My Movie Queen - Chapter 80

Published at 28th of May 2024 12:33:29 PM

Chapter 80

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Once Vanessa returned to work, Yanna continued her daily live streaming sessions. At first, some individuals tuned in solely to mock her or make unpleasant comments, as is unfortunately common on the internet. But Yanna remained patient and focused on creating content that would eventually win over the hearts of her viewers and something she also enjoy.

During her live streams, Yanna developed a unique style that set her apart from other anchors. While many would eat, play, dance, or sing for their audience, Yanna took a different approach. She would venture out to various places in her surroundings, inviting her viewers along for the journey. The first place she took them was her enchanting garden, adorned with a colorful array of flowers and plants. The mere sight of it brought a sense of comfort and tranquility to those watching.

Yanna would introduce each flower and share fascinating tidbits of popular science about them. Not only did viewers appreciate the beauty of the garden, but they also found themselves learning something new with each stream. Yanna's gentle advice on what kind of gifting flowers to loved ones or people they admired struck a chord with many. Her words resonated deeply, encouraging her audience to express their emotions through these simple acts of kindness.

But Yanna didn't stop there. With her camera in hand, she would guide her viewers through the streets of urban areas, revealing the simplicity of everyday life away from the overwhelming influence of technology. This glimpse into an uncomplicated existence fascinated those living in bustling cities. For them, it was a breath of fresh air to witness the beauty of ordinary life that often goes unnoticed.

As her popularity grew, Yanna started receiving requests from her viewers to explore other breathtaking locations. Yanna will only smile then she will choose among the requests; she would take her audience on virtual tours to stunning landscapes, allowing them to experience the beauty and serenity through their screens. All the while, Yanna maintained an engaging and interactive atmosphere, responding to comments and forging deeper connections with her viewers.

Gradually, as people continued to watch Yanna's live streams, they began to see beyond their initial prejudices. They found themselves captivated by her genuine kindness, warmth, and gentle nature. Yanna's authenticity shone through, erasing all traces of dislike. Her viewers soon realized how relaxing it was to watch and interact with her, creating a safe haven away from the negativity often found on the internet.

Word of Yanna's streams spread through word of mouth and online posts, attracting more and more people who were eager to see if what people said was true. People who once hate her found comfort in the calmness she exuded. Yanna's beauty, both inside and out, only served to enhance their admiration for her.

Slowly but surely, people started to accept the Yanna they know now and started to doubt the news more about Yanna before.

Yanna's loyal fan was happy to see this, and some people who are close to Yanna however some people are not so happy as Yanna gain attention and popularity once again.


In the dressing room, where nobody else was present except for Set and the Manager, Set exclaimed in frustration, "Damn it!" as he threw his phone across the room. 

The Manager, trying to calm Set down, asked, "Calm down, tell me what's wrong."

Set took a deep breath and replied, "It's Yanna. She's gaining momentum through live streaming and gaining more followers on her official accounts again."

The Manager, relieved that it wasn't a bigger issue, sighed and said, "Well, it's alright if it's about her scandal. No one will take her now that her reputation is ruined. Don't worry about it."

Set, however, seemed unconvinced and explained, "That's not the problem. Even though she's no longer an artist in our company, she's still getting attention. It's frustrating."

The Manager brushed off Set's concerns, saying, "That's easy. Let's do the same thing again. As long as you please our boss, it won't be a worry."

Set scoffed and replied, "Do you think that's easy for me? That old, fat, stinky man is absolutely disgusting!" 

' I can still remember how he played with my body and glands, toying with them like a child with a plaything ' Set hesitated to elaborate further, not wanting others to know the extent of humiliation he had endured just to get Yanna ruined and kick out of entertainment 

However, deep within, he still found himself haunted by the memories. Reflecting on the matter,

Set added, "His pheromones were particularly smelly, like to the stench of rancid tofu that lingers and overwhelms the senses. Just the thought of it sends me chills down my spine." 

Nevertheless, Set refrained from expressing more of these sentiments aloud, harboring a reluctance for others to discover the vulnerability he had experienced.

The Manager looked at Set with disgust without a trace but continued," Between two Alpha's, that reaction are natural," the manager said, he didn't care about Set's emotion and complains he's already used to it.

 He continued " He has been good to you. Besides, lately, you haven't been getting good roles. Maybe it's time for you to take action. You've done it before, so what's the difference now? Do you want to see Yanna surpassing you again before you make a move?"

Upon hearing the Manager's serious encouragement, Set realized there might be some truth to his words. If he didn't do anything, Yanna would make a comeback eventually. Set knew how talented Yanna was, so the only way to bring her down was by tarnishing her reputation. Since she didn't have many fans, it would be easier to manipulate public perception.

After weighing the pros and cons, Set agreed with his manager and asked him to arrange a meeting with their boss.

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