My Perfect Life - Chapter 4970

Published at 16th of March 2022 12:39:27 PM

Chapter 4970

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The other demon emperors also reacted and shouted at Shen Lang: "boy, open the door of the virtual world!"

Long zhantian was stunned at first, and then his asthma was about to attack. He roared: "can you animals have a little backbone? I tried my best to hold the demon soul. I asked you to kill the demon soul for me, not to escape!"

However, Feng Yu turned a deaf ear and continued to urge Shen Lang to move the key of the virtual world.

Although Shen Lang admires long zhantian's courage, it's already here. Running for his life is the safest choice.

Facing the urging voice of the demon emperors, he had no choice but to sacrifice the virtual ring again and urge it with all his strength.

The virtual ring emits a black aperture and goes straight to the top of the sky.


Between the lightning and flint, a loud noise came from the top of the sky.

The endless golden light suddenly appeared at the top of the sky of the virtual world, which impressively lit up the whole space of the virtual world.

The golden light released from the top of the sky became stronger and stronger, and finally turned into a golden gate!

The golden gate is full of the whole sky. It is large and boundless. It is in a semi open and closed state. The extremely complex golden runes on the surface release endless golden awns, which is amazing.

Sure enough, without the restriction of the seal, the door of the virtual world finally took shape!

"It's the gate of the virtual world!"

The demon kings were overjoyed.

"Boy, open the door of the virtual world!" Feng Yu roared with excitement.

Shen Lang infuses his whole body strength into the virtual ring.

"Buzzing, buzzing!"

The virtual ring constantly shoots out black circles and hits the door of the virtual world.

The door of the virtual world seems to be oppressed by a huge space. The door opens at an extremely slow speed. Endless faint light bursts out of the door and a huge suction force bursts out!

Because the suction is too huge, the space above the whole virtual world is violently distorted.

Countless rubble and broken walls around the square were sucked away by the opening of the door of the virtual world.

Shenxiao Island roared and trembled. Unexpectedly, it also began to move and fly to the door of the virtual world on the top of the sky.

Even the huge Shenxiao island can be sucked away. It can be imagined how exaggerated the space suction released by the door of the virtual world is!

This huge suction also instantly acted on all the monks present. Fengyu and other demon emperors were sucked by the suction released by the virtual world door.

Shen Lang was swept away by this suction uncontrollably.

The demon emperors originally wanted to escape from the virtual world. Instead of resisting this suction, they accelerated to the door of the virtual world.

However, when the demon emperors came to the open door of the virtual world, they found that the area connected by the door of the virtual world was not a human domain, but an interface crack!

It is precisely because of the interface crack that such a huge suction comes from the gate of the virtual world.


When the demon emperors saw the scene in the gate of the virtual world, they couldn't help taking a cold breath.

I didn't expect that what the ghost said earlier was actually true. If there were interface cracks in the virtual world, they were hidden in the door of the virtual world!

In fact, the virtual boundary war did lead to the damage of the virtual boundary interface and huge interface cracks.

At the cost of life, the goddess of Xihe sealed the interface crack in the door of the virtual world in order to prevent the space collapse of the virtual world.

Now the seal has been destroyed, and as soon as the door of the virtual world is opened, the interface cracks are naturally exposed.

Interface cracks are no more dangerous than space cracks, which are countless times more dangerous than the latter!

Fortunately, the four small worlds are connected to the human domain, not the star domain. The interface crack may not be so terrible, but it is still quite dangerous.

Even if the powerful person in the demigod realm rashly breaks into the crack of this interface, he may not be able to retreat all over.

"I'll take a step first. Please help yourself, Taoist friends!"

Feng Yu turned into a golden light and rushed into the gate of the virtual world.

The demon emperors, look at me and me. They have no choice now.

Although the interface cracks are extremely dangerous and easy to lose direction, it is much safer to escape into the interface cracks and find a way out than to continue to stay in the virtual world.

Without much hesitation, the demon emperors rushed into the gate of the virtual world.

"Shen Lang, come with me!"

Evil moon grabbed Shen Lang with one hand and pulled him into the gate of the virtual world.


Seeing all the demon kings escape, dragon zhantian yelled.

Although he was angry, he had no choice but to follow passively.

Long zhantian stopped releasing the Dragon chanting magic power, dragged his weak body and rushed into the door of the virtual world as fast as possible.

Less than half a second after he stopped casting, the young man in gold defeated the vortex of time and rushed out of the white light.

However, at this time, the dragon and the sky have rushed into the gate of the virtual world.

"Ignorant mole ants, really think they can escape?"

The young man in gold became angry and turned into a golden light and swept towards the door of the virtual world.


At the moment of entering the interface crack, Shen Lang's brain whirled around and felt an unbearable force of space tearing on his own flesh.

Even with the physical strength of Shen waves, it is still difficult to resist such an adverse force of space.

Within a breath, Shen Lang's flesh and skin were torn, his flesh and blood twisted, his bones snapped, and his internal organs seemed to have moved.

Just as he was about to lose his hold, a golden light enveloped his body.

The evil moon beside him releases the power of divine light and helps Shen Lang resist the power of space in the interface crack.

Although the fighting power of exorcism is not strong among the top ten demon emperors, it is very good at defending supernatural powers, and its defense means are not more than those of phoenix feather dragon and heaven.

"Thank you for your help!" Shen Lang was quite surprised and thanked again and again.

Xie Yue said bluntly, "you don't have to thank me. Thanks to you, little friend, for curing my hidden disease, the king has returned your favor."

If the evil moon had not recovered its heyday and fell into the crack of this interface, I'm afraid there would be death and no life.

"Don't say this first. See if you can close the door of the virtual world to prevent the demon from coming after you!" Evil moon urges Tao.


Shen Lang urged the virtual ring with all his strength and tried to close the door of the virtual world.

After trying several times, Shen Lang said helplessly, "no, the space in the interface crack is too disordered. The key of the virtual world releases its power and can't communicate with the door of the virtual world at all."

"Only by crossing the interface crack and reaching the human domain, may we be able to reverse control the virtual boundary gate and close it..."

Shen Lang hasn't finished yet.

"Boom, boom!"

A violent roar suddenly came from the twisted dark space behind.

I saw a golden light rushing from the twisted darkness. It was the young man in gold.

"No, the demon is coming. Let's go!"

The evil moon was so frightened that she immediately turned into a real body to ward off evil spirits, rolled up a golden storm, and quickly fled away with Shen waves.

Shen Lang's face was like earth. He thought it was too unlucky, right?

Logically, the space in the interface crack is disordered, and the friars entering the crack should randomly appear in a certain area of the space.

The demon soul can find it so quickly. It must appear very close to them.

Coincidentally, the demon soul originally wanted to kill the dragon and the sky to vent his anger, but unexpectedly, it unexpectedly came near the location of Shen Lang and evil moon.

Compared with the perishable dragon and sky, the demon soul is more interested in Shen Lang and decides to catch the boy first.

"Boy, stay for the emperor!"

The golden magic eye in the middle of the golden robed youth's eyebrows locked Shen Lang and rushed over at nearly twice the speed of exorcising evil spirits.

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