Published at 15th of May 2024 06:35:10 AM

Chapter 64: Inconvenience and Encounter

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Chapter 64: Inconvenience and Encounter

--- Chapter 64 ---

Shrek Academy, Housing Dorm No.14

Huo Yuhao gradually woke up because of soft purring sounds beside him. He yawned and saw Huo Yun'er in her silk purple sleeping robe hugging him like a pillow from the side, chuckling because she was using the wormhole to come here. She could sneak in without attracting too much attention with her illusion.

"Morning," He said while kissing Huo Yun'er cheek.

Huo Yun'er furrowed her brows and blinked a few times, seeing the unfamiliar scenery of her son's dorm room. "Five more minutes. I need my Hao'er battery to be fully charged~." She groaned while hugging him even tighter. Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

'I don't know that your mom is this affectionate, Yuhao.' Eluxia's curious voice comes from Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea.

Huo Yuhao smiled and replied spiritually, 'Well, our relationship is rather special than your normal mother and son.'

'D-Don't tell me...' Tian Meng suddenly entered the conversation with a shocked tone. 'A-Are you two, you know, kissing each other and stuff?'

The young man shrugged and added, 'Pretty much. Well, we haven't crossed the last boundary yet. And It doesn't matter to us anyway because our limits have broken normal boundaries since I became True Dragon.'

'H-How perverse~!' Bing Di covered her reddened face while imagining wild things in her head. Even though Incest was considered normal in the Spirit Beast's society because they wanted to keep the blood pure, she doesn't expect humans to practice it too.

After five minutes, Huo Yun'er charged her Hao'er Battery and had glistening skin for some reason. She doesn't wear make-up, but her beauty is always on the top tier with a healthy dose of affection.

"Hmm, What's for breakfast?" Huo Yun'er asked while rubbing her eyes. She smelled something nice from the other side of the room and lifted her nose slightly.

"Kimchi Jjigae?"

"Yeah. My clone made it." Huo Yuhao answered while reading a book beside Huo Yun'er. "I can't move because my beloved mom would get awakened from her beauty sleep."

"Aww, that's so sweet~!" Huo Yun'er squealed and went for a kiss.

She playfully pressed Huo Yuhao against the bed frame and gently overtook his lips. Their tongues entangled and went on full dance for a few moments. And Huo Yuhao being a guy that doesn't want to lose, pushes her onto the bed.


"You're so wild in the morning, Hao'er~!" Huo Yun'er breathed heavily with her pale blonde hair scattered on the bed sheet.

Huo Yuhao chuckled and returned, "Aren't you the one who smooched me first?"



A soft noise comes from the kitchen, and Huo Yuhao receives a notification about his clone cooldown. He shook his head a little because he should upgrade Dawn Bringer's skill later.

"Oy, Kimchi Jjigae is ready." He said while caressing Huo Yun'er hair. "Let's eat before it becomes cold."

Huo Yun'er jumped off the bed excitedly and said, "Let me feed you~!"



After feeding Huo Yuhao, Huo Yun'er went to the shower and cleaned her body. She checked the Shrek Academy's provided necessities by herself and nodded because everything was alright, alas lacking in qualities.

She stepped out of the shower and muttered, "Hmm, I'll tell Liu Mei to send a few things to Hao'er dorm later. Most importantly, the bed needs to be a lot better."

"Yes, At least king-sized for my beloved son."

Huo Yuhao meditated on the bed while adjusting the Universal Breathing Technique. He glanced at the bathroom and saw his mother walking out in her purple dress. "You look beautiful, mom." He praised her with a smile.

"Thanks." Huo Yun'er smiled back.

"I'll be back at night, have a nice day, Hao'er~!" She gave him a last kiss and used her teleportation skill. Like a certain Hokage, she disappeared with a yellow flash.

Scathach glanced at the uniform and chuckled, "Heh, Do you want to mass-produce this?"

"Uugh, I went too far, okay. Stop teasing me." Huo Yuhao groaned while handing the uniform back to them.

"Oh, Wow~!" Qianye Ying'er wore the uniform and felt the comfortable yet soft cloth rubbing against her skin. "It feels amazing. I bet You'd be rich by selling female clothes with this material, Yuhao."

Huo Yuhao was speechless and returned, "What? You want me to become a designer now?"

They laughed for a few minutes, and Murong Qianxue came to the room with other students' uniforms. Huo Yuhao fixed them with Toolbox's help, but not to an excessive level, like the 2.0 version.



Huo Yuhao casually walked out of the dorm with a protein bar in his mouth, watching the calm morning scenery of the Shrek Academy. Oh well, it's not very peaceful because he heard a commotion from a block away.

"What did you say?! Aren't you the one who tripped on me?"

"Shut up. It was clear you're hitting on my girl."

"Let's see." Huo Yuhao whistled and activated his Kenbunshoku Haki, finding a familiar-looking blonde teenager with two decent-looking girls behind him in an alley. They faced a pretty boy with bluish-pink hair, wearing the same 1st-grade uniform.


He sighed and continued, "Since I'm not entering the Shrek Academy like it's supposed to be in the original, some changes would happen."

[Name: Dai Huabin]

[Age: 12]

[Race: Human]

[Cultivation: Level 27/Spirit Grandmaster]

[Martial Soul: White Tiger]

[Description: An arrogant and prideful young master of the White Tiger Clan]

"No wonder." Huo Yuhao rolled his eyes.

[Name: Wang Dong(Tang Wutong)]

[Age: 12]

[Race: 1/4 Human and 3/4 Spirit Beast]

[Cultivation: Level 28/Spirit Grandmaster]

[Martial Soul: Bright Goddess Butterfly(+), Clear Sky Hammer(+)]

[Description: A cross-dressing girl with mysterious background]

Wang Dong and Dai Huabin unexpectedly activated their martial souls, creating a wave of spirit energy in the alley. They frowned and launched a punch at each other.

"Huh??" A blue flash appeared between them. Huo Yuhao used a random wooden stick to stop their punches.

"Hey, you guys know that fighting with no teacher's supervision is prohibited, right?"

"Damn. It's not even a day yet."

Dai Huabin scowled and asked, "Who are you?"

"Hmm, Me? I'm your friendly neighborhood classmate, Huo Yuhao." Huo Yuhao answered with a chuckle.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!