My Movie Queen - Chapter 82

Published at 10th of June 2024 10:33:24 AM

Chapter 82

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  After Melody and Maya left the group call, Yanna and Vanessa also left to have a private video call with each other. Vanessa knew what Yanna needed now. "You mentioned before that you were going to enter Dream Entertainment, remember?" 

"Yes," Yanna answered. Then she remembered saying before that she wanted to have the freedom to make decisions about the projects she would work on and not to work as much as she did before.

 Yanna realized how naive her thoughts were at that time. Maybe it was because the consequences of her relationship with Vanessa hadn't come to her mind so she could say such naive words. Now, reality is different. For Vanessa and for their future, she has to work hard and not demand anything. Any help she needs has to be accepted.

"I know you told me not to do anything, but please let me help you," Vanessa said.

Yanna knew that Vanessa was worried and concerned about her. Such a kind and loving person, Yanna couldn't help but be more fascinated by Vanessa. Yanna smiled tenderly. "Okay, Honey~."

"Don't worry- ...huh?" Vanessa asked, as if she didn't hear clearly.

Yanna giggled. "I agree with you. Help me this time, and I'll prove my worth to them."

"Great. I believe in you. When will you finish?" Vanessa felt excited and happy but still had a calm expression.

"If everything goes smoothly, then in 4 months."

"I want to make a visit. I miss you~."

"We talk every day. Do you still miss me?" Yanna asked playfully.

"What? Don't you miss me? We only talk over the phone," Vanessa pouted, feeling aggrieved. She missed Yanna so much, but because both of them had busy schedules, they couldn't meet. They could only talk over the phone. Although it's fine, but still, she wanted to see her, touch her, hug her, and possess her

Yanna covered her mouth from screaming and her eyes widened when she saw Vanessa pouting and looking aggrieved. "You're so cute, baby~."

"Don't change the topic!" Vanessa blushed from Yanna calling her baby, but she wouldn't let her get away with just calling her affectionately.

"Okay, don't be angry, baby~. Of course, I miss you so much. I want to hug you every day if possible. Also, you can come anytime. Just cover yourself and inform me in advance when you come. I love you so much," Yanna coaxed Vanessa gently.

Vanessa blushed even more and felt embarrassed, but in front of Yanna, she couldn't hold back her emotions. "You said that... tomorrow I'll come."

"Okay," Yanna smiled.

"En, take a good rest. Good night. I love you too," Vanessa said with longing in her eyes.

"Good night," Yanna replied.

Yanna informed Melody that Vanessa might come tomorrow since not long ago she told Melody about her relationship with Vanessa. She didn't want to hide it from the people she trusts. Besides, sooner or later, anyone close to them would find out.

After sending a message to Melody, she remembered sending an anonymous message to someone. This person is intense and has a powerful background with possessiveness. She's also part of Oliver's harem in the novel.

She's the last one in Oliver's harem. She's a childhood sweetheart of Oliver, but she went abroad at the age of 8. However although she's young she knew she likes Oliver, and going abroad doesn't mean she would forget the person she likes instead her feelings grow stronger. Even when she differentiated into an Omega in order to help Oliver in the future, she studied hard and fought her brothers and sisters until she became the heir. After stabilizing her position as the head of the family, she went back the country to meet Oliver again. She knew what was going on around Oliver and still had a connection with him.

However, she doesn't know anything about Oliver's harem. She only found out when one of those women got pregnant and Oliver spent more time with that person. That's when she investigated carefully. She quarreled with Oliver, but Oliver managed to coax her by lying, saying it was an accident and he didn't have feelings for the person only wants to take responsibility for the child. She was angry and could only hurt those women and stop Oliver from seeing them.

Yanna stood up and looked outside the window. The moon was bright and beautiful, and everything was in place now.

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