Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:46:18 AM

Chapter 978: 978

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That day.

It's faint.

The ground is dark.

After the voting results were produced, a targeted purge began. Extremists, mercilessly, clean up people they consider to be worthless.

City after city.

One by one village.

All creatures.

To count.


The one on the list did not stay. Because of their hidden actions, most people actually died in their sleep without a trace of pain or struggle.


Become a piece of bone brick.

Ten days.

The population of this civilization has been reduced by 97%. Lin Shan couldn't help but feel cold when he heard this. It was a human life in units of billions.


Ruthier than the third civilization.


The motivations of the two are different.

The Third Civilization reduced its staff by more than half due to an accidental revenge, and also gave birth to three new laws of robots.

the first.

There are hands but no feet.


There are feet but no hands.


Those with hands and feet cannot be controlled remotely.

So far.

It can be regarded as avoiding repeating the same mistakes, but the downsizing of this civilization is not an accident, not revenge, but a massacre under the banner of justice.

It is a product of ‘extreme reason’.

According to it.


Almost no one is engaged in manual labor.




Most humans do this all day long, but a small number of people, because they like it, engage in scientific research, manufacturing, and creation, and call themselves elites.


Polarization arises.

One side.

Do nothing.

One side.

In pursuing ideals rationally, people's minds will change in the long term. The more the latter looks at the former, the more they feel that it is a waste of food and the germination of extreme ideas.


Root in a lifetime, grow up quickly.

At last.

This led to this result. A small number of people judged the value of existence from the perspective of utilitarianism, and destroyed the worthless ones.

in this way.

There was the scene I saw before.

Empty city.

Empty city.

It was an empty city, and after the cleanup, the door of space appeared soon. These people had the courage to attack their own people, but they were not good at fighting.


Voting again, closed the door of space.

after that.

All moved to this island and continued to live, which made Lin Shan have a question. Didn't it mean that most of these survivors were highly motivated elites?

What's going on.

I haven't found it for so long! Looks very lazy.

One question.

Lin Shan's mouth twitched.


It's motivated.

The reason for claiming to be an elite is not that he works eight hours a day and five days a week, but works one hour a day and takes a day off.

Even the elite.

"..." Lin Shan was speechless.

This can be seen.

The general situation before, how lazy. This is beyond the imagination of the earth. On average, working half an hour a day is considered a social elite.

This standard. . . It's a bit floating! ! !



But disagree.

This kind of extreme utilitarianism is too realistic. At any rate, it is a life. Even if you don't do anything for a day, it is because of increased productivity.

Caused by the environment.

They are not wrong.

Don't steal.

Don't grab.

Don't cheat.

Relying on the hard work of the ancestors, I finally lived the life I dreamed of, and enjoyed it. There is nothing wrong with it. It is not a shortage of resources. Is it worth killing?


Feeling the harmonious atmosphere of this city, Lin Shan suddenly felt a chill. The strange feeling before finally knew where it came from.

Human heart.

human nature.

It's not all performance art.


Lin Shan sighed.

It is really scary for human beings to be cruel. They are cruel to others, and they are also cruel to their own people, as long as they are considered right under their standards.

Just dare to do it.


As someone said: There are two things in the world that you cannot look directly at. One is the sun at noon. Second, it is the human heart, looking at it, dazzling.

. . .


After another two hours passed, the old man told him all the history he knew and the important events he could recall, which was quite cooperative.


There is still something to be said.

At this time.

The robot asked.

"Do you regret it?"


The old man asked.

"That vote." The robot said.

Hear the words.

A grief surged in the old man's heart, and the country was prospering from decline. He witnessed it with his own eyes, only because he couldn't get rid of his young work problems.

Has not stopped.


After nothing was missing, he was also angry when he watched the younger generation, who were not productive and idle all day long, so he participated in that vote.

in fact.

I thought I was going to scare it.

What material.

Really executed.

Ten days.

The crematorium has never stopped, and many people who voted for it were dumbfounded, but they quickly convinced themselves that only a small number of people were guilty.

He is one of them,

"When I regret it, I didn't expect it to be implemented. Although I felt angry before voting, after voting, I watched every smile disappear."

"I regret."

"Many are still children, dead, dead, dead under our hands, under the poison of ‘elite thinking’, we are wrong."


"It's wrong."

"They died wrongly!"

Speaking of which.

The old man was almost choked.


That's horrible.

Every time I recalled it, there seemed to be countless faces questioning why we should be so cruel, adding and subtracting each life as a number.

The more I think about it.

The more regretful.


I felt helpless, because his vote alone could not reverse the situation. The leader of the whole matter would not allow the bidding result to be two.


Regret is useless.


"it is good."


The elder feels a power, coming out of the body, both the clarity of thinking and the perception of the body become stronger.


"Can my hands move?"


"My feet, I haven't felt it for a long time."


The old man was delighted to find that he had regained control of his body. Although he was still a little weak, it was much better than before.

"Transaction complete."

"You have one day to live. At this time tomorrow, there is no doubt that you will die. It is best not to [] reveal to anyone what happened just now."



The silver robot turned into dust and drifted out from the gap of the slightly opened window. The old man saw this scene and was speechless again for a long time.

a long time.


He got up and bowed in the direction where it disappeared. He didn't believe that the upper class of Sky Harbor could make this thing. That was two technological aspects.


Read the mind.



These are still a few skills he has seen, but he hasn't seen them, but more. Without much emotion, the old man hurriedly unplugged all kinds of life-sustaining equipment.

Get out of bed.

Go out.

Although he felt that his body was okay, it didn't look like it was going to be finished in a day, but he still believed the words of that kind of magical existence, and one time later.

Take a closer look at the world.

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