My Movie Queen - Chapter 75

Published at 28th of May 2024 12:33:34 PM

Chapter 75

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As Director Shin entered the room, Yanna and Melody immediately stood up, warmly welcoming him with smiles and handshakes. They greeted the assistant director and Alice with the same level of enthusiasm. Despite already being familiar with Alice, Yanna and Melody remained respectful and polite, treating her as if they were meeting for the first time.

"Director Shin, it's great to see you. Assistant Director Alice, welcome," Yanna greeted with a warm smile.

"Hi everyone, it's so nice to finally meet you all in person," Melody also greeted them politely.

Director Shin nods and smiles at Yanna and Melody. "Thank you, Ms. Yanna and Ms. Melody. We're looking forward to working with both of you."

The Assistant Director hands over the contract papers directly to Melody, who carefully examines them. 

" This contract seems solid. I don't see any issues that might trouble us," Melody whispers to Yanna as she passes the contract to Yanna, who reads it attentively too.

Alice, on the other hand, secretly observes Yanna, reflecting on how she has transformed into a more charming and confident individual. She feels excited deep inside, knowing that Yanna will definitely sign the contract and soon they will be working together.

' Yanna has become even more beautiful than before; she effortlessly radiates such charisma. Later, she will represent one of my characters and we will have more interaction. I feel excited. This time, I will really impress her '

Just thinking about it, Alice can feel her heartbeat drumming. Alice blushes from excitement and looks at Yanna, worried that the loud beating of her heart will be heard.

Yanna finishes reading the contract and looks up at Melody. Inadvertently, she catches sight of Alice blushing and asks her, "Ms. Do, is everything okay? Do you feel unwell?"

Alice is stunned for a moment when she hears Yanna talking to her. She clenches her fist under the table to suppress her emotions, then shakes her head with a smile.

 "I'm okay. I just feel hot, maybe because of the heat outside just now," Alice says nonsense, causing the Director to look at her with meaningful eyes. 

Alice looks away and drinks water, feeling embarrassed and not believing what she said. She looks at Yanna's reaction.

Yanna nods, not thinking too much about it. Alice just came from outside and they haven't been seated for long, so it's likely just due to the heat. "I see. Well, drink more water. It's quite hot outside," Yanna smiles and believes Alice.

Alice, Melody, the Assistant Director, and even the Director look at Yanna, observing if she is serious. When they see that Yanna truly believes Alice's nonsense, they gain a new understanding of her. Yanna, who was misunderstood, comes back to the topic. It's not that she believes the nonsense, but she simply doesn't care too much. Alice is an Alpha, and Alphas are not as fragile as Omegas, so the heat won't really affect her health. Moreover, if Alice doesn't want to say anything, Yanna can't do anything about it.

"Melody, I trust your judgment. If you think it's good, then I'm good with it too. Let's sign it," Yanna says to Melody.

Melody simply looks at Yanna and nods approvingly, impressed by Yanna's trust in her. "Great. Director Shin, shall we proceed with signing the contract?"

Director Shin smiles and nods, signaling his agreement. Yanna signs the contract with a polite smile, feeling grateful that Director Shin has faith in her.

"Now that the paperwork is settled, let's discuss the schedule. We'll begin shooting in two weeks. We have a tight timeline, but I believe we can make it work," Director Shin informs while pressing the bell.

Soon, a waiter arrives and everyone orders one by one. After the waiter leaves the room, Yanna hesitantly speaks up, "Director Shin, if it's alright with you, I would like to do live streams from time to time to give my fans a glimpse behind the scenes. Could I have your permission for that? I will make sure that it won't affect anyone."

Director Shin considers Yanna's request for a moment before responding. "Yanna, I understand the importance of connecting with your fans. As long as it doesn't interfere with our production, I don't see a problem. You have my permission."

Yanna beams with gratitude, thankful for Director Shin's understanding and support. "Thank you so much, Director Shin."

"Happy cooperation," the Director says.

"Happy cooperation," Yanna says politely.

Not long after, the food and drinks arrive. Yanna serves wine to each person at the table and makes a toast with them.

"Happy cooperation, everyone! I will do my best for this project. Thank you for trusting me," Yanna proclaims.

"Hahaha, happy cooperation! We have seen your talent and we believe it's a win-win situation! Cheers!"

" " " " Cheers! " " " " 

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