Published at 15th of May 2024 06:34:11 AM

Chapter 93: Exorcist, Nun, and Nekoshou

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Chapter 93: Exorcist, Nun, and Nekoshou

--- Chapter 93 ---






Huo Yuhao swung a random twig coated with 1% of his Armament Haki and blasted a blue-haired girl with quite a voluptuous body. She held a two-handed sword with an ax-like guard and odd three-pointed ends.

He waved the twig and commented, "What's the use of your sword if you can't even swing it properly?"

"Excalibur is nothing but scrap."

"It's not even worth mentioning such a sword. No, the only thing famous about the sword is the name." He added, which caused the girl to tremble in anger.

[Name: Xenovia Quarta]

[Age: 17 years old]

[Race: Human]

[Level: Mid-Class Exorcist]

[Equipment: Excalibur Destruction, Durandal(Sealed)]

[Battle Power: Level 41-59/Spirit Ancestor-King(Dual-Wield)]

[Description: A girl with a flawed view of the world, thinking anything related to darkness must be evil and disgusting things]

Xenovia is a young woman with chin-length blue hair dyed green fringe on the right side and bold brown eyes. She's around 166 cm in height with a very bombshell body for a girl her age and a firm physique because of her early-age training, shown by her toned arms and lean yet athletic thighs.

She wore a Church battle suit consisting of a black, skin-tight, short sleeve leotard with pauldrons, fitting fingerless gloves that reached her biceps, and thigh-high boots decorated with straps. It was "neatly." covered under a white hooded cloak with gold and blue accents.

Even though Xenovia is from a church, she shows questionable curves and areas that could lead to sins. It's dangerous for weak-willed men or any teenager with a right-functioning lower head to see such an appearance.

"Take your words back..." Xenovia trembled when hearing Huo Yuhao's remarks. "I can withstand the insult aimed at myself, but you cannot disgrace Excalibur's name!"

She rushed toward Huo Yuhao and shouted, "Excalibur... Destruction!"

"Kid." Huo Yuhao shook his head.

The Excalibur Destruction released an intense golden light powered by holy power, and Huo Yuhao watched the blade approaching him. He added another small amount of Armament Haki, raising it to 1.5%, and swung the twig in his hand.

"Ittoryu: Sanjūroku Pondo Hō."


A powerful energy slash escaped the twig and swept over Xenovia's firm abdomen with terrifying force, canceling her Excalibur Destruction ability.


Xenovia choked on air and was launched like a cannonball on another side of the field, crashing onto a thick wall reinforced by runes. She couldn't even see because her vision was blurry, fainted while looking at a lonely figure on the training field.

"Xenovia-San!" A young blonde girl stepped onto the training field and approached Xenovia with a worried look. She has two silver rings with green gems on her frail-looking hands.

[Name: Asia Argento]

Qianye Ying'er stared at Xenovia's soul and discovered that she was clueless. "Xenovia-chan... Huo Yuhao has many titles throughout history, which "entirely." were recorded in the Church's archives. And Blue-Eyed Dragon God is one of them." She said, watching Xenovia's expression change into a shocked look.





"Someone is calling my name." Huo Yuhao casually strolled on the block close to Dragon Nest's compound. Since Qianye Ying'er and others were fully absorbed in their meditation, he decided to try some sweets at the nearest bakery. And Ophis probably would like them too.

"Let's see..." He arrived at the decent-sized shop, having a bold plaque with "Warm Sun Bakery." characters written on it. "Hmm, Xiao Xiao owned a bakery too."

"I should have brought Xiao Xiao to Highschool DxD, considering there isn't much real danger here. Anyway, I was overly cautious because Main Quest is a sudden quest. "

Huo Yuhao reached over the bakery's door handle and met with a small squishy hand of a girl. He looked down and saw a white-haired girl in Kuoh Academy's girl uniform.


"Hello?" He greeted her awkwardly.

"Hello..." She silently answered back with a confused tone.

[Name: Koneko Toujou(Shirone)]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Race: Nekoshou, Low-Class Devil(Reincarnated)]

[Level: Mid-Level Devil]

[Battle Power: Level 43/Spirit Ancestor]

[Description: A cute cat girl with a complicated past]

Koneko is a petite girl with white hair and gold eyes. The front of her hair has two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose splits hanging over her forehead, while the back has a short bob cut. She also wears a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her hair.

"My hand." She said while staring at Huo Yuhao's glasses. Yes, he wore Clark Kent's Glasses because walking around would be easier.

Huo Yuhao chuckled and lifted his hand off the door handle, "My bad. I must have startled you."

"Are you going to buy something too?"

Koneko nodded and replied, "This place has the best mochi."

"Try it."

"I see... Then, I'll try it." Huo Yuhao gently opened the door and entered the bakery, leaving the cat girl alone at the entrance.


"What was that..."

Koneko looked at her hand and felt Nekoshou's instinct react when Huo Yuhao touched her. There was something primal about this young man with glasses, and she couldn't put her hand on it. Her cheeks reddened because Nekoshou is inherently a lower-classed beast race compared to Huo Yuhao's War Beast with several ancient bloodlines. It's normal for Koneko to feel overwhelmed by this strange sensation. A feeling of facing the Alpha of beasts.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, a black-haired cat girl with striking hazel-gold eyes instinctively shivered because someone had made contact with her sister.

"Nyaa~?!" A cat-like yelp escaped her mouth.

"Hmph! Someone dared to approach my little sister~!"

"How dare you, NYAA~!!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!