Published at 15th of May 2024 06:31:44 AM

Chapter 169: The Second Phase Started

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Chapter 169: The Second Phase Started

--- Chapter 166 ---

Black Pearl Castle's Library.

Huo Yuhao is lying on the floor with a deadpan expression, gazing at the ceiling emotionlessly. He has read everything in this goddamn library but found nothing about Satanichia von Admante. That woman is apparently Theomars' Grand Grandmother.

And there is also no record of her in the Admante Family. He commanded Alexy/Alexandra to check the Admante's Family Library but found no answer. Even in the secret chamber where all precious information and treasure are stored, Alexy told Huo Yuhao that "Satanichia's life biography." has long disappeared in history.

Huo Yuhao could have talked with Titania, but the Ancient Ink Devil ignored his call. "Fine, I'll do it myself." He told the butler to make a warm meal and bring it to his room.

Returning to his room, Huo Yuhao meditated before a window and used Universal Breathing Technique to circulate enhanced inner energy to his whole body parts.

After circulating his energy for the 100th Cycle, he stopped and breathed out, exhaling all the waste.

"This body has become self-sustained. As long as there is energy in the atmosphere, I can convert it into inner energy."

"I also possessed more than enough Soul Energy from Endless Black Ocean Art for emergencies." Huo Yuhao puffed smoke from his mouth, seeing the swirling waves pattern on it.

He suddenly remembered something and asked his system, "Evo, I'm technically... No, rightfully Black Pearl Castle's owner, right?"

[That's correct, host]

Knowing what he would do next, Huo Yuhao smiled playfully and opened his mouth. A small whisper that one barely could hear came out, but only Huo Yuhao and Evo could listen to it.

If only Alexandra's Devil Force could be activated inwardly, Huo Yuhao wouldn't have this problem.

[You have applied the second rule of Imaginary Manifestation] Evo notified calmly.

[You have one usage left]

"Your Highness, the meal is here." Damian entered the room with a somewhat excited smile.

Huo Yuhao stretched his body and replied, "Thanks, Damian. Now, go and absorb the monster cores I distributed to you."

Damian nodded in understanding and left quietly after placing the tray on Huo Yuhao's office desk.

"Treat your subordinate better, huh?" Huo Yuhao sat on the chair and filled his stomach. Naga's words stuck in his head for a few moments.

After finishing his meals, Huo Yuhao summoned his shadow army and watched them spread into four divisions.

Even though Huo Yuhao hasn't seen them personally for almost four months besides Rosa herself, his shadow army's strengths have developed tremendously under the constant attack of monster waves.

He knew Khiron, Brunhilde, and Iris dominated the battlefield with their skills and indomitable strengths. They reached peak 9th Class two weeks ago, and all the shadow warriors in the army also advanced to 8th Class naturally without needing Nightmare Demon Pot's assistance.

It's good progress, but they won't do well against the incoming 11th Class Grade Monster behind the portal at the Grand Marshal Mountain.

So? The Nightmare Demon Pot they go.

Huo Yuhao basically reduced his army to a third of the original, but their strengths could compete with every empire in Titania Bolos combined. All the shadow warriors upgraded to 9th Class Shadow Warriors.

As for the elite shadows, they attained the 10th Class Stage and broke the taboo unorthodoxly. Rosa, the former living Kroman(Devil Race), broke the Devil's Taboo. And the other elite shadows seemingly awakened something similar called Monster's Blessing.

[Name: Iris]

[Cultivation: 10th Class Shadow Warrior(Low)]

[Monster's Blessing: "Divine Protection of Sun and Moon."]

[Name: Brunhilde]

[Cultivation: 10th Class Shadow Warrior(Low)]

[Monster's Blessing: "Fool's Romantica of Fallen Angel."]

[Name: Khiron]

[Cultivation: 10th Class Shadow Warrior(Low)]

[Monster's Blessing: "Shadowless Warrior of the Dying Star."]

[Name: Rosa]

[Cultivation: 10th Class Shadow Warrior(Low)]

[Devil's Taboo: "The Thorn Princess, Undying Shadow Garden."]

Huo Yuhao read the description of his elite shadows' new abilities briefly and laughed because this world is ridiculous when it comes to power scaling.

Iris could launch an attack blessed with sun and moon, injuring Divine-like beings with her arrows. It also applied to her body, increasing the 10th Class(low base) to the peak for a short time.

"Just once, okay?" Huo Yuhao returned weakly.

"Okay~!" Rosa leaned forward and kissed Huo Yuhao's lips.



Ten days have passed.

Huo Yuhao reached the 10th Class Devil Warrior's peak with the help of Beast King's Core, gaining "Moonlight Energy." and "Beastification." skills from it.

He also raised All-Transforming Ink to A Grade after comprehending the usage of Ink in this universe, gaining access to higher manipulation of Ancient ink Devil's Bloodline.

All his skills became more refined in just one week because of Ink Domain.

What's more noticeable is the fact he could use Devil Trigger and Devil's Taboo longer than before.

[Name: Theomars von Valstrax(Huo Yuhao)]

[Age: 19 years old]

[Race: Ancient Ink Devil(Peak/85%)]

[Cultivation: 10th Class Devil Warrior(Peak/Recultivated)]

[Battle Power: 11th Class(Mid)]

[Passive Skill: Ancient Devil's Regeneration(S), Poison Immunity(SS), Devil Force: Forced Plundering(S), Tracing(A+), Art Mastery(SS), Perfect Body(SS), Perfect Control(SS), Weapon Mastery(S+), Cold-Blooded(SS), Ogre King's Devil Flame(SS), Steel-Like Body(SS), Moonlight Energy(SS), Beastification(SS)]

[Active Skill: Darkness Manipulation, Death Manipulation, All-Transforming Ink(A), Eternal Shadow(3.420+), Devil Trigger(SS), Ink Domain(S+), Devil's Taboo(SSS)]

[Plundered Devil Force: Illusionary Manifestation(1 Use left)]

[Technique: Gathering of Ten Thousand Waves, Extreme Lightning Mirage, Haki(+), White Room's Martial Arts, Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, Endless Black Ocean Art]

Looking at his status, Huo Yuhao is more than satisfied.

"My liege." Rosa peeked out through the shadow.

"The alliance has arrived."

Yes, Huo Yuhao also relayed the information about the Grand Marshall's Location to everyone at the alliance base.

Even though only 8th Class and higher Devil Warriors could partake in it, it's still a weak number compared to the monster races.

Well, It's still better than nothing.

Huo Yuhao arrived at the top of Black Pearl Castle, seeing several thousand 8th Class Devil Warriors led by 9th Class Devil Warriors on the continent.

Even so, the amount of 10th Class Devil Warriors barely reaches two hands combined.

"Seventeen 10th Class Devil Warriors, including the Admante Sisters, Karuta Empire's Empress, and Norma's Head. We are still on the weaker side without my shadow army." Huo Yuhao commented lightly.

"I hope they could last long enough facing the scattered monsters my shadow army couldn't kill on time."

"You're hoping too much, my liege..." Rosa chuckled in reality. "Some of these people are cowards who reached their current cultivation at an older age, making them weaker than usual."

"They better be fodder than actual warriors."

"You know this as well, no?"

Huo Yuhao didn't deny Rosa's words and replied, "They have their uses."


A violent tremor appeared out of nowhere and shook the whole planet.

"They are faster than I thought." Huo Yuhao waved his hand and used the Gathering of Ten Thousand Waves to neutralize this tremor.


The fabric space above the land the alliance army was currently in suddenly ripped apart, revealing an ugly-looking monster with an eel-like body and wolf-like head.


"Get ready!" Huo Yuhao shouted to the army.

[The Second Phase of the Millenium Crusade has started]

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