Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:45:59 AM

Chapter 891: 891

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at this time.


Because Lin Shan went down for almost a day.

There is no news.

Everyone is anxious.

Although we all know that Linshan is very strong, but the underground environment is complicated, God knows if there will be any accidents, and even reported to the speaker countries.

Lin Shan is a well-deserved optimistic pillar of the Earth Federation.

How can you not be in a hurry?


There is no way that humans can fly into space, but the exploration of the inner core of the planet is still on the surface, it is too difficult to think about it.

"Enable emergency contact."

Lu Yi said.

"Yes." Su Yuan nodded.


When I came to the next room, after verification, I saw a metal plate with some scales on it, each of which represents a different meaning.

Su Yuan stepped forward and pressed the middle button.


It sounded.

There is only one meaning---what is the situation.



One of the scales bounced.

one look.

Su Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay."

The countries that received the news also breathed a sigh of relief. As for asking what Lin Shan was doing, let it go.

People safe is good.

Earth's core.

Lin Shan also felt that it took too long for him to come down, but he was still prepared to stay longer.

after all.

It is not easy to come down.

After going back and forth, most of the day was gone. He wanted to learn the ability of spatial beings to ignore matter, but found that it couldn't work, at least not at this stage.

It's not that Lin Shan has discovered any method, but the road of cultivation, which is inherently infinite. When he becomes stronger, his understanding of space will deepen.

It's not impossible to use it.

after an hour.

Strengthen 1.


Strengthen 1.


Strengthen 1.


Lin Shan kept licking pill to the crystal armor, while licking, while diving, he wanted to see with the naked eye, what the cracks in the space looked like, so as not to worry about being sucked in.

after all.

If it really had this power, the earth's nuclear material would have been absorbed long ago. On the contrary, in the area outside the space crack, countless space energy rushed out.

Extrapolate the nuclear material.


A space with a diameter of nearly 500 meters is formed, and the strong gravitational force is opposed to the force of the space. Of course, according to the syndicate, there are also suction cracks.

It depends on the energy difference between the two sides.

In short.

Who is low.

As far as the flow is, there is a difference between the interlayer of space and the turbulent flow of time and space. Some are violent, some are gentle, and some are stagnant, which is very complicated.

The syndicated group only knows the phenomenon, but not more.





Four miles.


Three miles.

Lin Shan continued to drill down, and it took a long time before he moved forward three miles. The slower he went down, fortunately there was room for life to come and supplement.

at this time.

After returning to the message from the life on the opposite side of the crack, there are more than five hundred fascinating grades on the opposite side of the crack, most of which are quietly dormant.

Or puffing space energy not far away.

Yin Guai?


No way.

These beings seem to be powerful, but they have almost no consciousness. They only have instincts. They can't communicate with each other, and they can't do it if they want to trick them.


Lin Shan has one last resort.

Two days later.



The ultra-high-density material that was forcibly pushed away by the force of space was torn apart from the middle, revealing a radiant figure, watching the scene before him.


Lin Shan was taken aback.

Right now.

It is a space about five hundred meters in diameter, illuminated by countless agitated photons, or in other words, the vision is no longer valid here.

Eyes are full of light.



The result of curiosity is a cloud of light.


In such an environment, how can human eyes see the space cracks and the turbulent photon interference, even if the distance is one meter, they can't see clearly.

Unless it is a crack in a stable space, there is no interference of high-density particles around.


Lin Shan was not too disappointed.

after all.

Now it can be regarded as a close ‘watch’. He came here, not entirely to see the cracks, there are other things, a beckoned hand, a soul crystal appeared in his palm.

In such an environment.

The soul crystal with completely immortal attributes is unscathed.

at this time.

The surrounding space is no longer just a disturbance, but has been distorted. If you look at it with the naked eye, you can find that Lin Shan's body is stretched.




The whole is not human-shaped, but the person is just fine. This is not difficult to understand, it is like a balloon filled with water, all kinds of pinches.

As long as it does not burst.


Once loosened, it remains the same. The environment here is like this. The space is distorted, but as long as it is not torn, the physical form has not changed.

It's just that the space is bent.

Even if the space where Linshan is located is drawn into a line tens of meters long, it will be fine at all. This is also one of the characteristics of the space-near adhesion.


Hard to separate.

Only cracks are really cut off.


A mass of spatial energy flew, ‘grab’ the soul crystal, and flew towards the crack against the powerful and unmatched spatial force, why? Of course it is bait.

Can't be fooled.

Can only be cited.

After a few seconds, the space life passed through the crack. In an instant, the opposite side was boiling, and ordinary spatial beings and the power of souls existed in their own subspaces.

It hardly appears.


The apparent alien spirit power makes them excited.

Nothing to say.

Hundreds pounced and then.

I saw that the same kind ran away with ‘food’, and at a glance, how did it work, chasing, so they rushed through the crack like crazy, chasing the soul crystal.


Then they discovered a new prey --- Lin Shan.


Lin Shan smiled.

Yin Guai.


Yin Guai.



Lin Shan is like a silly boy holding a bamboo basket, sitting at the outlet of the fish pond, waiting for the fish to enter the basket, looking at the fishes of the fat girl happily.




two hundred.


Lin Shan felt that he had never been so rich before, even if he had only received a hundred soul crystals in his biggest battle with the underground monster before.

this time.

It was over two hundred at a time.



carry on.

three hundred.

Three hundred and five.

Four hundred.


His worrisome wisdom made Lin Shan like it very much. Finally, after more than an hour, the spatial life in Lin Shan's hands exceeded the five hundred mark.

So far.

This fish pond.

The big fish is caught in one net, of course it is not completely caught in one net, because the opposite will continue to increase. Such a place is an oasis.

Put that.

There will be life to inhabit.


Raising first, and harvesting a wave every once in a while, Lin Shan couldn't help but look forward to it---Does this star system have more than one collection point?

The space wall is weak. It looks like this does not exist in a certain location. It is very likely that the space wall of this star system is not very strong.


Large-mass celestial bodies may also have such cracks inside. If this large stellar body of the stellar system has so much harvest, he has to send it out!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!