My Movie Queen - Chapter 84

Published at 10th of June 2024 10:33:22 AM

Chapter 84

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   After finishing her scenes for the day, Melody informed Yanna that there was someone waiting for her at the hotel.

 "Vanessa is here. She's been waiting for you," Melody whispered to Yanna with a knowing smile.

Yanna's heart skipped a beat. She was surprised that Vanessa came much earlier; she expected her to come at least 6 in the afternoon. Yanna quickly gathered her things and hurried to the hotel where Vanessa was waiting, she smile and nod to everyone she met along the way even to Alice who wants to say few more words with her was speechless.

Alice clenched her fist, she already has an idea why Yanna is acting weird but she can't accept it she just hope she's wrong, after not seeing Yanna's back anymore she went to Director's place 

When Yanna arrived at the hotel room, she found Vanessa sitting on the balcony, enjoying the views and sipping a glass of juice. 

Vanessa heard footsteps she turn her head to look and she smile sweetly upon seeing Yanna.

Yanna stand still and unconsciously biting her lips feeling emotional, she's so happy to see her again after a long time, she misses Vanessa so much that she wants to cry but she can't, she wants to hug her so tight as soon as she see her, she also wants to talk to her about a lot of things, but she's worried that Vanessa might be tired, and her excitement might hurt Vanessa if she rushed, and having these feelings is new to her, she look at Vanessa with helpless look and longing.

Vanessa stared at Yanna intensely, just looking at her she knew Yanna is having a conflict with heaven and earth again. In the end she stood up and walked towards Yanna with peach pheromones leaking from her. She tried to hold back but not seeing Yanna for a few months even with a video call every night still makes her crave for her. And she knew just like her Yanna might be feeling the same way after all they are lovers on the initial stage where they only want to be together a stick with one another.

Vanessa wrap her arms around Yanna's neck, she didn't say anything just by looking at each other she knew what will happen next, she smile seductively inviting the person she love the most.

Yanna watch Vanessa until she's few centimeters away from her, she can feel her hot breath, her arms that like a silk wrapping around her, the scent of peaches that invites her, Yanna's mind went blank and throws everything she's holding and kiss Vanessa intensely. The wine pheromones slowly blended with peaches.

Little by little with their every breath and move a piece of clothes will, Yanna carried Vanessa to the bed still kissing her while Vanessa quickly remove every clothes on their body.

Yanna kiss Vanessa and said in few breathes," I miss you so much honey~,"

"umm~ .. let me.. see how much you miss me, baby~" Vanessa replied taking Yanna's hand to her body

Seeing her full of longing and lust Yanna didn't hold back anymore, she move her lips kissing every part of Vanessa's body giving them love and attention, the intertwined breathing, gasps and moans echoed throughout the room.

They both feel it and go crazy until they get tired and fell asleep.

Yanna was awakened by hunger, and when she look at the time it's already 7 in the evening, she immediately sit up but then she remembered what happened, she looked down at herself with nothing on and still few bite marks especially to her abdomen. Then she looked to her side looking at Vanessa with nothing on too, she blushed and hide her face with her hands. 

She didn't expect to be carried away but she didn't regret it, she's just worried to Vanessa since it's her first time and if she remembered correctly she temporarily mark Vanessa. 

Yanna gulped and didn't know what to do until warm hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her back to the bed. 

"Honey~ " Vanessa said weakly.

"What's wrong?" asked Yanna, worriedly.

"My waist hurts~ " Vanessa said, aggrievedly with her weak voice.

"Then I'll massage it for you, okay?" Yanna did as she was told, carefully touching Vanessa's waist.

"My whole body hurts~ " Vanessa said again, enjoying Yanna's service. Then Vanessa climbed on top of Yanna.

"Okay, baby, I'll give you a full massage," Yanna said.

" I'm thirsty," Vanessa said, acting like a baby to Yanna.

Yanna looked tenderly at Vanessa and smiled, "Alright, I'll get you some water."

Yanna carefully let Vanessa drink water, then Vanessa hugged Yanna again while Yanna put the glass aside and carefully massaged Vanessa into a more complicated position.

Yanna looked carefully at Vanessa and, seeing her frowning, she became worried again. "Baby, what's wrong?"

Vanessa looked at Yanna like a child who had been wronged, "...I'm hungry."

"Then I'll order, okay?"


"You wait for me here, it won't take long," Yanna said.

Vanessa nodded and allowed Yanna to order. After a few minutes, she sat up, ready to go out, but Yanna came in time.

"Why did you take so long?" Vanessa asked.

"Sorry, I got thirsty, so I drank some water first."

"Oh, okay. Then come here quickly," Vanessa said.

Yanna didn't know what was wrong with Vanessa, but she still did as she was told.

"Honey, are you feeling okay?" Yanna asked worriedly.

Vanessa got shy and blushed, remembering that she had taken the initiative earlier. But seeing Yanna's concern for her made her feel good.

"My body just hurts, and I'm a little hungry."

"I see, that's good."

"Hug me, I miss you so much~," Vanessa said, opening her arms.

Yanna took Vanessa into her arms and fixed her silk white hair, kissing her lips gently, unlike earlier. This kiss only lasted for a few seconds, but it was enough for Vanessa to feel Yanna's love for her. She smiled sweetly and hugged Yanna.

"Honey, I love you," Yanna said, getting an idea.

"I love you too," Vanessa said with a smile.

"Then let's go get a certificate," Yanna blurted.

"Huh? What?" Vanessa felt she hadn't heard correctly.

Yanna held Vanessa's face and slowly repeated her words. "Let's get a certificate."

"Now? Are you serious?" Vanessa was dumbfounded, but excited at the same time.

"Honey, I know it's sudden, but I promise in the future I'll give you the best wedding ever, and announce to the world that you're the woman I love. However, for now, we can only ask for a certificate first. I promise to protect you, support you, love you, laugh with you, cry with you, always be with you, and never leave you. So, Ms. Vanessa Rodriguez, will you marry me?" Yanna said sincerely, with worry and expectation in her eyes.

Vanessa was shocked at first, and tears slowly slid down her cheeks as she listened to Yanna's words of love and promises. When Yanna asked her to marry her, she cried. It hadn't been too long since she and Yanna became a couple, but they were at the right age to get married. She was aware that Yanna had a lot of plans ahead, and she might become a stumbling block if she agreed to Yanna. However, just like Yanna, she also wanted to be with her. This time, she wanted to be greedy and selfish.

Vanessa smiled with tears and said, "If you're going to ask me, there should also be a ring, right?"

Yanna felt nervous when Vanessa didn't answer her immediately, but her nervousness was swept away when Vanessa asked her. After that, she quickly took her bag and retrieved a black box.

Vanessa was shocked again by the ring. She was just joking, but she didn't expect there to be a real ring.

"You're quite prepared, aren't you?" Vanessa asked.

"When I went to a tourist spot, I saw a small jewelry shop. At first, I just looked around, but when I saw this ring, I thought at that time that I should buy it and ask you to marry me," Yanna explained.

Vanessa smile and stretch her left hand to Yanna," You did a good job, and as a reward I'll accept your proposal," 

Yanna slowly puts the ring to Vanessa's ring finger, and kisses it. Vanessa smile and hugs Yanna with satisfaction and joy.

However the sweet atmosphere didn't last long and was disrupted by hotel service staff bringing in the food. 

Yanna looks at the food then she carefully prepares it so Vanessa can just eat in the bedroom.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!