Published at 15th of May 2024 06:35:13 AM

Chapter 62: Ice Emperor's Evolution and Shrek Academy

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Chapter 62: Ice Emperor's Evolution and Shrek Academy

--- Chapter 62 ---

[Name: Divine Throne of Beginning and End]

[Type: Martial Soul]

[Description: Divine Throne of Beginning and End is an artificial martial soul that regained its True Name after being connected to the Host. It has the qualities of Alpha and Omega based on the Host's soul origin]

[Innate Ability: Genesis & The End]

Huo Yuhao gently rested his head on the throne and felt warmth from the smooth rock's surface, which was surprisingly quite comfortable. He closed and opened his eyes, seeing the world from an entirely different angle than before.

"It feels like cheating." A sigh escaped Huo Yuhao because of the Divine Throne of Beginning and End's innate ability. He doesn't need Evo to show the description because the throne actually was in his soul.

[Genesis & The End]

[Allowed the user to view the origin of everything and utilize 120% of them]

"What do you think, Yuhao?" Electrolux's voice echoed in Huo Yuhao's mind. Her damaged existence has become stronger after becoming the throne's 1st spirit ring.

[1st Spirit Ring]

[Name: Calamity Necromancer Electrolux]

[Type: Divine Consciousness(Incomplete)]

[Description: The last piece of Yi Lai Ke Si's Consciousness, having knowledge and power over Light Elements and Necromancy]

[Spirit Skills: Necromancy, The Child of Light(passive), Ruler Authority, Calamity Necromancer Electrolux(Summon)]

Huo Yuhao smiled and calmly replied, "Never felt better than this, Eluxia."

When connecting to the Divine Throne of Beginning and End, the necromancer merged her divine Consciousness with Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea. She politely requested to give her a new name because of his previous comment about creating new memories here. And Huo Yuhao gave her "Eluxia." As a new name.

Eluxia materialized herself in the real world, but her appearance has changed compared to before. She still has her long white hair and gray-colored eyes, but those eyes aren't so dull anymore with a faint golden hue. And Her lips become healthier with a rosy shade.

She wore a modest black dress with purple roses on the skirt area. And a grayish-gold tiara was set above her head, shining with dim golden light. She looks like a dignified queen who has found her king.

Scathach nodded in appreciation and commented, "Well, my disciple is more handsome than before."

"Is that so? Ugh..." Huo Yuhao chuckled while staring at his teacher and glimpsed her origin with a simple gaze. He clutched his head because an enormous amount of information rushed into his mind.

"What happened??!" Everyone becomes worried when seeing Huo Yuhao's painful reaction.

Huo Yuhao calmed himself down and added, "I'm fine, everyone. The ability from Throne of Beginning and End is more powerful than I anticipated. I know it's strong, but still underestimate it."

"You should deactivate the throne. The process consumed 95% of your Spiritual Energy and Spirit Energy. And It's a miracle considering your Spiritual Sea was still working." Eluxia commented while rubbing Huo Yuhao's forehead, soothing his mind.

"Have you been training your Spiritual Energy before?"

"Yeah, I trained the Haki Training Method." Huo Yuhao answered casually. "Still, I can't deactivate the Throne of Beginning and End yet. We have to absorb the Ice Emperor's essence first."

Tian Mang frowned and whined, "No! You should rest first, Yuhao. Absorbing Ice Emperor would bring harm to your current state."

"What state?" Huo Yuhao returned while creating a mace with Eas and used the Full Recovery Skill from Dragonborn Crusader Class, recovering all negative states and energy with the cost of a very long cooldown. It's the ultimate skill that he could only use once every two years.


Tian Meng's eyes widened in awe because Huo Yuhao's sickly complexion returned to normal. Even his Spiritual Energy and Spirit Energy reached 50% again instantly, which should be impossible.

"How many secrets do you have, Yuhao?" Eluxia stared at her Host solemnly, but Huo Yuhao casually shrugged his shoulders without giving them any explanation.


"Hmm? She's coming out of her cocoon."

The necromancer moved her gaze to the water-like cocoon a few meters away from the throne. She could sense the Ice Emperor's origin essence had changed drastically with additional water elements.

The cocoon broke abruptly, and the ice jade silhouette escaped, flying in the sky with Ultimate Ice particles changing around the field. An icy storm formed and surrounded the sky, giving off a mysterious cold presence.

[Name: Scorpion-Tailed Ice Jade Phoenix]

[Type: Spirit Beast(Variant)]

[Age: 600.000 years old]

[Description: The Scorpion-Tailed Ice Jade Phoenix is the evolution of the Ice Jade Scorpion Emperor after absorbing Water Luan Bird's Essence. She becomes an Ice Phoenix with Ultimate Ice and Pure Water elements while still retaining her origin]

An enormous yet beautiful bird appeared before them. The current Ice Emperor had a leaner body with soft frozen jade feathers over it. Six large wings spread from her back, flapping gently like flowing water. Her pinchers have transformed into sharp talons. And lastly, a long scorpion tail with a diamond-like stringer hanging on her butt, gleaming with cold light.

"Bing Bing..." Tian Meng released tears.

The newly evolved phoenix landed on the ground and released a satisfied chirp, "It feels great."

Huo Yuhao laughed and responded, "Glad you like it. Also, congratulations on reaching the 600.000 years old phase."

Tian Meng and the Ice Emperor froze in their spots when hearing Huo Yuhao's statement. And the newly evolved phoenix realized her cultivation increased by 200.001 years, and no tribulation happened because of the bounded field.

The Ice Emperor looked at her current appearance and felt a more powerful energy inside. She was stunned for a moment because she jumped from 399.999 years to 600.000 without repercussions. And not to mention that her Ultimate Ice becomes more powerful with the support of Pure Water Elements.

"Do you want to try your new strengths?" Huo Yuhao questioned with a chuckle. "What about another bet like before, but I won't move from my throne."

"Let's do it." The Ice Emperor, whose pride was hurt by Huo Yuhao hours ago, immediately agrees.

Without further ado, She spread her wings and created a domain with extreme hail. Huo Yuhao has a smug expression from the beginning, irritating the Ice Emperor.

Scathach and Tian Meng watched the Ice Emperor launch an energy blast with potent Ultimate Ice and High-Pressured Pure Water Blade at Huo Yuhao, creating a wave that could cut through almost everything.

[Child of Light(Passive)]

[Light Elements loved you and even granted you a special privilege to manipulate them with ease]

"Mirror Force." Huo Yuhao quickly incorporated Light Elements and Primordial Runes to create a tall Mirror with strong reflection properties. He watched the incoming attack and closed his eyes.


BOOM! The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

"Haha, You're right." A weak chuckle came from Huo Yuhao.

After three minutes of cleaning, Huo Yuhao wore a long, silver-buttoned blue coat with three separate coattails. A white dragon pattern runs around the collar, with a dragon's head hanging over the coat's left shoulder and its tail slinking down the right, all the way to the bottom. Each cuff also possesses five gold buttoned straps with black lining. Under the coat, there is a clean ascot vest neatly buttoned. And he also wore dark pants with a scale pattern running across their surface and tall, brown boots with two golden buckled straps at the top.

(An: Vergil's Clothes)

Huo Yuhao brushed his blue hair up and noticed everyone's silent gaze. "What?" He asked with a playful smirk.

"Never seen someone this handsome?"

"Oh no, Tian Meng's narcissistic nature is influencing him." Bing Di immediately said, which caused a tick mark to appear on the Skydream Ice Worm's forehead.

Tian Meng pouted and yelled, "It has nothing to do with me!"

Scacthah suddenly hugged Huo Yuhao and planted her lips on him. They went on full-blown french kissing, catching everyone off guard. As both parted a minute later, the God Slayer licked her lips and said, "Yuhao, don't tease me like that. I can't hold myself back, you know?"

"My turn~!" Qianye Ying'er kissed Huo Yuhao and left the ladies in the Spiritual Sea speechless.

She moaned and added, "Ahh~! It's been a while."

Huo Yuhao patted Qianye Ying'er back and said, "I thought the dose would last until tomorrow. It's not even a whole day yet."

Qianye Ying'er melted into Huo Yuhao's embrace and even breathed heavily. She returned to normal after Scathach coughed a few times. "Hehe, you know it's hard for us to get the dose, Yuhao~! Mistress is always watching us." She said with a happy smile.

Three of them don't realize that three ladies inside Huo Yuhao's spirit sea are blushing hard at the blatant exposure of their intimate interaction.

"H-Human is so shameless." Bing Di blushed while covering her head.

Tian Meng could only nod and added, "Y-Yeah. Does it feel good, though? They seemed to enjoy it a lot."

"It's normal," Eluxia commented on the side. "Dual Cultivation is a thing for them."




Huo Yuhao used wormholes to teleport them out of the bounded field and summoned Skye to watch over Extreme North's outer area in the sky.

"There are some people." He looked down and saw several people outside the bounded field.

"They wouldn't be able to enter anyway. Do you want me to release the bounded field?" Scathach looked at her disciple naturally.

Huo Yuhao shrugged and replied, "Sure. After all, We left nothing but destruction there. They won't get anything from it."

"Poor people." Qianye Ying'er continued with a pitiful gaze.

Scathach broke the bounded field with a simple flick of her finger, and people around the area were shocked. They entered the destroyed portion of land and were confused because there was nothing there.

"My lord, we have arrived at the Shrek Academy." A familiar voice entered Huo Yuhao's earpiece.

"Oh, Qianxue?" Huo Yuhao pressed the earpiece to reply. "We'll be there in a few minutes."

Murong Qianxue responded, "Okay, noted."

Huo Yuhao patted the Azure Sky Dragon and said, "You heard that, Skye? Can you fly fast enough to reach Shrek Academy in a few minutes?"

"Easy, My Liege." Skye covered them with his aura again and disappeared from the Extreme North's sky. Huo Yuhao shared the direction with the shadow general and noticed the dragon flew even faster.


Meanwhile, At the Shrek Academy.

Murong Qianxue crossed her arms and glanced at the four chosen students from the Dragon Nest Academy to join the Exchange Student Program. Each faction agreed to let seven students go because the number was enough for the incoming Continental Tournament.

Yan Shaozhe wiped his cold sweat and asked, "Um, why don't we wait inside with a cup of tea?"

"No, we must wait for the rest of the students." A frown appeared on Murong Qianxue's face. "You can't tell me what I have to do..."

"O-Okay..." The Dean of Shrek Academy nervously replied because the cold woman before him was the Ice Demoness Douluo. She massacred Title Douluo left and right two years ago when announcing Dragon Nest's existence.

The group started to gain a fuss because the Shrek Academy's students gathered around and watched the infamous Dragon Nest Academy.

"Woah, are they part of the Dragon Nest?"

"They look strong."

"Especially that beautiful woman."

"Are you dumb?"


"You're dumb... That woman is the Ice Demoness Douluo and actually was rumored to be one of the strongest individuals in the Dragon Nest. Just look at the badge on her blouse."

"Dragon Nest." A black-haired girl with bright green eyes halted her steps at the nearest shop and watched Murong Qianxue.

She remembered the day she awoke her martial soul and met with an odd yet handsome-looking boy. "It's been six years. And I've entered the Shrek Academy today. Will he keep his promise?" She muttered to herself.

"What's that?!" Someone from the crowd shouted.

Everyone looked up and saw a blinking red light approaching the Shrek Academy's gate. Yan Shaozhe wanted to activate his martial soul because it could have been an intruder, but Murong Qianxue stopped him.

The Ice Demoness sneered, "Stop there, fool. Unless you want to embarrass yourself."


The red light landed on the front gate and caused a shockwave that pushed everyone away. The onlookers were shocked and saw three figures standing on the ground.

"Woah, B-Beautiful..." The male spectators noticed Qianye Ying'er and Scathach immediately. Even though both ladies wore veils and masks, they could feel the overwhelming appeal coming from them.

Meanwhile, the female observers were stunned because of Huo Yuhao's presence. His overall appearance gave off a mysterious charm, and that mask enhanced it even further, making them want to see the face of this unknown individual.

"I-It's him." Xiao Xiao's body trembled when seeing the blue-haired young man's impression. Even though he was way taller and older than the boy, that appearance was very familiar.

"Am I late?" Huo Yuhao smiled behind his mask.

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