My Movie Queen - Chapter 83

Published at 10th of June 2024 10:33:23 AM

Chapter 83

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  Early the next morning, Yanna have her breakfast before heading to the set. She first greeted the director before making her way to the dressing room. Not long after, Melody entered with a bright smile, clearly something good had happened.

Yanna looked at Melody curiously and asked, "So, what's making you so happy?" 

"Is it that obvious?" Melody replied, while touching the corner of her lips. 

Yanna chuckled and said, "Yeah, you're glowing like a flower in bloom. Are you in love?" 

"Well, you're right and wrong about that. I'm not in love, but our career is about to bloom!" Melody said.excitedly, unaffected by Yanna's sound of teasing and clearly in a good mood. 

Curious, Yanna asked, "Then may I ask what has got you so excited?" 

Melody paused for a moment, then replied with a mischievous smile, "Just this morning, someone sent me an email claiming to be the President's secretary of Dream Entertainment. They want to talk to us about joining their company as contracted artists." Melody peeked at Yanna's reaction and, as expected, saw shock written all over her face. She grinned widely, waiting for Yanna to recover in few more seconds

Yanna was indeed shocked, not because of the possibility of working with Dream Entertainment, but because she was amazed at how fast Vanessa had made a move. They had only spoken last night, and yet there were already results. 

Yanna smiled, thinking about how to reward her lovely girlfriend. She replied, "That's great news indeed. Do you want me to go with you to talk to them?" 

Melody felt a tinge of disappointment as she realized how quickly Yanna had recovered from her shock, as if it had been an illusion. She calmed down and sat beside Yanna, saying, "My plan is to go alone since you still have some scenes that need to be done. We can't delay the others because of this. It's our first job so far, we need to impress them and not to cause trouble, and it wouldn't be good to hold it up. So, if you trust me, just leave it to me." 

" You're right, well, I trust you. By the way, I mentioned last night that she would come later. Can you take care of it for me?" Yanna patted Melody's shoulder and checked the time. 

Melody nodded reassuringly and said, "Yes, you don't have to worry about it. By the way, you're early today. Did you have breakfast?" 

"Yeah, yesterday the director asked me to rest early, so I came in early," Yanna replied. 

"I see. I thought you were too excited to see her again after a few months of not seeing each other. Anyway, take your time here. I'll just head out," Melody said.

"Okay," Yanna replied calmly.

'Crazy, am I that obvious? I just thought that if I finished my scene a little early today, I'd have more time to spend with Vanessa. I didn't expect Melody to be so sharp,' Yanna thought, feeling shy and embarrassed. Luckily, no one was around yet, so no one saw how red her face had become.

It didn't take long for Yanna's scene to start. She was so stable and focused that the people around her were amazed. Even with the new scandal going around, Yanna didn't show any discomfort. Instead, she became even more energetic for some reason.

Everyone around could feel Yanna's enthusiasm. Although she was always the same, her enthusiasm today was greater. She always had a smile on her face even just by looking at the script, which was unusual. Even other actors were also infected by her energy.

Alice got curious. During the lunch break, she walked over to Yanna's table, lightly knocking to get Yanna's attention. She asked, "Is something good happening?"

"Hm? Ah, yes," Yanna was momentarily flustered. She had been interrupted from her thoughts and asked suddenly by Alice. They usually didn't talk on set unless it was work-related, so it was kind of new to her to be asked out of nowhere by Alice.

"What could it be? Haha, your energy and aura today are on another level, which makes me curious," Alice asked casually.

"Oh, it's nothing. Melody just said she was contacted by a company that wants to sign us, which made me feel better today," Yanna said calmly. She didn't lie because it really was good news, and it was reasonable for her to be more motivated.

Alice looked carefully at Yanna. Although she felt like that wasn't all there was to it, she could only accept it. Then an idea sparked in her mind. "That's really good news! Congratulations. How about dinner tonight? I'll ask the others too."

"Ah, that... I'm sorry, but I already have plans for tonight," Yanna apologized sincerely.

Yanna appreciated Alice's good intentions, but she had already made plans with Vanessa. Besides, she couldn't tell Alice about Vanessa's visit. If she mentioned it, she might not have any alone time with Vanessa. Vanessa was the jealous type of girlfriend, so if she brought Alice along to say hello, Yanna could already imagine the punishment she would receive. The last time at the banquet, she had made a lot of mistakes that angered and made Vanessa jealous. Thankfully, Vanessa had forgiven her later, but if she did something wrong again, even if it was unintentional, Vanessa might not be as forgiving.

"Is that so?" Alice felt disappointed, but she still couldn't let go. Yanna's scenarios might end earlier than expected if she didn't do something she might miss her again," How about tomorrow?"

"That... I'm not sure. I'll invite you when I'm available, okay?" Yanna genuinely felt sorry. She couldn't say yes because she didn't know if Vanessa would stay or not. And just to be safe, she could only apologize to Alice.

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