Published at 15th of May 2024 06:35:11 AM

Chapter 63: Yan Shaozhe's shock

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Chapter 63: Yan Shaozhe's shock

--- Chapter 63 ---

Huo Yuhao whistled casually and followed Yan Shaozhe with other Dragon Nest Academy students to the accommodation dorm provided by the Shrek Academy. After reaching this place, the dean personally escorted them to the outer court area.


"Ehem, we haven't seen each other for a while." Yan Shaozhe cleared his throat and glanced at Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao laughed and responded, "Yeah. I've been busy after the Auction Event, you know. Like training and other stuff. My teacher is strict about my training procedure because she would beat me to death continuously, hahaha."

Scathach pinched Huo Yuhao's left arm gently and had the "Do you want more training." expression on her face. Even though she has such a sweet smile right now, people she trained would run away immediately upon seeing it. And Huo Yuhao is no exception because having a durable body like him means more training from her.

"Well, I become stronger thanks to it." He added with a weak smile behind his mask.

Yan Shaozhe chuckled when hearing Huo Yuhao's replies and returned, "That sounds rough, buddy. Nevertheless, I'm sure a young man like you has enough energy to overcome it."

"You have no idea." Huo Yuhao sighed while feeling Scathach hugging his arm.

They arrived at the housing dorm and saw a white-haired elderly sitting on an ancient-looking rocking chair. And this down-to-earth senior seemed to be enjoying the evening view of the Shrek Academy.

[Name: Mu En]

[Age: 250 years old]

[Race: Human] Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

[Cultivation: Level 99(97) Injured Demi-God]

[Martial Soul: Light Holy Dragon(Variant)]

[Description: The current Sea God Pavillion Master and a man once known as the Dragon God Douluo, but now just an injured elderly in a calm self-reflection]

Huo Yuhao scanned the description with an amusing expression because Mu En's life is rather complicated yet simple. After all, the only problem was love. He wanted to call this elderly a simp but then remembered the woman in question also had an issue with her life.

"Damn. What a drama." He recalled the Douluo Dalu 2's story in his head.

Yan Shaozhe briefly gave the elderly a polite bow and escorted the Dragon Nest Student to Housing Dorm No.14. Everyone followed him to the building beside Huo Yuhao, Qianye Ying'er, and Scathach.

Qianye Ying'er could see someone's soul and character with her eyes, and Mu En possessed a bright gold gem with some brown shades, making him a serene individual with unfinished problems.

Meanwhile, Scathach believed in her instinct and sensed Mu En's sheer power by looking at the elderly. This guy is around the same level as Huo Yun'er but appears weakened because of old injuries. Such a waste because she wanted to fight him with all the seals off.

"What a good day, isn't it?" Huo Yuhao greeted him casually.

"Indeed." Mu En nodded while glancing at Huo Yuhao.

"You have a quite mysterious background, young man. Those eyes of yours aren't something a youngster should have. And I assume you have faced death often."

Huo Yuhao snickered and added, "Haha, you're not wrong."

"Rong Ming, Fourth Grade."


"Lin Dong, Fifth Grade."


"Xiao Mao, Fifth Grade."


"Yang Xin, First Grade?" Yan Shaozhe tilted his head in confusion when reading the information. He searched for the student and noticed Scathach raising her hand.

"That would be me." Scathach nodded her head.

The dean of Shrek Academy was stunned and asked, "Uh, this document says you're 12 years old. I believed Dragon Nest wouldn't do such a thing, but can I check your bone age?"

The God Slayer shrugged and walked to Yan Shaozhe, giving her left hand to get checked. Yan Shaozhe grasped Scathach's hand and checked her bone age, having his eyes widened in full-blown astonishment.

"Dragon Nest has a special training method. Even though we look older, our age is younger." Scathach stated calmly. "The four students before me are the same, but they are only Dragon Nest Academy's higher-ranked students."

"I'm not from the same division as them."

"White Room..." Yan Shaozhe released Scathach's hand and fell into deep thought. He looked down at Scathach's information page and continued, "That explained this... Yang Xin, 12 years old. Martial soul, Soul Breaking Spear. Level 53 Spirit King."

"What a monster..."

"Y-You can return to your position."

"Another one?" He flipped the page again and saw Qianye Ying'er information with a speechless look.

"Here." Qianye Ying'er walked out of the crowd. "Do you want to test my bone age too, Sir?"

Yan Shaozhe laughed in defeat and replied, "For confirmation? Yes."

After checking Qianye Ying'er bone's age, Ya Shaozhe could only sigh and let her away. And only one page left on the list, which made him nervous. He slowly flipped the page and scanned the information.

"..." Yan Shaozhe.

"Oh? Why the long face, Senior Yan?" Huo Yuhao peeked at the information and chuckled because Liu Mei and Hao Xie actually went too far on his page.

"Huo Yuhao, 12 years old."

"Martial Soul, Spirit Eyes."

"Level 52 Spirit King."

"The number 1 student of the White Room Division."

"And lastly, please treat him well, or we'll be at your front door next morning."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!