My Perfect Life - Chapter 5010

Published at 28th of July 2022 04:57:01 PM

Chapter 5010

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In an instant, Shen Lang bumped into a forbidden light curtain at the edge of the Dragon abyss.


With a loud noise, the white light around the Shen wave quickly turned into a white vortex.

The white vortex carries an indescribable force of time and space, forcefully crushing the light curtain and breaking the seal.

Shen Lang rushed out of the gap and successfully broke away from the seal of long yuan.


"Bang bang!!!"

The chaotic space over Longyuan suddenly burst into flames, which swept the sky and the earth.

The scorching fire instantly rendered the whole sky red and gold, and the terrifying heat wave burned the thousands of miles of space.

In the overwhelming fire and golden light, a huge golden divine bird rushed out!

The divine bird is burning a golden flame all over its body, with a golden crown on its head. The golden plumes above and below its body release a golden flame that penetrates the sky. Its posture is dignified and magnificent, and frightens the world.

"Don't go!"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi turned into a chaotic Jinwu, breaking the chaotic space. His mind locked in the escaping Shen waves and spewed out a huge golden sun.

"Bang bang!!!"

I saw that the terrible golden sun broke with the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon turned upside down and flew towards the escaping Shen lang. the violent movement was like a planetary explosion, and the harsh roar was frightening!

Seeing that the golden sun has locked the Shen wave, it seems that it will fly out of the Longyuan barrier in the next moment.

"I am your opponent, hairy bird!"

ZuLong dashed out boldly, shook the dragon's tail, and set off a tumbling white light to hit the golden sun.


It was another landslide like roar. The golden sun burst under the impact of ZuLong and Longwei, and the endless golden light and flame exploded.

The destruction energy from the golden sun tore the dragon tail of ZuLong out of countless wounds, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Rao is so, ZuLong still braved the burst and scattered sun fire, and rushed to the chaotic Jinwu incarnated by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Between the lightning and flint, ZuLong wrapped the body of chaos Jinwu like a python, and controlled the action of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

"Evil dragon, with your weak body, you also want to stop the emperor?"

"Since you are determined to die, the emperor can help you!"

The Eastern Emperor shouted loudly, and endless sun fire poured out all over his body.

The dazzling golden fire engulfed the space, and burst out a powerful force like destroying the universe, as if it could annihilate all things in the world.

Rao is ZuLong. He can't resist the fire. His huge body is actually burning bit by bit. His flesh and blood are slowly being burned to ashes by the dazzling fire!

"Hahaha, the hairy bird, even if I die, I will never let you live!!!"

ZuLong knew that his lamp had run dry, and he had no scruples in his heart.

In the crazy laughter, ZuLong was full of endless white light. For a time, he overshadowed the golden flame released by the chaotic Jinwu, and finally burst!


At this moment, the sky seemed to fall.

The white light that destroyed the sky and the earth rose from the sky over the Longyuan, and continued to spread outward from the center. Tens of millions of miles of space, including the whole Longyuan, collapsed and blew up.

The sky is so white that even the sun, moon and stars seem to be swallowed up.

This frightening scene can be called the apocalyptic disaster!

ZuLong used up his last remaining magical power to explode the yuan God. The explosive power made the space within tens of millions of miles return to chaos.

However, after one strike.

In the vast white chaotic space, a violent and crazy roar suddenly rang out: "evil dragon, do you really think that you can inflict heavy damage on the emperor by exploding your weak yuan God? That's naive!"

In the chaotic space, a violent golden light suddenly flickers.

When you look at it, the golden light is a golden bell that blocks out the sky and the sun!

Chaos Jinwu hides in the golden bell, and his body is intact.

It turned out that at the moment when ZuLong exploded the original God, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi offered his religious relic, the Eastern Emperor bell!

With the protection of the Eastern Emperor's bell, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi escaped the self explosion of the yuan God ZuLong, and said with a grim smile: "evil dragon, don't you forget that the emperor's spirit bell is the strongest defense magic weapon in the world!"

When he was secretly proud of himself, a bright white light suddenly flickered in the chaotic sky.

At the moment when the white light appeared, ZuLong's sarcastic voice came from heaven and earth: "what can you show off, just a broken bell?"

"You have an artifact for preaching, and so does the emperor!"

The voice fell.

The white light in the sky turned into a dazzling white light bead, which was haunted with indescribable deep light, emitting a strange energy of primitive chaos.

"This is... Chaos bead!?"

The Eastern Emperor shouted out in surprise, showing an unbelievable look.

The so-called chaotic beads are the aggregates of chaotic energy at the beginning of the universe, which have the ability to change the universe and even the laws of heaven and earth!

"That's right. You are a hairy bird who knows the goods!"

"The emperor was conceived of chaos, and this chaotic pearl is the emperor's divine tool for preaching."

"Let's have a taste of the dragon ball of our destiny, ha ha ha!"

As soon as the voice fell, the dazzling light bead emitting a hazy white light fell from the sky and fell impressively on the Donghuang bell.


The terrible explosion can be called "the sky falls to pieces", making people tinnitus and deaf.

The chaotic golden crow in the Eastern imperial bell was dizzy instantly, and golden hot blood gushed from the mouth, nose and ears.

Even across a Donghuang bell, the power of the chaos pearl will still hit Donghuang too hard.

However, this is just the beginning.

The chaos bead burst after hitting the Middle East imperial bell for several seconds.

"Bang bang!!!"

The endless chaos divine light is like a huge wave, which devours all the huge Eastern imperial clocks.

After the Eastern Emperor clock had endured for a few seconds, the surface of the clock was cracked, and it was about to burst.


The Eastern Emperor was so shocked.

Once the Eastern imperial bell bursts, his physical strength may not be able to withstand the impact of chaos.

At a time when his life was at stake, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi exhausted his divine power and the power of the yuan God, and frantically poured power into the Eastern Emperor bell, bringing the defensive power of the Eastern Emperor bell to the limit!

In the end, the Eastern imperial bell survived the aftermath of the explosion of the chaos bead, but it was also riddled with holes.

The Eastern Emperor was badly hurt and became a human being.

After the attack, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's whole body was dripping with blood, and a large number of chaotic divine lights appeared at the wound, eroding his physical body, which was shaky in mid air.

"Evil dragon, the emperor really underestimated your ability, but... You lost after all!"

The Eastern Emperor looked up slightly, glanced at Shen Lang's escape direction, and said, "sooner or later, the egg of God will fall into the emperor's hands..."

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