Published at 15th of May 2024 06:31:45 AM

Chapter 168: A Way to Solve the Invasion

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Chapter 168: A Way to Solve the Invasion

--- Chapter 165 ---

A few days later, Nox Alexandra watched Huo Yuhao fly away from the alliance base and go to the Black Pearl Castle. She waved her hands still, knowing he wouldn't be able to see her at this point.

"This is unlike you, Titania." She commented lightly.

"Why haven't you explained what it meant to become Valstrax's Inheritor to Theo? His Ancient Ink Bloodline is becoming strong each second and ultimately reaches your level soon."

"Also, stop hiding." Nox Alexandra's eyes shine in mystical purple light.

"Even though I'm an incarnation, my sense has reached the Divine Revelation stage. Alexandra is quite talented, after all."

A drop of ink appeared, turning into Titania von Valstrax with an annoyed expression on her beautiful face. "What do you want?" She responded indifferently.

"Nox Emperor... No, Raki. You promised me 7.900 years ago not to step into my territory unless something emergency happened. However, not only you broke that promise so easily, but you dared to spread your incarnation here."

"Tell me a reason for not attacking Everlith Palace now. It might take five years to reach that place, but my blood(ink) will always paint your domain in death." Titania's golden eyes focused on Nox Alexandra.

Nox Alexandra raised her hands in defeat and returned, "Aih, still the same as always are you, Titania."

"Take a chill pill for a second, can't you?"

With a smile, Nox Alexandra snapped her finger and created a stylish table and two chairs. She sat down and brewed tea, waiting for Titania to sit down too.

Titania sighed and reacted by sitting on the chair, making Nox Alexandra giggle in amusement. Accepting a cup of tea from Nox Alexandra, Titania took a sip and commented, "Tch, too bitter."

"Like your love life."

"Oh, we are just going straight to it, eh?" Nox Alexandra didn't mind the comment. "As for your statement, my love life bloomed recently."

"Pu-!" Titania spewed the tea in her mouth, staring at this pretentious woman with frowns.

"Y-You what??"

Ignoring Titania's shocked look, Nox Alexandra brushed her fellow devil's disbelief with a laugh. "Hehe, you see. Master Theo has claimed my heart through Alexandra. He dominated every inch of my soul, mind, and boy with his touches. Those touches are engraved deeply in me."

"And since I still have the Astral Link, all my incarnations and the main body are affected by it. I'm a little flustered, but we have definitely fallen in love with him."

"Stop joking!" Titania released the pressure that made the alliance base shake violently. Everyone thought it was an enemy attack, but the source came from Huo Yuhao's room.

After that, they ignored it, and some ladies were blushing hard. They believed Huo Yuhao had intense "workouts." in his room.

"I'm not joking." Nox-Alexandra firmly said. Her resolution creates a field that scatters Titania's pressure away.

"Theomars is my beloved master. I'll do anything for him, even handing over the Everlith Universe to him."

"And you have no right to decide this matter. It's all up to Master Theo, Titania."

"He didn't reject my advance nor my proposition to become Absolute Ruler of our Universe. Soon, he will become strong enough to handle both my and your title."

"Don't be selfish, Titania... You knew very well that Valstrax and Krolamine needed a suitable heir. None is better than Theomars himself."

"I don't want to share him with you." Titania countered while slamming her hand on the table.

"He'll be my heir."

"He'll be my partner."

"He'll be Valstrax forever."

"Remember that..." She glared while vanishing into thin air.

Nox Alexandra knew Titania could still hear her and declared, "Even though he'll be your partner. You didn't say anything about serving under him, no?"

"I would gladly take that position in the future."

"As for the Wife's position, let's see about that later... His affection will decide it."

"Scram!" A hateful roar echoed in the room. Well, it's more like a defensive kitten to Nox Alexandra.

Nox Alexandra chuckled, staring at the boundless blue horizon with a relieved gaze. Titania isn't hard to convince as she only appeared tough outside.

The Ancient Ink Devil is indeed soft-hearted.

[You have killed 99.873 Monsters]

"How many Monster Cores do I get?" Huo Yuhao asked, checking the underground briefly.


[Out of 99.873 earthworms, there are only 156 that dropped monster cores]

"Not bad. I can use half of the drops to increase everyone's strength in the Black Pearl Castle. It's about damn time to make them stronger, so the castle won't go down so easily." Huo Yuhao nodded in satisfaction.

"One problem solved from the reports."

Huo Yuhao used the Spiritual Link he established with Nox Alexandra and told her to lead some alliance warriors to subjugate this place. Monster Core will be a precious resource for them.

'Okay, Master~! I'll do it quickly!' The new servant responded sweetly, which made Huo Yuhao smile a little.

After taking the monster cores, Huo Yuhao continued his journey to the Black Castle and arrived 40 minutes later. Landing in the garden, the servant and guards greeted him warmly.

"Your Highness, you're finally back." Damian cried in happiness, which left everyone speechless.

Huo Yuhao pushed Damian away and responded, "Yeah, stop hugging me!"

"I'm only away for a couple of months. And my shadow warriors should be able to protect this castle without any problem."

"But we missed you~!" Damian responded dramatically, gaining a glare from everyone. This guy.

Huo Yuhao shook his head and said, "My clone told me you want to become stronger. I have something to solve it, but it doesn't mean you can slack on your cultivation."

Grabbing monster cores from his inventory, Huo Yuhao explained to everyone its effect upon consumption. He handed two monster cores each to everyone, knowing the 30% chance was low.

Telling them to absorb the cores immediately, Huo Yuhao went to his room with Damian.

"You can talk freely now, Damian. What's your concern?" Huo Yuhao leaned on the wall.

Damian cleared his throat and answered, "Yes, Your Highness."

The butler explained the Black Pearl Castle's living conditions for a few minutes and continued the monster wave's topic, telling Huo Yuhao that some monsters use the mine shafts under the castle to breed.

Not very surprised by it, Huo Yuhao kept listening to Damian's report and was startled when "Grand Marshal Mountain." suddenly got mentioned.

"Go back a few lines... What did you say?" Huo Yuhao asked meticulously.

"Uh... Grand Marshal Mountain?" Damian tilted his head.

Huo Yuhao nodded and confirmed, "Yes, that's it."

"Do you know where Grand Marshal Mountain is located?"

"Grand Marshal Mountain is located deep within the Eternal Black Ocean, submerged by tsunami thousand years ago. If we used Black Pearl Castle as the starting point, the mountain is around 9.000 miles away from here."

"This information is old, Your Highness. I get the gist of it after reading an old journal in the castle."

"Where is that journal?" Huo Yuhao raised his brows.

"In the library... You have not been there for almost two years." Damian smiled while telling Huo Yuhao to follow him.

And Huo Yuhao could only blame Theomars for sleeping all day in his bedroom. Arriving at the library, Damian picked up some books and placed them on the table.

"Here, the books used Ancient Language."

Huo Yuhao picked the book at the top and skimmed through the content quickly. Damian said it was Ancient Language, but he sees it more like English.

"This..." Huo Yuhao stopped at a particular line.

"Monster Race used the passage below the ocean to invade... It's one of their characteristics. This gate stabilized using the sacrifice of countless monster's life, causing the spatial fabric to become weaker slowly."

"To stop the gate, someone must close it from the other side."

"Who..." Huo Yuhao checked the book's last page and saw the author of this book.

"Grand Duchess Ink Devil..."

"Satanichia von Admante."


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