My Perfect Life - Chapter 4734

Published at 29th of October 2021 10:02:45 AM

Chapter 4734: 4734

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"Forget it. Go back to the house first. Sister Bixiao is still waiting for me to save her."

Zhao Gongming shook his hand, rolled up a black wind, and entered the black tiger ridge with Shen Lang, Yunxiao fairy and Qiongxiao fairy.

The black tiger ridge covers an area of about 100000 Li. In the center of the lake is a large lake with a radius of thousands of Li. In the center of the lake stands an altar,

The altar is shaped like a pagoda palace, solemn and solemn, with high fire and candles and strong incense flavor. It is dedicated to a statue of Tongtian cult leader, which is lifelike and similar to a real person.

It is quite different from the Tongtian cult leader Shen Lang imagined. The statue of Tongtian cult leader in the altar looks like a young man, with a cold look and profound dignity.

The statue of Tongtian cult leader is wearing a green and white Taoist robe, holding a dust brush in his right hand, holding a blue jade Ruyi in both hands, wearing a gold hairpin, carrying a long sword, a jade flute, a fishing drum and a treasure umbrella, and hanging a variety of treasures such as jewels, bells, flags, gourds and cloth bags around his waist.

From the costume of the statue, the leader of Tongtian cult is like a nouveau riche

In fact, this is quite in line with the positioning of Tongtian cult leader, because Tongtian cult leader is known as "Lingbao Tianzun", which originally means that there are many treasures.

Of course, the treasures held by the statue of Tongtian cult leader are just the tip of the iceberg among his many immortal treasures.

Before entering the mansion, Zhao Gongming did not forget to bow down to the altar dedicated to the leader of Tongtian cult to express his respect and awe for his teacher.

It can be seen that Zhao Gongming is a very respectful person.

Yunxiao fairy and Qiongxiao fairy bowed down and bowed respectfully to the altar in the middle of the lake.

Shen Lang also said goodbye to him.

After finishing these, Zhao Gongming led Shen Lang into his mansion.

Zhao Gongming's mansion is located at the bottom of the central lake in heihuling. It is a water mansion.

The whole Shuifu building is quite luxurious, occupying almost half of the bottom of the lake. It is like a huge palace, black and gold all over. There are two black tiger spirit pets guarding the yard outside the house, which is as powerful as Luo Jinxian!

The furnishings in the Shuifu hall are quite simple. A soft couch is placed in the center of the hall. The unconscious Bixiao fairy lies on the soft couch.

Previously, Shen Lang used the glazed heart fire to dissolve the curse soul poison in Bixiao fairy's body as much as possible, but because her soul body still has a large number of fragments of blood melting magic knife, even the glazed heart fire can't eliminate the fragments of blood melting magic knife.

Shen Lang can only eliminate the soul poison curse caused by the fragments of blood melting magic knife as much as possible by sealing the glass heart fire in the soul of Bixiao fairy, so as to prolong her life.

After such a long time, Shen Lang's glass heart fire previously sealed in the soul of Bixiao fairy was almost exhausted. The life breath of Bixiao fairy began to weaken again, and it was visible to the naked eye that a trace of black gas began to overflow from its body surface.

"Shen Lang, next I will start to treat sister Bixiao. I need your cooperation." Zhao Gongming said straight to the point.

Shen Lang responded with a fist: "I don't know how master Zhao wants me to cooperate? I'll go all out!"

Zhao Gongming said bluntly, "it's very simple. You just need to continuously release the original flame sealed in sister Bixiao's body and eliminate the curse energy during my treatment."


Shen Lang nodded repeatedly and immediately came to Zhao Gongming's side, ready to cooperate with Zhao Gongming to treat Bixiao fairy.

"Shen Daoyou, your injury is not healed. Do you want to take some healing pills first? Little sister, here are some healing pills of good quality."

Seeing that Shen Lang was scarred all over, the cloud fairy was quite worried. She quickly took out some bottles from the storage ring and found some gold pills.

"I have it here!"

Qiongxiao fairy also turned out two healing pills and was about to hand them to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang waved his hand and refused: "the two fairies are kind to Shen. My injury is no longer serious. I don't need to take foreign things. These precious gold pills should be taken away by the two fairies."

Zhao Gongming tut said: "it's really the sun coming out in the West. Usually you're as cold as ice. Now you care about a man so much... Shen Lang boy, you have some skills!"

After that, Zhao Gongming smiled at Shen Lang.

"Master Zhao joked..."

Shen Lang was a little embarrassed.

"Brother Zhao, I'm just worried that Shen Daoyou may not be able to support during the treatment. Where do you want to go!"

As soon as these words came out, the cloud fairy looked a little embarrassed.

"Yes, yes!"

Qiongxiao fairy also echoed the answer, and her pretty face flushed slightly.

"Well, well, you don't have to be afraid. Can't I see it? Shen Lang is very tough. Don't paint a snake and add feet."

Zhao Gongming shook his head and shouted.

Yunxiao fairy and Qiongxiao fairy stopped talking and stepped back a few steps to avoid disturbing Zhao Gongming's spell casting.

Soon, Zhao Gongming began to treat Bixiao fairy.

He brushed his sleeve and rolled up a black wind. The black wind rolled up the Bixiao Fairy on the soft couch and floated in mid air.

Zhao Gongming patted the back of Bixiao fairy with his right palm.

With a dull sound of "bang", the soul of Bixiao fairy was slapped by Zhao Gongming and also floated in mid air.

Shen Lang was so shocked that he could easily shoot the spirit of Da Luo Jinxian from the flesh with external force. The means of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian was really different.

The soul of Bixiao fairy floats in mid air and can clearly observe the injury of the soul.

I saw a large number of fine and mottled wounds on the surface of Bixiao fairy's soul, and countless blood fragments were embedded in the surface of Bixiao fairy's soul, releasing curse energy as thick as ink.

These fragments of blood melting magic knife are the source of the power of curse.

Between the lightning and flint, the palm of Zhao Gongming crumpled a wisp of soul force, turned into a wisp of black wind, and evenly penetrated into the wounds around the soul of Bixiao fairy.

Zhao Gongming manipulates the black wind turned by his soul power, holding pieces of blood colored fragments, trying to pull the fragments out of the soul of Bixiao fairy!

This "treatment" method is really effective. The bloody fragments on the surface of Bixiao fairy's soul body are really pulled out by the black wind bit by bit, but in the process of pulling, the fragments breed a lot of curse energy due to the influence of external forces.

"Shen Lang, hurry up!" Zhao Gongming urged.


Shen Lang responded and immediately ran the glass heart lamp fire in his body. A large number of glass heart fire was played in his palm, covering the whole body of Bixiao fairy's soul.

"Boo, boo, boo!"

The gorgeous glazed flame dissolves the curse energy released by the blood fragments, and a large amount of black gas overflows from the soul of Bixiao fairy.

Not long after, with the efforts of Zhao Gongming, all the fragments of blood melting magic knife in Bixiao fairy's soul were removed.

Shen Lang urged the fire of the glass heart lamp in his body to the extreme, and tried his best to release a huge amount of glass heart fire to remove the curse energy involved in the soul of Bixiao fairy.

After completing this step, Shen Lang began to feel dizzy.

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