Published at 15th of May 2024 06:29:31 AM

Chapter 230: Heavenly Daos and Bing Di's Concern

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Chapter 230: Heavenly Daos and Bing Di's Concern

I've added this fanfic to my P4treon Page, support me to read advanced chapter there and motivate me to write more chapters for you /NineClouds69

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--- Chapter 227 ---

[You have awakened the Ancestral Eyes of Heavenly Dao]

Huo Yuhao released a comfortable sigh and opened profound azure eyes.

They are deep blue with several white specks like stars, looking very beautiful.

Eluxia blinked, drawn by Huo Yuhao's beautiful eyes.

It was a sort of attraction one had once comprehended the mystery of the universe. The nature and cosmos of it.

Heavenly Dao!

"Amazing... I was expecting your eyes to grasp the power of destiny, but this is something else." Eluxia couldn't help but comment. There is a hint of excitement in her voice.

Huo Yuhao smiled and immersed himself in this situation. He saw the essence of the world more clearly than before.This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.

In the past, he could do much more than others.

But now? Even powerhouses from the outside universe would have a rough time facing his ability.

The Ancestral Eyes of Heavenly Dao is the ultimate-type Martial Soul.

Its main attribute was once Spiritual-type, just like the Three-Eyed Golden Lion.

However, Huo Yuhao's bloodlines changed that.

No, the upgrade was the first step to achieve this.

Since Huo Yuhao wasn't the original Huo Yuhao anymore, as his soul occupied the kid's dying body, his Martial Souls mutated.

First, Eyes of the Lords. A pair of eyes that could even mimic God's Movement.

Second, True Ancestors' Eyes of the Lords. A pair of eyes that could even sway a Universe.

And finally, Ancestral Eyes of Heavenly Dao. Huo Yuhao doesn't know if this was the final evolution/awakening of his Martial Soul, but he should comprehend their abilities first before even thinking about upgrading them.

"A pair of eyes that could see the truth and essence of the universe." Huo Yuhao chuckled in amusement.

The Ancestral Eyes of Heavenly Dao currently encapsulate Eight Great Daos.

Dao of Space-Time.

Dao of Myriad Shape.

Dao of Samsara.

Dao of Destiny.

Dao of Life.

Dao of Death.

Dao of Destruction

Dao of Nothingness.

Huo Yuhao was familiar with all these Daos and felt his understanding of them became clearer after awakening the Ancestral Eyes of Heavenly Dao.

As if a floodgate just opened, coursing every inch of his mind with profound knowledge.

"I feel like I could form another God's Seat." Huo Yuhao said with a solemn expression. "However, I might have to use the Throne of Beginning and the End for it."

"Not bad."

"I must experiment more to get familiar with these new abilities." He nodded in satisfaction.

Meanwhile, in the Spiritual World, Tian Meng and Bing Di stared at each other silently.

"Why the long face?" Eluxia asked as soon as she returned.


"I don't know..." Helena shook her head adorably. "Aunt Men and Aunt Di have been doing this for a while now."

Eluxia rubbed her temple and questioned, "What's wrong?"

Tian Meng sighed and said, "After Huo Yuhao awakened his Ancestral Eyes of Heavenly Dao, we suddenly remembered something important about our homeland."

"Bing Bing is pestering me about it."

"I told her to talk with Yuhao, but she refused..."

Bing Di crossed her arms and added, "It's not that I don't want to talk with Yuhao. I was thinking about our friend's fate."

"I didn't say anything to her when Huo Yuhao came and abducted me..."

"More so, aren't you planning that?" She squinted her green eyes at Tian Meng.

Tian Meng whistled innocently, "I don't know what you are talking about, Bing Bing?"

"At the end of the day, you still joined my plan to make Huo Yuhao a God."

"We are simply freeloading on his mantle to this very day."

"I'm not as shameless as you, you worm..." Bing Di said indifferently.

"Kuugh, I'm a dragon now... Can't you stop calling me that already?" Tian Meng pouted as she felt wronged.

Eluxia sighed, "So, you just don't want to put more burden on Yuhao's shoulder?"

"Well... Yes." Bing Di swayed her head away. She was hiding a blush, but her ears were as red as a rose.

Tian Meng and Eluxia glanced at each other, sighing at Bing Di's tsundere behavior.

About how they know the tsundere term?

Let's say that Draconic Deus is a land of culture and knowledge.

"Just fucking tell him!" Tian Meng grumbled.


"W-Wait-!" Bing Di wanted to stop the noisy Tian Meng, but it was too late.

Huo Yuhao appeared in the Spiritual World and questioned, "What's the matter?"

After listening to the dilemma, Huo Yuhao laughed and brushed Bing Di's insecurity off.

"Hehe, Our bond is as deep as the ocean now, Bing Di."

"Don't forget, we have slept with each other." He flashed a grin at her.

Bing Di covered her blushing face, "Y-You."

"Snow Emperor, isn't it?" Huo Yuhao thought about something.

"Don't worry..."

"We will meet her soon."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!