Published at 15th of May 2024 06:29:24 AM

Chapter 235: Changing the Tournament Arc

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Chapter 235: Changing the Tournament Arc

I've added this fanfic to my P4treon Page, support me to read advanced chapter there and motivate me to write more chapters for you /NineClouds69

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--- Chapter 232 ---

Huo Yuhao and Scathach sat on the beach, gazing at the vast blue ocean and sky.

Scathach has a glass of wine in her hand, something you wouldn't expect from a battle maniac, but she also took one or two hobbies when Huo Yuhao was away.

"So, how was the situation?" The purple-haired lady glanced at her greatest disciple.

Huo Yuhao smiled wryly, "I gave them one month to pick and enter the sect that wouldn't expose themselves. However, I really underestimated the value of my own wish."

"Beside Azazel and Ajuka Beelzebub, everyone else has joined a sect or similar organization in the Douluo Continent. Well, some are creative enough to make a new sect themselves."

"Oh?" Scathach was 'actually' amused by the latter statement.

"Someone makes their own sect? Who is this fellow?"

Huo Yuhao stared at Scathach and replied, "It's your subordinate, Valerie Tepes."

"And the Valkyrie from Asgard called Rossweisse."

"That girl? Hmm, I didn't expect that." Scathach was surprised for a second. However, when she thought about it, Valerie Tepes making her own sect wasn't that weird.

There aren't many sects that focus on Unorthodox methods like Scathach's god-slaying tactic and blood manipulation.

Holy Ghost Church and Body Sect are good examples of this, but Valerie probably thinks those sects don't suit her. Scathach trained Valerie herself, after all.

As for Rossweisse, Scathach doesn't have the impression of the Valkyrie, but she shouldn't be that bad.

"Wait, don't you let the people from the Vatican, Heaven, and Underworld go to the Holy Ghost Church?" Scathach tilted her head slightly.

She understood why Huo Yuhao let the natives of the Underworld, such as Venelana Bael and Ingvild Leviathan, enter the Holy Ghost Church. Still, Gabriel doesn't seem to fit into this sect.

Huo Yuhao laughed, "Haha, don't worry, Shishou."

"I've taught-! Eluxia and I have taught Gabriel and others how to wield Light Element differently. Their mission isn't just to infiltrate, but also spread their faiths..."

"But that makes it not productive, no? You will also spread the faith of Devil God in the Holy Ghost Church." Scathach rebutted with a confused expression.

"That's the point... They are going to split the Holy Ghost Church into two factions." Huo Yuhao put on a wicked expression. "I'm experimenting with the power of faith, expecting a good result."

"As you know, I'm the new Biblical God and Devil God. Both faiths will be beneficial for me. I want to see how much change they could give for my divinity."

"I see... That's why." Scathach nodded in understanding. She frowned and glanced at Huo Yuhao's body, feeling the contained pressure inside him.

She sighed inwardly because Huo Yuhao had become much more powerful than her.

'I missed the day when I could still bully him.' Scathach pouted her lips.

Tang Ya pumped her fist, "We have some powerful seniors in the school, so the attackers have to think twice before challenging us."

"True, true." Jiang Nannan nodded, thinking about the Shrek Academy's students of higher grades. Although they aren't at the level of Title Douluo yet, they are still experts.

Xiao Xiao and Ma Xiaotao put on a complicated expression as they glanced at Huo Yuhao.

These mysterious experts probably have something to do with Huo Yuhao, right? Their women's instinct is tingling.

'Aih, I should have told them not to be too excited.' Huo Yuhao gazed far into the window of the restaurant. It's not hard to guess who were the maniacs that challenged these sects.

"Anyway, what's your plan after this, princess?" Huo Yuhao changed the topic of the conversation.

Xu Jiujiue blinked and answered, "It's sad to part away with you guys, but I still have something to accomplish in the empire.

"Unless... You want to follow me back." She added while giving Huo Yuhao a side-eye.

"No thanks, we are busy." Xiao Xiao smiled brightly at Xu Jiujiu. "Thanks for the offer, though."

'I didn't ask you!' Xu Jiujiu giggled and covered her mouth politely. "Hehe, that's too bad then."

"Still, as my savior, you can visit me in the Star Luo Empire anytime."

Ma Xiaotao squinted her ruby-like eyes, "We will see in the future, princess."

The three ladies have a fierce staring contest that even the onlookers can feel the intense electricity in the air.

"By the way, where will the Continental Advanced Academy Soul Dueling Tournament be held?" Tang Ya asked as she stuffed her mouth with food.

"Xiao Ya." Bei Bei wiped her mouth with a handkerchief. "Don't ask while eating your food."

"Kay~!" Tang Ya continued to eat.

Xu Jiujiu sighed, "About that... I don't know."

"There are rumors that the tournament will be held in the Star Luo Empire, but that's definitely false."

"With the current situation of the Douluo Continent, the tournament might be held in the newest and strongest faction..."

"Dragon Nest..."

"Ack." Everyone awkwardly stared at Huo Yuhao.

"What? I know that I'm handsome, but if you stare at me like that, I can't help but feel bad." Huo Yuhao flashed a grin at them.

"..." Everyone.

"Go to hell, you narcissistic bastard!" Xu Sanshi and Wang Dong threw pudding at him.

Huo Yuhao caught the puddings, "The tournament, huh? If it gets held in the Dragon Nest's base, it would be an entertaining event..."

Hearing Huo Yuhao's replies, they grimaced and thought, 'He must be planning something bad!'

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!