Published at 15th of May 2024 06:29:39 AM

Chapter 224: Saving the Princess Again

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Chapter 224: Saving the Princess Again

I've added this fanfic to my P4treon Page, support me to read advanced chapter there and motivate me to write more chapters for you /NineClouds69

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--- Chapter 221 ---

"Princess Xu, Lady Yu, keep running."

"This horde of Ghostwalker Panthers has a leader with a cultivation base over 90,000 years old."

"We'll fend off their attacks in the meantime."

Xu Jiujuu ran in the depths of Star Dou Forest. She held her friend's hand, breaking through bushes and small trees.

A few days ago, Xu Jiujiu discovered a rare herb when hunting for her spirit ring. It was a treasured flower called Phantasmal Star Flower, suitable for her cultivation as she had a star-based Martial Soul.

However, who would have thought they'd catch the attention of Spirit Beasts' Alpha because of it?

The alpha Ghostwalker Panther actually coveted the flower and ordered its group to hunt them.

Xu Jiujiu and others have been running for hours, knowing damn well those wicked spirit beasts want to dry their stamina.

'They are playing with us(their food).' Xu Jiujiu gritted her teeth.

Xu Jiujiu's friend, Yu Xing, breathed heavily.

Her physical prowess and stamina are poorer than Xia Jiujiu, so it was a miracle she could reach this far.

"Jiujiu, just leave me behind." Yu Xing put on a weak look.

"No, never!" Xu Jiujiu replied sternly. "It's my fault for underestimating my capability. I should have brought Granny Yi with us."

The two middle-aged men behind them were Yu Xing's bodyguards. Even though they aren't titled douluo, they are powerful Spirit Douluo.

Unfortunately, Spirit Douluo couldn't fight against a horde of spirit beasts above 10,000 years old.

"It's been a long time, Princess." A voice suddenly entered Xu Jiujiu's head, causing her to freeze.

This voice.

She recognized this voice, but where?

"Keep running forward, and you'll meet a body of water." The voice continued to talk. "When you get near the water, an entrance formed by unknown letters will appear."

"Jump into the entrance."

"Why should I trust you?" Xu Jiujiu wasn't naive enough to believe this voice.

The voice chuckled and returned, "Because I saved you once from an assassin six years ago."

"It's up to believe me or not, but your survival depends on this..."

"It's you!" Xu Jiujiu finally recalled her distant memory. A blue-haired boy she had been dreaming and searching for years.

"Jiujiu, are you okay?" Yu Xing was concerned because her friend suddenly shouted out of nowhere.

Xu Jiujiu calmed herself down and smiled, "I'm okay. I also found a way to get ourselves out of this situation."

"Follow me."

They ran toward the body of water, a small lake, and saw a portal made by rotating golden letters appear. "Jump!" Xu Jiujiu dragged her friend, and they jumped into the portal.

"Hmph, I never said that." Wang Dong swayed her head away.

Huo Yuhao shrugged and glanced at Xu Jiujiu, "Welcome to our group, Princess."

"This was an unwanted region, but let me introduce myself first."

"My name is Huo Yuhao. My current affiliation is Shrek Academy after becoming their exchange student for a few months."

"Xiao Xiao, Shrek Academy's First Year Student." Xiao Xiao said after Huo Yuhao. She squinted her eyes at the Star Luo Empire's Princess.

Ma Xiaotao scoffed, "Ma Xiaotao, I'm Huo Yuhao... 's Senior."

'Why is the specification late?' Everyone thought when Ma Xiaotao introduced herself.

"Bei Bei, also from Shrek Academy." Bei Bei introduced himself humbly.

"Tang Ya! Nice to meet you, princess." Tang Ya giggled.

"Xu Sanshi, we have met once, Princess Xu." Xu Sanshi smiled slightly.

Xu Jiujiu narrowed her eyes, "I don't know that the second young master of the Mystic Water Clan came to Shrek."

Xu Sanshi peeked at Jiang Nannan and returned, "Well, there was a mistake I must fix."

"Is that so?" Xu Jiujiu followed his gaze and found Jiang Nannan.

Jiang Nannan gave the princess a respectful nod, "My name is Jiang Nannan. Nice to meet you."

"N-Nice to meet you, Princess!" Wang Dong stuttered with a robot-like tone.

"I was so nervous. You're so beautiful, after all."

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment." Xu Jiujiu politely covered her mouth and giggled. "Then, it's my turn..."

"My name is Xu Jiujiu, and I'm the second princess of the Star Luo Empire."

"This is my friend, Yu Xing." She added while gesturing her slender arm to the lady beside her.

"Hi." Yu Xing added with a small smile. "As for the bodyguards, feel free to call them Elder Jun, Elder Kun."

Elder Jun and Elder Kun nodded, sighing in relief because that horde of panthers was scary.

"And once again, I want to say thank you for saving us." Xu Jiujiu finished with gratitude.

"You're welcome." Huo Yuhao yawned slightly. "You should rest for now."

"The night is about to come, so walking around in the Star Dou Forest will be dangerous."

"Don't worry about this place's safety. I've placed some barriers outside."

Xu Jiujiu's eyes brightened at such a skilled young man.

'As expected of my savior!' The princess thought to herself.

Everyone settled down after the introduction, telling the short story about what happened to them recently.

Huo Yuhao leaned on the cave's wall and felt Xu Jiujiu's gaze.

"Ask if you want to know something, princess." Huo Yuhao uttered while keeping his eyes closed.

"Then..." Xu Jiujiu opened her rosy lips.

"Where have you been all this time?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!