My Perfect Life - Chapter 5012

Published at 28th of July 2022 04:56:59 PM

Chapter 5012

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"See God!"

All the people of the wood witch clan were scared to the ground by the powerful breath released by Shen Lang.

In the age of lich, the strong are respected. Although there are many capable people in this age, the friars at the level of heaven are also top-notch.

Shen Lang looked down at a group of Wu people below and said calmly, "you don't need to panic. I just want to ask you some questions."

"God ask me, I must know everything!" Yunke quickly replied.

Shen Lang nodded slightly and then asked, "what is this place on the ground and how far is it from the boundary of the Wu clan?"

Yunke was stunned and wondered why Shen Lang asked such a well-known question.

"Go back to God, this is the 'Eastern wasteland' at the junction of the Lich and the lich, surrounded by the sea. Out of this eastern wasteland, and then eastward across the boundless sea, it is the land boundary of the Lich." The middle-aged man explained.

"The eastern wasteland?"

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows and eyes.

He has read the place name in ancient books.

It is said in the book that the border between the Lich and the Lich in the Lich age is a sea area called the "boundless sea". There is a continent in the middle of the boundless sea, which is called the eastern wasteland.

This eastern wasteland is inhabited by countless witch beasts. It is a famous and dangerous Jedi in the witch age.

"There are many dangers here. Why did you step here?" Shen Lang asked.

Yunke hurriedly explained, "we, the wood witch clan, stipulate that every hundred years, all major tribes should pay a fixed amount of tribute to the wood temple. Because of years of war, the tribe where the younger generation belongs is very small, so they can't pay enough immortal stone tribute to the wood temple."

"In order to avoid being punished by the tribe, the younger generation led his people to the eastern wasteland to try their luck and look for some natural and local treasures as tribute to the temple."

"So it is." Shen Lang was relieved.

It seems that the Lich age is not so easy to mix.

Shen Lang then asked a lot of questions, and Yunke answered them all.

Thanks to this, Shen Lang almost knows the background information of the current era.

First of all, I came to the middle and late period of the Lich age.

The Witch and the demon forces carved up the real fairy world and divided the territory of the fairy world into two.

Taking the boundless sea as the dividing line, the witch nationality occupies the east of the fairyland and the demon nationality occupies the West.

The two ethnic groups have been fighting year after year.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi and his brother Dijun are in charge of the Lich clan, while the twelve ancestors are in charge of the Lich clan.

There are twelve factions in the Lich clan. Originally, each faction acted independently. Now the threat of the Lich clan is too great. The twelve factions formed an alliance to fight against the Lich clan.

The "Temple" in Yunke's mouth is equivalent to the main hall of the imperial palace of the twelve ancestors.

The zuwu who sits in the temple of wood is the "Jumang" of the twelve zuwu.

Shen Lang thinks that he wants to take refuge in the Wu clan. It's better to find an acquaintance.

Remembering that Nu Wa was a witch goddess, Shen Lang asked, "where are you

Yunke said, "the goddess should sit at the Pangu temple at the moment."

"Where is the Pangu temple?" Shen Lang frowned.

Yunke explained: "the Pangu temple is above the twelve temples and is the main temple of our Wu clan. The goddess has been the manager of the Pangu temple since she was born."

Shen Lang asked Nu Wa's identity and background carefully.

Although Yunke is somewhat wary of Shen Lang's identity, the information about the goddess is well known in the witch clan, and it is no secret. He simply told Shen Lang.

The origin of Nuwa must start from the Hunyuan era.

In the Hunyuan era, there were four major races of ancient humans: the witch race, the spirit race, the blood race and the soul race.

It is said that Nu Wa was the daughter of the "Huaxu" who was the first ancestor of the witch race, and Huaxu was the elder brother of the twelve witches. Pangu's blood also flowed in her body.

As the daughter of Hua Xu, Nu Wa inherited Pangu's blood, so she was honored as a goddess by the Wu clan, second only to the twelve ancestors.

Shen Lang is sure.

Since Nu Wa's status in the witch clan is so lofty, she should be able to help herself avoid being chased by the demon clan.

"I want to visit the Pangu temple. Can you recommend me to meet your witch goddess?" Shen Lang inquired.

Yunke was stunned for a moment, bent over and kowtowed: "it's not that the younger generation doesn't want to return to God, but that the younger generation has a low status and is not qualified to take you to the Pangu temple."

"Only the top level of the Wu clan is qualified to visit the Pangu temple. In addition, the Wu clan forbids foreign friars to enter the Pangu temple. It is extremely difficult for the God to go to the Pangu temple..."

Yunke said cautiously, fearing to annoy Shen Lang.

"Since I can't see the goddess, can you introduce me to your ancestors of the wood witch family? I want to have a direct conversation with your ancestors." Shen Lang said bluntly.

There is also a little power of Pangu hidden in the chaotic God stone in his body. Maybe he can lie that he is a descendant of Pangu in front of the twelve ancestors to win the trust of the other party, so as to enter the Pangu temple and have a dialogue with Nu Wa.

Although it is dangerous to do so, Shen Lang has no other way to think.

How can I say that I have nothing to do with the demon clan? Even if the twelve ancestors had concerns, they would not doubt that they were spies of the demon clan?

"This..." Yunke hesitated.

Although he is the Wu Zhu of the wood witch family and is qualified to enter the wood temple, he rashly took an unidentified alien to the temple

It's ok if nothing happens. If something happens, he can't bear the responsibility.

Shen Lang saw his worries and said bluntly, "let me be frank. I've been closed for many years. I didn't know many changes in the real fairy world until I left the Customs recently."

"Because I had a grudge against the demon clan in my early years, I wanted to go to your witch clan. I hope to see the ancestor of your wood witch clan and express my wishes face to face."

Yunke breathed a sigh of relief.

"If the above God's cultivation skills are willing to join our wood witch family, he should be able to get an interview from his ancestors."

"If God doesn't mind my junior's low accomplishments, I'd like to introduce you to the clergy of the wooden temple." Yunke said excitedly.

The Wu clan doesn't exclude casual cultivation. It would be a great achievement to recruit a monk of the level of heaven for the Mu Zhi Wu clan!

At that time, the temple will not only exempt their tribe from paying tribute, but may also receive quite generous rewards.

There may be some risks, but Yunke is willing to take a bet.

After all, Shen Lang doesn't look like a spy of the demon clan, and the demon clan has never sent a spy to sneak into the witch clan.

"Very good. Let's go now without delay."

The voice fell.

Shen Lang rolled up the blood light and surrounded many Mu Zhi Wu people in the valley. Then he rose up and took them to the East.

Even though Shen Lang intended to restrain his breath, the frightening breath released by the blood light still startled Yunke and a group of wood witch people.

After Yunke identified the direction, Shen Lang walked through at full speed.

Everywhere the blood light passed, the space was torn out, and the speed was extremely exaggerated.

As a Hunyuan Luo Jinxian, Yunke couldn't catch the flight path of blood light, and he couldn't help but wonder.

I felt that the God in front of me was better than the elders in the temple!

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