he should know soon.


   Between the arguments.

   rose to the basement level.

   This is a bigger hall, surrounded by empty spaces. At this time, countless guards gathered. They anxiously wanted to rush in to protect the car, but it was useless. The people inside still couldn't rush out.

   continues to rise.

   to the ground floor.

   The same scene happened, the outside sound could come in, but people couldn't get in. When it surpassed the top floor of the ground building, the dazzling light shone, and the billowing heat wave hit.

   They came out.

   Despite body heat,

   Kexin is getting colder and colder.


   The rise still did not stop.

   Ten meters.

  . . .

   twenty meters.

  . . .

   finally stopped in the air for 300 meters. Because they couldn't even stretch their heads out, they all thought there was a support under the floor, and they didn't think about the supernatural because it was ‘impossible’.

   Bianyan gritted his teeth: "Your Majesty, is this going to die with us?"

   "I said it, not me."

   "Who else is there?"

   "Could it be a rebel?"

   "Rebels? That's from the city guards, Wu Ming, you say."

"how could I know."


   watched them arguing.

   did not doubt himself at all, Lin Shan sighed slightly, and suddenly everyone realized that they couldn't open their mouths at all, so in a short moment, the whole noisy scene fell silent.

this moment.

   They all thought they were deaf.

   "Everyone, continue to talk about cooperation." Lin Shandao.

   The words came out.

   Everyone’s brains went down for a second, and IQ began to take effect, and immediately realized that it was related to the person in front of them. After Lin Shan finished speaking, he lifted the restriction on their speech.

   "Who are you anyway?" Tian Heng hurriedly asked.

   "My name is Lin Shan."

   "You planned this all?" Bian Yan interjected.


   "How long has it been planned to install this kind of equipment under our eyes." Wu Ming drew his sword and prepared to point at the forest mountain, blocking the front of Tian Heng. The guards were behind, loyal to protect the Lord.


   Lin Shan smiled.

   A thought moved.

   "Ah, the floor."

   "We are going to die."

   "I don't want to die."

   "Help... Uh."

   Finding that they are okay, many people are shocked.

  Falling down to the floor quickly, everyone found themselves floating in the air. Their bodies were wrapped in a kind of power. They could be clearly felt on their toes, and there was no clear glass underneath.

"what happened?"

   "I'm floating."

   "There is no rope hanging, and there is nothing to step on below, this...this..."

   "What demon technique did you use."

"Say it."

   "If we die, you can't go out."


One minute.

   Lin Shan did not stop them from speaking, nor did he give any answer. When he saw his question, he did not answer, and the question was boring, his voice was much lower, and he felt a little bit oppressed.

   After the situation is out of control.

   They were also panicked.

   "The noise is over?" Lin Shan whispered.


   Everyone can't speak.

   "When the noise is over, let's talk about business."

   Everyone immediately raised their ears.

   "Introduce myself again. My name is Lin Shan. The purpose of coming here is to talk about cooperation with you. The content of cooperation is what we said before. We are responsible for defending all space doors."

   "I am not from your city, so don't worry, I won't and don't want to get involved in the conflict between you, all you have to do is agree to our cooperation treaty."


   This was originally one of his styles.


  Linshan looked towards Tianheng.

   "Tianheng, what is your opinion?"

   "How long have you planned?"

   Tianheng stared at this person who didn't know where he appeared.

   "Soon, ten days."

   ten days?

   You lied to a three-year-old child.

   "Which city are you from?"

"far away."

   "I represent the orthodoxy of the imperial royal family."

   "It has nothing to do with me."

   "Conditions, why do you say that you can resist so many behemoths of the light gate." Tian Heng took a deep breath. These people obviously have no respect for the kingship, otherwise they would not call him by name.



   Lin Shan cast his eyes in one direction.

   Everyone looked over.

   See you only.

   A black spot on the horizon quickly approached.

   "The monster is back."


   "Go down, go down,"

   some dignitaries shouted.

   But they can only stretch their teeth and claws in the air, unable to move.

   "Calm down."

   Gradually, as the black spot approaches, they see clearly, it's not a behemoth, it seems. . It is an artificial creation. The Empire also had some experimental flying objects before, but they were all little ones.

   One minute later.

   Everyone's eyes widened to the limit.

   What kind of monster is this!

   When the huge black shadow enveloped the sky, Tian Heng and others were speechless. The two-hundred-meter-long Tianpeng was equivalent to a sixty-story building, horizontally in the sky, absolutely shocking.

"what is this?"

"so big."

   "It seems to be made of steel."

"how is this possible."

   "Why does it fly? It still hangs so steadily."


  Countless questions popped up in my heart.


   A huge flat projection appeared before their eyes.

   Lin Shan's voice came.

"Before this, I only did one science popularization. The 21 space gates in the world are connected to a planet full of giant beasts. We call it a beast star. The size of the planet is huge and cannot be determined temporarily, and this is space. The door."

   this moment.

   An array of overhead portals appeared above.


  From all angles.

   "Twenty-one space gates are very close to the beast stars and connect to all parts of your planet. With such a teleportation array, there are many beast stars, making it possible for civilization exchanges."

   "These civilizations have high and low levels, just like yours here, high ones are already fully capable of interstellar have all kinds of powerful weapons to destroy the common people."

Speaking of which.

   Various spaceships appeared in the projection.

   There is also a simulation picture of the city being smoothed instantly, of course, the simulation is very similar.

   "Unfortunately, you are in the lowest echelon. If the alien beasts invade on a large scale, your final result is not very optimistic, but luckily, you have met our civilization."

   "In civilization, not all are peace-loving, but we are the peace-loving party and will not enslave you. As long as we do not harm the interests of our civilization, we will not interfere in your internal affairs."

   "As for the conditions you said."

   Lin Shan shook his head.

   "You have too few people. Compared with a civilization with a population of ten times and one hundred times yours, the gap is too big, and you can hardly come up with what we need, so you just need to live well."

   this moment.

   Tianheng, they are all stupid.



The word    keeps lingering in my mind.

   They actually saw aliens, or a powerful alien civilization, the Tianpeng in front of them, it is enough to show that all this is true, there was no such technology in their empire before.

   There is also the picture just now.

   High-tech civilization.



   space ship.


   beast star.

   There are also cities that were wiped away by weapons in an instant, making their teeth tremble. Especially the last sentence, made them feel a little bit embarrassed---you clanging poorly, just stay alive.

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