My Perfect Life - Chapter 4976

Published at 4th of April 2022 10:58:54 AM

Chapter 4976

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The purple golden dragon, which was surrounded by the blood color escape light, changed back to human form.

Don't make fun of Shen Feng, who is so weak that he will make fun of me. He will be shocked when he looks at me

Having been cheated by the magic magic, long zhantian decided that the Phoenix glass in front of him must have been changed by the magic.

The evil moon cried and said, "it's not a magic trick, dragon Taoist friend. This is the real elder Fengli, not the ghost."

In order to prevent the misunderstanding between the dragon and the sky, Xie Yue explained it briefly.

Learning that the demon soul was solved by Shen Lang, long Zhan Tian was stunned and couldn't return to God for a long time.

"You... You really think I'm a three-year-old kid. It's easy to cheat? Although I don't know what your purpose is, you can't confuse me!"

After that, dragon Zhan Tian's purple and golden light will explode his demon spirit.

Fengli threw out a nine color light and imprisoned the dragon and the sky. Leng hum: "you descendants of the dragon family are really stupid. You haven't inherited the wisdom of your parents."

"Think of the battle of the empty world in those years. Your father fought as a military commander. He has a seed. Even if he was captured by the demon clan, he would rather die than surrender. Although he died, he was still proud."

Dragon Zhan Tianxin was shocked and said, "are you really elder Fengli? Younger generation, dragon Zhan Tian, have you seen elder Fengli."

If the Phoenix glass in front of her is really disguised, she will never know about her father's past.

"It doesn't matter. Since you have been saved, just stay honest and don't hinder me!" Feng Li lifted the ban on long Zhan Tian.

Shen Lang didn't want to stay in the interface crack. His right hand turned into a bloody claw like a mountain and attacked the barrier of the interface crack with the potential of splitting the sky and the earth.

"Boom, boom!!!"

The bloody claw broke out like a sea of blood, and forcibly tore a huge hole in the interface crack.

The gap emits a dazzling white light.

Dragon Zhan Tian's face showed surprise. Just now he tried his best and couldn't make a gap in the interface crack.

Although it's also because of his poor state and unable to give full play to his real strength, this boy is just an understatement. He can be so powerful against the sky. It's not simple!

Is this man really the messenger of the virtual world in the mouth of the evil moon?

The contrast between before and after Shen Lang made long Zhan Tian feel at a loss.

Shen Lang tore open the gap and continued to roll up a hiding light. With Feng Li, long zhantian and Xie Yue, they left the interface crack.


The outside world, the endless deep sea, is performing a wonderful drama.

The time point when Shen Lang opened the door of the virtual world was roughly before the time of incense.

At that time, the huge virtual gate suddenly appeared over the endless deep sea, bursting out with dazzling golden light.

The magnitude of the movement is more exaggerated than the coming of the omen.

The demon army gathered in the endless deep sea was disturbed one after another.

A large number of black spirit boats and warships of the demon clan gathered and rushed to the location of the virtual world gate.

Not only the endless deep sea, but also several continents bordering the endless deep sea can clearly observe the vision of the virtual gate.

After discovering the gate of the virtual world, the powerful devil sitting on several nearby continents immediately used the space of the demon family to transmit the precious beads to the endless deep sea.

A total of nine powerful demons were present and gathered under the gate of the virtual world.

However, although the door of the virtual world appears, it is still in a closed state.

Several demons tried all kinds of methods, but they couldn't open the door of the virtual world.

When they were at a loss, the door of the virtual world opened by itself and flew out several amazing escape lights.

Ironically, those who escape from the light are not others, but demon emperors such as Fengyu who escape from the virtual world.

Several demons naturally refused to let Fengyu and other friars go. They mistook each other for enemies, and the two sides fought.

Fengyu and other demon emperors complain incessantly in their hearts. Unexpectedly, the human domain is also so not peaceful.

The strength of the demons who surrounded them was not weak, and all of them held the top demonic holy wares. After fighting with the demon emperor for a while, Fengyu soon fell into a disadvantage.

Originally, Fengyu and the demon emperor tried their best and still had a chance to escape.

However, these powerful demons were worried that the group of demon emperors with unknown origin would escape, sent a signal for help, and informed the demon family commander in charge of the eastern territory "Qianying demon" to come to support.

After fighting for a while, the Taotie demon emperor collapsed and was almost killed.

The rest of the demon emperors were also scarred.

When the demon soul of Taotie demon emperor is about to escape.

"You'd better leave it for me!"

A deep hoarse voice resounded through the world.

Then, a strange black wind swept the world, and the body of the demon emperors suddenly stagnated and was difficult to move.

The demon spirit of the Taotie demon emperor who tried to escape was firmly grasped by a black claw falling from the sky.

A tall devil in a black flame and a black cloak landed slowly, holding the demon spirit of the gluttonous demon emperor in his right hand.

No matter how the demon spirit of the gluttonous demon emperor struggles, they can't get rid of each other's palm, just like a seven inch snake.

"I've seen the thousand shadow demon."

The demons saluted the demon in black cloak one after another.

The thousand shadow devil in front of him has the royal blood of the devil Kingdom and is one of the top ten devil statues in the devil kingdom. His cultivation has reached the divine source, and his hierarchical status is obviously one level higher than that of ordinary devil statues.

"What happened here?" The thousand shadow devil asked coldly.

"Report to the thousand shadow demon, this endless sea area shows signs, showing a door to space. This group of demons with unknown origin entered the human domain from the door of space, which may be from the virtual world that the great emperor fought in that year!" A demon zunhui reports.

"Virtual boundary?"

The thousand shadow devil glanced at the huge empty door above his head, revealing a thoughtful look.

He was also too lazy to think too much, and directly searched the soul of the gluttonous demon emperor demon spirit held in his hand.


The demon spirit of the gluttonous demon emperor screamed like a heart breaking lung and roared at Fengyu: "brother Fengyu, save me..."

However, before his voice fell, he was crushed by the claw of the thousand shadow devil.

The demon spirit collapses in an instant, and the gods and forms are destroyed!

Looking at this frightening scene, the demon emperors showed their horror one after another.

Feng Yu was the first to resist the pressure and knelt down on the spot and surrendered: "I have no intention of being an enemy of the demon clan. I am willing to surrender to the demon clan!"

Seeing Fengyu surrender, Taotie demon emperor was killed, and several other demon emperors were instantly discouraged.

"I... I am willing to surrender!"

"Beg the demon family to spare my life!"

"I'm willing to explain everything. Spare my life!"

Several other demon emperors knelt down and begged for mercy.

The thousand shadow devil said coldly, "take them back. After all, they are the demon emperor. They are still useful to my demon family."


Several demons bound Fengyu and others and were about to take them away.

Just then.


The door of the virtual world above the sky roared again.

A powerful blood light flew out of the opening of the virtual world door and instantly startled all the demons present.

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