My Movie Queen - Chapter 79

Published at 28th of May 2024 12:33:30 PM

Chapter 79

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Time seemed to fly by quickly, and before they knew it, the day had arrived for Vanessa and Yanna to spend some quality time alone together. However, before doing anything else, they decided to make a quick stop at Maya's place. As they entered and got to know the people around, Yanna was immediately amazed. The girl she had previously met in the mall, who had claimed to be a fan, turned out to be a computer genius named Maya. She had a team of skilled individuals who willingly wanted to help her.

However, Yanna knew that someone as intelligent and resourceful as Maya wouldn't just help her out of the blue without wanting something in return. Despite being grateful for their assistance, Yanna couldn't help but be cautious. 

She decided to express her concerns and thoughts to Maya and her team. "Thank you very much for your efforts in this matter. Having this evidence can prove my innocence and put my enemy in his place. It's a tremendous help. However, I also understand the danger involved in obtaining this information. There's a possibility that you may be tracked. Are you aware of that?"

"Yes, but you don't have to worry about them tracking us. Besides, Ms. Rodriguez provided us with everything we need, including security," answered Maya. 

"Why are you doing this? I'm just a small actress. Even if you're a fan, putting yourself in danger is not worth it, even with security. I'm grateful, but please don't put yourself in danger just to clear my name, okay?" Yanna asked, feeling confused and worried. 

Maya and her team looked at each other, then Maya scratched her head after some thought, cleared her throat, and said, "Actually, yes, it's us who volunteered to help. At first, it was just to clear your name, but as we kept digging, we found out that you're innocent in everything. Yet, you had to suffer for others. It just so happened that one of my teammates knew you well. She's the one who kept digging deeper. She said you both came from the same orphanage, which means she considered you her sister. She says she can't tolerate anyone bullying her sister if you're innocent. Isn't she cute?" 

Vanessa cut in coldly, "Who is it?" as she had no prior knowledge of this matter. 

Maya was taken aback by Vanessa's indifference. She could feel the hostility radiating from Vanessa's body and responded hesitantly, "Um... it's Carmen."

Yanna tried to recall the name and based on her memories, it seemed like Carmen was an introverted child but very eager to study and learn more. Yanna remembered that the original owner had helped Carmen with her studies in college, which was one of the reasons why the original owner remained silent and willing to suffer without resisting.

" I remember her. She was just a small child before, and yes, she's very cute," Yanna giggled as she remembered little Carmen. Yanna continued, "Since Carmen did it, then fine, I will use the evidence wisely. Please tell her thank you. Don't worry about me; I'm doing better now. If she needs me, tell her to call me. Also, thank you again." Feeling touched and grateful,

Yanna realized that there were still fans and people out there who truly believed in her and were willing to lend their support. After spending some time interacting with Maya and her team, Vanessa and Yanna eventually bid them farewell and continued to their private resort that Vanessa had reserved in advance.

Once settled in their bedroom to rest, Vanessa turned to Yanna and asked if she had brought everything she needed for the live stream. Yanna nodded eagerly, a smile forming on her face as she reassured Vanessa that she had indeed come prepared.

 In the following hours, Yanna and Vanessa cherished their time together, affectionately enjoying each other's company without any worries or distractions. They laughed, shared stories, ate, and experienced the joy of being in each other's presence. The hours slipped away effortlessly, and as the night fell, Yanna knew it was time to begin her live stream.

As she sat in front of the camera, Yanna exuded natural charm and confidence. She introduced herself to her audience, answering questions with grace and poise. Despite a few unpleasant comments from some black fans, Yanna chose to rise above them, focusing on the positivity and support she received from the majority. 

During the live stream, Yanna took a quick break to head to the kitchen and start preparing a meal. She brought the camera and put it aside where the viewers could still watch her and comment. Yanna felt a hot gaze behind her and followed it, glancing back at Vanessa, who stood at the doorway, gazing at her lovingly. Yanna couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. In her farewell to the audience, some keen viewers noticed the direction of her gaze, leading to speculations and discussions since they couldn't see who it was.

After three hours of engaging with her audience, Yanna ended the live stream. For someone starting with a reputation that wasn't particularly favorable, having thousands of dedicated viewers felt like a significant achievement. Even though there were more black fans, it didn't matter to Yanna.

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