My Perfect Life - Chapter 5016

Published at 28th of July 2022 04:56:55 PM

Chapter 5016

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The third prince Dongjun said in a deep voice, "in that case, there is nothing to hesitate. I will take this person down before he reaches the border of the Wu clan."

Red Star waved his arm and shouted, "everyone, the demon emperor asked me to wait. Be sure to intercept the celebrity monk when he arrived at the border of the Lich clan!"


The demon emperors responded one after another.

"Dimensional blockade!"

Hundreds of demon emperors on RIYUAN released dimensional blockade magic at the same time.

Colorful auras swept away in all directions like a tide.

Not long ago, hundreds of millions of miles of space was shrouded in dense and distorted light, and the space passage was completely blocked.

The coverage of the dimensional blockade has even extended to the border of the wood witch clan, and no space escape can cross this area.

However, the huge movement also caused the vigilance of the border guards of the wood witch clan.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The alarm bell at the border of the wood witch was sounded, and the harsh sound of the bell rang everywhere.

Near the coastline, there are many lights of defense and prohibition.

In less than ten seconds, dozens of defense arrays at the border of the wood witch clan were all started!

Qin Gang, the commander of the Mu Zhi Wu border garrison, rushed out of the Mu Zhi Wu border camp with an amazing blue light.

The commander of the garrison of the wood witch clan has a strange appearance. He has a bird face and a human body, wears green armor, has six wings on his back, and holds a blue spear. He has the highest cultivation of Shenyuan realm.

"The border garrison quickly assembled!"

Qin Gang shouted loudly, and the sound shook the sky!

In an instant, countless lights rose into the sky.

The Lich people in camps all over the coastline quickly gathered into a lich army. Under the leadership of Qin Gang, they came to the sky over the sea and faced off with the Lich army on the opposite RIYUAN.

Aware of the exaggerated demon emperor strongmen gathered on the RIYUAN, Qin Gang ordered the army to stay inside the defense array to avoid being attacked by the other party.

The confrontation between the two armies made the atmosphere tense in an instant!

Although the number of demon friars on RIYUAN was small, hundreds of demon emperors gathered.

This is quite a rare scene!

You know, the number of demon emperors in the entire dari temple is only more than a thousand, and a quarter of this breath is enough to make Qin Gang cautious.

In contrast, there are only 20 friars at the level of God in the border of the wood witch clan, and the combat power is extremely different.

Qin Gang fixed his eyes on the three demon princes standing in front of RIYUAN. His face was cloudy and sunny, and he shouted, "demon bastards, why violate my border?"

The Red Star Prince glanced at the large number of garrisons gathered at the border between Qin Gang and the Wu clan, and said contemptuously, "ignorant mole ants, the prince disdains to bully you weak people."

"The prince brought people here just to arrest a human monk who tried to escape to your clan. You'd better not hinder us from catching people, or you will bear the consequences!"

"Flee to my family?" Qin Gang frowned and asked tentatively, "what's the name of that man? What does it have to do with our family? Why do you want to arrest him?"

Si Feng, the second prince, scolded, "Why are you talking so much nonsense? If you don't want to die, just watch aside and don't interfere with our work!"

Qin Gang's face was suspicious. He couldn't understand what medicine was sold in these demon gourds?

Although the Lich clan and the Lich clan often have friction and fighting, most of them occur in inland areas, and generally fight for various resources.

Demon forces rarely have disputes with their wood witch clan.

It is mainly because the Lich clan territory of wood is separated from the Lich clan by a boundless sea. The Lich clan generally does not cross the boundless sea to attack the Lich clan territory of wood.

This time, the demon clan actually sent hundreds of demon emperors to surround the border of the wood witch clan, and it was the three princes of the demon clan who personally led the army.

This made Qin Gang feel a strong threat.

"There is something strange. Go and report it to the temple for help!" Qin Gang voiced an order to an adjutant on his side.


The adjutant responded and immediately withdrew.

Not long.


In the distance, a large amount of golden thunder suddenly fell from the horizon.

A huge purple golden dragon appeared in the sky over the sea. It was the ancient Thunder Dragon.

"What's going on?"

Shen Lang on the dragon's back frowned and asked when he saw that Taigu leihuanglong suddenly stopped.

"Back to the master, the space of the sea ahead seems to be sealed."

When Taigu leihuanglong tried to release his mind and perceive the trend in front of the sea.

Three extremely powerful thoughts suddenly enveloped the Taigu leihuang dragon. The terrible spirit pressure breath made the Taigu leihuang dragon stagnate, and his face showed a look of Horror: "is this?!"


Shen Lang also felt that he was locked by three powerful thoughts, and his face changed greatly. He shouted at Taigu leihuanglong: "we are being stared at, run away in the opposite direction!"

Taigu leihuanglong didn't know what happened. After hearing Shen Lang's urging voice, he immediately turned around and tried to use the space escape technique again to leave.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

"Stop the thief!"

"Now that the thief has appeared, we can't escape from our hands!"


In the distance, three thunderous cries broke out over the sea.

Then, three golden spots appeared on the horizon.

Looking intently, it turned out that the three princes of the demon clan turned into chaos and rushed towards Shen Lang.

The three chaotic Jinwu burst into golden light and fire sweeping the sky and the earth, sweeping the world.

The scorching fire instantly rendered the whole sky red and gold, and the terrifying heat wave shrouded the space tens of millions of miles in flames.

Shen Lang rolled up a large amount of blood light, withstood the impact of the fire, and would not be affected.

But the fire destroys the space channel, which is similar to the dimensional blockade magic, locking the nearby space.

"Master, the other party locked the space, and we can't go away!" Tai Gu Lei Huanglong shouted in horror.


Shen Lang smacked his mouth, looking extremely gloomy.

I didn't expect the minions sent by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to trace their whereabouts so quickly.

In the distance, three giant golden divine birds rushed out of the overwhelming fire and golden light!

The three golden divine birds are like three huge golden suns, emitting extremely hot red and gold brilliance. The strong light devoured and flooded all the scenery, illuminating the area thousands of miles around.

"Unexpectedly, they are the three princes of the demon clan!"

Tai Gu Lei Huanglong looked at the three chaotic Jinwu, and his face changed dramatically.

It was not only the three chaotic Jinwu that came after them. Hundreds of demon emperors followed behind the three chaotic Jinwu. The divine mind locked the Taigu leihuang dragon and Shen Lang on the dragon's back. It was obviously a bad comer!

Rao is a Taigu leihuang dragon who has seen the world, and he has never seen so many demon emperors gathered in one place. He can't help complaining secretly.

What disaster did my new master cause? Unexpectedly, it can attract so many demon emperors.

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