Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:48:36 AM

Chapter 893: 893

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   It smiled bitterly.

First of all.

Where can    escape?


   how to escape? People can fly, and they only have legs. Could they use human transportation? Don't be funny, even if you let them run for a day first, it is estimated that they can catch up with a nap.


   can't make up with time at all.


   Within a short period of time, it took root deeply and lingered. In the face of a powerful enemy, not too strong, and courage to fight to death, one change before death can be regarded as a profit, but how to change one now?

   far away.

   No one can see, the attack is coming.


   took a deep breath.

   "Go," it said.

   wait to die.

   is not their style.


   These high-ranking Kli people started to run away, reluctant to clean up, and after they brought enough dry food, they went crazy outside. On the way, human beings were also a little desperate when they saw these escaped Kli people.

far away.

   The fortress they think is powerful is being disintegrated by an inexplicable attack. The flames blazed into the sky, and huge black shadows were looming in the thick smoke. It is conceivable that the front line will be over.

   One time.

   Humans also started to run.

   See it.

   The escaping Kli people were startled. Is this going to hunt them down? Regardless of the counterattack, there was a big terror behind, so he ran even more desperately, and soon, he left humans far behind.


   Seeing human beings are also running wild.

   Lin Shan: "..."


  I don’t care too much about the information dissemination problem, I will catch it back later.

  . . .


  The fortress continued to collapse, and all the Kli people in it were buried, and the dense firepower net did not stop. The Federation has been producing weapons and ammunition non-stop in recent years.


   has never stopped the speed of expanding the arsenal.




   Armed with hundreds of millions of troops, completely pediatrics, this also makes the Federation feel that it is not enough. The future war is complicated and changeable. In addition to arming its own army, if necessary, it must be armed with civilization.


   This war machine is constantly increasing its strength day and night, with ammunition depots rising one after another. The ammunition consumed in this war alone is worth at least tens of billions.


   is to play money.


   You don’t need to rely on national funding, and you can meet your needs with your own war income. In a sense, if the federal property is not added, the other countries on the earth will not be as rich as the federal.

  . . .

   beast star.

   "The time is up, put the coordinates."

   The countdown was zero, and the Tianyu Special Team broke through the fortress blockade of each space gate, threw the fist-sized device at the space gate, and passed through in the blink of an eye.


   trembles slightly.

   in the beast star.

  The device is in a dormant state. After passing through, the change of gravity will be activated instantly, and it will be activated in just one second. Immediately afterwards, a large number of invisible electromagnetic wave signals were emitted.

"what is that?"



   The ground.

   Looking at the device falling from the sky, the Kli hurriedly took the sword and slashed at it. They found that the quality was too good, but left scratches on it, "Quick, throw it to the other side."

   A Kli clan shouted.


   recently reached out and grabbed it, threw it hard, and threw it back to the beast star. In this regard, the assaulted Tianyu Martial Artist didn't care, the positioning device, the first second it was activated, was enough.

   on the battlefield.


   must be guaranteed, especially for this special equipment.

  . . .


   "Locating signal found, identification code: AM7, recorded."

   "Locating signal found, identification code: AM18, recorded."


   less than half a minute.

   "The goal is to locate the twenty space gates." On the screen, on a blue planet, twenty-one light spots are very conspicuous, the origin coordinates are green, and the others are all red.


   represents the occupied area.


   represents the target area.

   Due to data synchronization.

   this moment.

   The fleet that has just rushed to the sky for a while, has completed the task distribution, and is heading for their respective mission goals. In outer space, a large number of satellites are launched from battleships and into orbit.


   wide angle.


   At the moment of operation, countless information is transmitted to the main control center.


the way.






   generative model.

   "The biological gathering place was discovered, marked, numbered QC04, feature identification target: Kli people, one thousand seventy-five, human beings nineteen thousand eight hundred, and regular scanning resources have been allocated."

   "Discover the gathering place of Kli people, marked and numbered..."



   Intelligent recognition.

   At a speed that humans can hardly imagine, after a satellite is in place, in just one minute, it can conduct an accurate scan of a surveillance area larger than China.

after that.

   It will scan again every three minutes.


   These data, the major fleets don't care for the time being. Their goals are the doors of each space. After they are completely occupied, they will think about these small goals. However, the rear personnel will be happy.

   Five levels.

   The intensity of the war was really small, and the thousands of auxiliary personnel in the headquarters had little trouble, so they took the initiative to take over these tasks and worked out a follow-up combat plan, and finally it was their turn.

   gearing up.


  . . .

   A battleship arrived at the nearest space gate.



   At the command of the captain, the dense honeycomb missile launch tube flew out a thick smoke, relying on satellites, the target identification was completed on the road, and then the data was lost to the missile.

   to the place.


   almost no time wasted.


  I just heard the collapse of the Beast Star Wars. On the fortress that was urgently defending, the Wankli clan grew his mouth, looking at the huge black shadow flying from the sky, and the countless white tail flames.

   There are countless questions in my can the enemy be behind? "

   "Isn't that in the beast star?"


   The last thought came up.


   Under the supersonic blow, there is no way to escape.

   "Boom~ boom~"


   Between heaven and earth.

   There is only one sound, that is, an explosion. Looking down from the sky, you can see the circular defensive fortress, like a circle of fire stained with oil, all burning at a very fast speed.

   Just a few breaths before and after, took away thousands of Kli people.


   Eight seconds later.

   The second wave of strikes came. Hundreds of missiles dealt an almost devastating blow to the fortress, which collapsed in pieces, bewildering the countless humans on the surface and the surviving Kli people.

   "It's over!"

  . . .


  . . .

   Two seats.

  . . .

   Five seats.

  . . .

ten seats.

  . . .

  As soon as the battleship arrives.

   almost represents victory, and some are on the back of the planet, under the dark night, that is the fire that is soaring to the sky, and it will not burn for a long time. The Kli people on both sides of the entire space gate are under such intensity of war.


   Those who survived also shivered. After occupying the gate of space, the Marines began to clear the field, maintain order, and gather all the Kelis who had not died and lost the power to resist.


   Zhen others raped.


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