Published at 15th of May 2024 06:34:25 AM

Chapter 84: Fallen Angels has Fallen

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Chapter 84: Fallen Angels has Fallen

--- Chapter 84 ---

At the abandoned church on the corner of Kuoh City, Huo Yuhao sat on the broken sofa and meditated to recover his energy. Even though the recovery speed was worse than he expected when he arrived at the Great War, he didn't expect it to be this bad.

And Huo Yuhao shouldn't have a problem using any of his Spirit Skills for several years because his energy reserve is more than 100 Hyper Douluo combined. The Spirit Energy's Soul Core also helped him by filtering natural energy or magic energy in the atmosphere into pure energy.

"This is 100 times slower than usual, but whatever."

"I can work with this." Huo Yuhao saved plenty of Spirit Energy Recovering Pills in the Inventory to recharge his reserve.

He looked around the room and found the underground place below the Abandoned Church was quite stuffy because of the dark complexion. He waved his hand to draw Cleanse Rune and applied the effect on the whole room.

A series of light bubbles appeared and swarmed the room with a cleansing effect, returning the underground place to its former condition. The once dim and shady room becomes clean with a brown-paved floor and white walls.

Huo Yuhao noticed a wooden cross a few meters from the sofa and commented, "God, huh? I should have asked where this thing called Trihexa "actually." was located. Aih, it's too late to regret it."

"What do you want, Reynare? I thought your duty was to call Azazel for me." He suddenly added while turning around, finding the fallen angel woman in somewhat modest clothes. The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñøv€l-B1n.

Reynare nervously looked down and replied, "U-Um, sir. I have contacted Azazel through Communication Magic, and he will reach this place as soon as possible."

It's still hard to believe that she would meet Blue-Eyed Dragon God randomly like this. Reynare hoped this was a nightmare and awakened soon, yet no matter how she saw it. This experience is too fucking real.

She peeked at Huo Yuhao and stared at his stunningly attractive face, making him like an otherworldly being. That carefree yet serious expression, smooth blue hair tied in a ponytail, and clear royal blue eyes akin to the sky. Reynare couldn't help but be tempted by a desire for the second time, even after becoming Fallen Angel years ago. If falling from grace could happen more than once, Reynare would have "fallen." continuously for several years by seeing Huo Yuhao's face alone.

"Is that so?" Huo Yuhao yawned and crashed onto the sofa again. "Then, can you get me some food from the nearest restaurant first? A variety of it if possible."

Reynare was speechless because Huo Yuhao gave her such a random errand, but she had to do it. "I-I'll be back in a few minutes, sir." She bowed and left the room in a flash, leaving some black feathers.

Huo Yuhao shook his head and sighed, "Do fallen angels always leave black feathers when they go? I just cleaned this room, you know?"

"Anyway, let's clear a quest while she is gone."

"Palu, spit an anvil out, please." Huo Yuhao said while grabbing a blacksmith's hammer from his Inventory. It was a ball-peen hand hammer weighing slightly over 2000 kilograms enchanted by several Primordial Rune.

A golden slime jumped out of nothingness and spat a metal chunk onto the floor, creating a crack. It was an anvil that Palu or Toolbox used to mold any materials after getting heated by Huo Yuhao's Thunderfire, having quite a high resistance against heat and fire. It's the legendary Heart Chilling Iron, and Huo Yuhao upgraded it to suit his taste years ago.

"What are you doing, Yuhao?" Bing Di curiously asked while looking at the Heart Chilling Iron. She could feel the chill aura coming from this chunk of metal.

Huo Yuhao shrugged and replied, "I'm going to create five things that will help me later. It would either be trash or something incredible, so watch closely."



An hour later, Reynare flew into the sky with a panicked look because she didn't expect ordering some food would take so long. Since she bought so many things from the restaurant across Kuoh City, the fallen angel had to carry a load of food with her.

"Oh no..." Her violet eyes widened because she suddenly remembered something important. "I forgot to tell Kalawarner, Mittelt, and Dohnaseek about Sir Dragon God's existence."

"I have to be fast!"

"Mm, muscle~."

Tian Meng looked at the Ice Emperor and screamed, "No, BING BING! You have gotten corrupted by his charm~!!"

Eluxia couldn't help but shake her head at Tian Meng and Bing Di because they weren't honest with their feelings. All of them have been charmed by Huo Yuhao for different reasons, and Tian Ming bashfully denies it with a blush, while Bing Di is developing likes for his muscles.

"Of course, I'm no different from them." The necromancer giggled because she liked how Huo Yuhao playfully teased others, especially her.

Huo Yuhao watched Kalawarner and Mittlet suddenly drop on the floor, fainting because of the excessive heat and blood loss. He shrugged and ignored them because they were still alive.


[You have finished Pagma's 1st Creation]

[You have created Guardian Shield]

[You have created Starless Saber Sheath]

[You have created Leviathan Axe]

[You have created Energy Purifier]

[You have created Switch Axe]

[All items met the requirement]

[Calculating the reward...]

[You have received Gold Upgrading Tickets(10), Elder Dragon Bones(SSS), A chunk of Life Gold(SSS)]

"Nice." Huo Yuhao sighed in relief because the quest was more challenging than he expected. He looked down at the floor and saw several scraps or failures he produced along the way.

"Eas, eat these away." A black-light escaped Huo Yuhao's finger and ate all the scraps instantly, leaving a clean floor.

[Eas have reached Level 103]



Reynare shouted in worry when seeing her fellow fallen angels in the puddle of blood with a pale complexion. She carefully dropped the food and checked their condition.

"R-Reynare... That guy is too hot!" Kalawarner said while closing her eyes again.

"Y-Yes, He's too HOT!" Mittlelt squealed and fell onto Reynare's lap.

Reynare was surprised and shouted, "NOOO! Not you guys too!!"

Huo Yuhao shoved the Heart Chilling Iron anvil back into Palu's inner space and looked at them with a strange gaze. "What are you guys doing?" He said weirdly.

"Where is my food?"

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