My Perfect Life - Chapter 5014

Published at 28th of July 2022 04:56:57 PM

Chapter 5014

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Unable to help himself, Shen Lang flew straight to Lei mountain in the sky.

Yunke's face was like earth, and he shouted hurriedly, "God, be careful!"

Knowing that the Lord of Tianlei mountain is Taigu leihuanglong, he has to rush hard. The God is too brave

Before Shen Lang got close to Tianlei mountain, an earth shaking roar came from Tianlei mountain:

"Who dares to trespass on the king's territory?"

As soon as the roar fell, the arc of Tianlei mountain surged, and the terrifying thunder was like a huge wave, sweeping towards the Shen wave.

Shen Lang did not dodge, and his blood rose, easily resisting the erosion of thunder.


A majestic and thick sound of dragon singing resounded through the heaven and earth, shaking through the clouds.

For a time, the sky changed color, dark clouds surged, lightning and thunder, and the whole Tianlei mountain was roaring and shaking!

A purple and gold dragon burst out of the Tianlei mountain.

The giant dragon winds and hovers in the sky, surging with a tumbling arc all over, and the suffocating sense of coercion sweeps around, making people's blood spray, creepy!

The people of the wood witch clan have never seen such a scene. They are so scared that their hands and feet tremble that they dare not breathe.

"Too... Too ancient thunder and bright dragon?!"

Yunke trembled uncontrollably all over, and was so shocked that he muttered this sentence in his mouth.

The breath emitted by the huge dragon in front of us has been so terrible that it can't be described.

Yunke felt like an ant looking up at the immortal god!

"Boy, who gives you the courage to disturb my cleaning?"

"Before the king is angry, leave here quickly, or you will bear the consequences!" Taigu leihuanglong looked down at Shen Lang, and his words were full of violence.

Shen Lang said with a faint smile, "Shen has no other meaning to come here, but he just feels... Your Excellency, rather than shrinking in Leishan to support the elderly on this day, would you like to submit to me and be my spirit beast?"

"Let me be your spirit beast? Hahaha!"

Taigu Lei Huanglong laughed angrily: "my king has been commanding this eastern wasteland for ten billion years, and I have never seen an ant as rampant as you!"

"Since you want to die, I will make you!"

The ancient Thunder Dragon was furious, and opened his mouth to the sky, emitting a powerful thunder beam.

In an instant, a big hole was broken in the sky!

For a time, heaven and earth split.

An endless arc of thunder light surged out of the space gap above the sky, pouring down like a towering wave and pressing down on the top of the Shen wave.


A loud noise like the collapse of heaven and earth, Shen Lang's tiny body was instantly swallowed and submerged by the endless arc of thunder light.

After the terrible thunder swallowed Shen Lang, it did not disperse directly, but turned into a huge thunder vortex, strangled Shen Lang's body repeatedly, and the power of the explosion was called heaven and earth extinction!

However, after Shen Lang was hit by the devastating thunder, not only his body was intact, but also the blood light spread all over him showed no sign of attenuation.


It turned out that the proud Taigu Thunder Dragon instantly showed a gaping expression.

His thunder drawing skill is a serious five level divine skill. Even if the God of Shenyuan realm gets this move, he will never retreat all over.

How can this boy be safe?

Taigu leihuanglong sent out his mind to observe carefully, and then found that there were torn bloody light blades in the blood light surging around Shen lang. it was these light blades that blocked all thunder powers.

"You... Who on earth are you?"

Tai Gu Lei Huanglong was shocked and angry. He finally reacted and hit a hard stubble.

"When you become Shen's spirit beast, you will naturally know who I am."

Shen Lang offered a silvery magic gun without expression.

It was the demon gun left by the Third Prince of the demon domain that year!

"Boom, boom!"

Shen Lang urged the demon gun to destroy the world, making the demon gun burst into a silver light that swept the sky and the earth.

The magic gun rolled up a huge silver vortex and instantly extinguished the incoming thunder.

This magic weapon left by the Third Prince of the demon domain is the supreme treasure of the heaven level. It is forged from the bones of ancient demon gods. The more powerful the demon monk is, the more he can exert the power of this gun.

Shen Lang, who devours the demon core of the great emperor of the demon domain, is equivalent to having a powerful demon blood in disguise, and can also exert the extremely strong power of this magic gun.

After Shen Lang broke the thunder, he took a killer gun and struck forward!


Accompanied by a huge noise, the silver vortex rolled up by the magic gun hit the thunder barrier outside Tianlei mountain, and forcibly blew a gap in the barrier.

Without barriers, Shen Lang rushed into Tianlei mountain and went straight to the swirling Thunder Dragon at the top of Tianlei mountain.

Seeing Shen Lang approaching rapidly, Taigu thunder and bright dragon roared and shouted, displaying its strongest magic power.

"Six levels of magic, thunder falling!"

The endless arc of thunder light gushed out of the Taigu leihuang dragon's body and turned into a thunder storm, covering the whole Tianlei mountain. The surrounding space was instantly destroyed by bombardment and turned into nothingness.

Countless thunder dragons emerged in the void space, opening their teeth and claws, and devoured the Shen waves.

Shen Lang waved his demon gun and defeated the thunder dragons.

But there are more and more thunder dragons in the space, and they can't be killed at all. Shen Lang is tired of dealing with it, and he simply releases big tricks.

"Six level magic, breaking sky blood blade!"

An avalanche of blood blades swept out of his body and defeated all the thunder dragons.

Shen Lang, who was promoted to the Shenyuan realm, cast his sky breaking blood blade to the level of the sixth level divine skill, which was even better than the ordinary sixth level divine skill.

Shen Lang protected himself with the sky breaking blood blade and flew straight towards the ancient Thunder Dragon.

No matter how Tai Gu Lei Huanglong exerts his magic power, he can't break Shen Lang's defense, and his face is in chaos.

In an instant, Shen Lang came to the Taigu leihuang dragon and poured a ray of the power of the original God into the magic gun, making the magic gun burst out an amazing silver light, and a huge silver comet condensed from the gun tip to cover the sky!


Accompanied by a thunderous sound, Taigu leihuang dragon was finally shot by the exterminator, and the huge dragon body was bloody and badly injured by the silver light.

Seeing the situation unfavourably, the Taigu Thunder Dragon roared upward and raised a circle of arc all over.

That arc is like a halo of constant acceleration, which actually stirs the force of space and time!

This Taigu leihuanglong tried to escape by using space escape!

"Want to go? It's not that easy!"

Shen Lang turned into a dark shadow blocking out the sun.

It swallowed up the body of the Taigu leihuang dragon with the momentum of lightning.


Taigu leihuanglong was terrified and struggled with all his strength.

The dark shadow turned into Shen Lang suddenly erupted into a huge devouring force, which instantly sucked away the divine power in the Taigu leihuang dragon!

The naked eye can see that the arc surging around the Taigu Thunder Dragon gradually weakens until it goes out.

Space escape failed.

The dark shadow clings to the body of the Taigu Thunder Dragon like a tarsal maggot, and threatens:

"You have nowhere to escape, be my spirit beast!"

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