Published at 15th of May 2024 06:29:12 AM

Chapter 240: The 'Small' Favor

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Chapter 240: The 'Small' Favor

I've added this fanfic to my P4treon Page, support me to read advanced chapter there and motivate me to write more chapters for you /NineClouds69

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--- Chapter 237 ---

Yan Shaoze and Ma Xiaotao faced each other on the field.

One has a calm expression.

And the other is somewhat nervous.

Even though Ma Xiaotao was nervous outside, she felt Yan Shaoze's aura wasn't as terrifying as Yang Xin(Scathach), who beat the crap out of her and Xiao Xiao in the past months.

That demon-like trainer is instilling trauma in Ma Xiaotao's body, mind, and soul.

"Are you ready?" Yan Shaozhe asked with a smile.

"Yes." Ma Xiaotao nodded firmly. Her eyes showed a deep determination, which surprised Yan Shaozhe a little.

Yan Shaozhe cursed Huo Yuhao in his head because he dared to steal his precious disciple's heart like this.

Above all else, Yan Shaozhe also heard the bet between Huo Yuhao and Pavilion Master Mu En. He couldn't help but sneer as no matter how much Ma Xiaotao improved in a short time. She's only a Soul Emperor.

"Xiaotao, make your move." Yan Shaozhe said while placing his hands behind his back.

A brilliant red light suddenly erupted from Ma Xiaotao's body.

Red flames appeared out of thin air, forming an image of a noble phoenix.

Still, it doesn't end there because the noble phoenix lets out an arrogant cry that makes all divine birds kneel before it.

"This is..."

Yan Shaozhe was speechless.

His Martial Soul is Bright Phoenix, a rare-type phoenix that controls Radiance or Light Element.

However, Bright Phoenix couldn't hold a candle against Ma Xiaotao's newly mutated Martial Soul.


Yan Shaozhe sighed as he forcibly dispelled the pressure on his Martial Soul. Even then, Ma Xiaotao's Origin Fire Phoenix is still bursting with intense heat.

Six black spirit rings appeared around Ma Xiaotao's body, each having a Phenex Clan's Pattern. The fiery bird pattern shone brightly and added a demonic touch to the surroundings.

Mu En, Bei Bei, and Yan Shaozhe were baffled by this sudden change.

They couldn't recognize this new force Ma Xiaotao summoned.

Of course, they couldn't possibly recognize Demonic Power from the Draconic Deus.

Also, due to the difference in law between the two worlds, Ma Xiaotao's Demonic Power couldn't be suppressed with light elements like how the Holy Element works on the Draconic Deus.

Ma Xiaotao stomped the ground and lunged forward with countless green lines on her legs and arms.

Bam! Swoosh!

"How fast." Yan Shaoze mumbled solemnly.

Ma Xiaotao's third spirit ring lit up, and a spear made of condensed Phoenix's Flame appeared in her hand.

The spear is three meters long with a blazing tip like it could turn anything into dust.

'Since when did Xiaotao wield a spear?' Yan Shaozhe started to feel his disciple wasn't simple anymore. As the possessor of fire-based Martial Soul, Ma Xiaotao always focused on controlling her fire element more than anything.

Weapon wielding isn't part of her strength, or so what Yan Shaozhe thought.

Although Ma Xiaotao isn't Scathach's official disciple, she still learned one or two things about the spear used to slay Divine Spirits.

"Swift Stab."

It was a simple stab but very quick with the drive of her momentum.

Yan Shaozhe stretched his hand and attempted to slap the spear away.


Ma Xiaotao was 'actually' sent flying, but she quickly landed on her foot and mumbled, "Too slow... Yang Xin's spear is faster, precise, and deadly."

"If I could mimic even a fraction of her spear technique, I should be able to force Teacher Yan to move a little."

What force allowed the weak to resist the strong?

It's none other than one's WILL!

Ma Xiaotao took a deep breath and stood up, giving Huo Yuhao a victory sign.

She glanced at her teacher and said, "Teacher, the next one will be my final attack."

"Come then." Yan Shaozhe said grumpily.

Ma Xiaotao's sixth spirit ring lit up, consuming all her spirit energy. The True Phenex Body activated again as the phoenix flames became hotter and more condensed.

Wind and lightning danced around, creating a flickering storm behind Ma Xiaotao.

"That sixth black spirit ring is over 70,000 years old." Bei Bei gulped nervously. "Senior Ma's power is terrifying."

Ma Xiaotao's aura changed abruptly, and the sound of air vibration spread on the field.

"Mental Power, eh?" Mu En sensed Ma Xiaotao's state and thought about something.


Ma Xiaotao jumped and thrust her hand down, "True Phoenix's Descent."

Yan Shaozhe squinted his eyes and released another bit of his spirit energy, concentrating it.

"This play is over." Yan Shaozhe confidently watched the True Phoenix's Descent coming to him.

However, he regretted his decision a second later.

Ma Xiaotao's attack tore through Yan Shaoze's spirit energy and nearly reached his hand.

"Bright Flash!" Yan Shaozhe instinctively activated his 1st spirit ring.


An intense explosion covered the whole field, shaking the Sea God Island again.

Huo Yuhao jumped from the rail and caught the flying Ma Xiaotao, carrying her like the princess she was.

"Good job." He said with a smile.

"Hehe." Ma Xiaotao laughed despite her exhaustion.

As the smoke cleared, Yan Shaozhe's situation became viable as he stood on the edge of the field.

"W-Woah." Bei Bei's jaw dropped. To think the dean feared by many people was pushed back that far.

"This is not over yet! Give Xiaotao back, you rascal!" Yan Shaozhe roared at Huo Yuhao. He looks like a mad mother bear whose child is kidnapped or something.

"Stop, Shaozhe." Mu En's calm voice echoed.

"Look at your palm."

Yan Shaozhe was confused but still looked at his right hand, seeing a scorching mark on his skin.

"..." Yan Shaozhe.

Huo Yuhao laughed, "Like I said, three moves."

"Elder Mu En, I won the bet."

"You did." Mu En nodded in agreement.

"Well, hear my little favor then." He landed on the ground and grinned.

"I want to exchange moves with you, a short spar. What do you think?"

Everyone was shocked, including Mu En.

Mu En's eyes twinkled as he sighed, "I see..."

"This is your goal from the beginning."

"No, not really." Huo Yuhao returned immediately. He also wanted to see how far Ma Xiaotao had gotten with the Phenex Clan's bloodline.

"So, wanna fulfill the 'small' favor?"

Mu En laughed softly, "Very well."

"I will show you the power of Ultimate Douluo."

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