Published at 15th of May 2024 06:34:10 AM

Chapter 94: One Cat? No, Two Cats!

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Chapter 94: One Cat? No, Two Cats!

--- Chapter 94 ---

At the park, Huo Yuhao chewed on mochi and sensed a cat girl's presence in the bush a few meters away from his bench. And It was Koneko. She had been observing him like a curious cat for an hour.

'Are you going to do something with her?' Bing Di asked while looking at the adorable white head between bushes. 'From the blood, I could feel she was part of the beast race.'

Huo Yuhao leaned on the wooden bench and replied, "Well, you're not wrong. She's part of the Nekoshou Clan. A unique Yokai Clan branched from the Nekomata Race, having high talent in Youjutsu and Senjutsu."

"Unfortunately, because of a traumatic experience, Koneko buried her heritage and never trained it. She could easily have become Ultimate Class Devil with enough effort." He fixed his glasses while feeling the chewy yet soft texture of the mochi in his mouth. This sweet mochi is quite a slap.

Meanwhile, Koneko bit onto her sweet red-bean bun and watched Huo Yuhao meticulously. She blinked once and noticed he was gone from the bench.


Huo Yuhao stood behind her and commented, "It's rude to watch over someone like that, you know."

Koneko was alerted and turned around, finding the blue-haired young man. She was shocked inside because he suddenly appeared behind her without any use of magic. And she felt overwhelmed because that pair of blue eyes seemed disappointed.

"I-I'm sorry..." She lowered her head.

Huo Yuhao chuckled and replied, "Nah, It's okay little cat. I assumed something about me bothers you, right?"

Koneko raised her head and nervously asked, "A-Are you also Nekoshou like me?"




Huo Yuhao was amused because Koneko seemed to mistake War Beast's scent for Nekoshou. And War Beast's base was the Great White Tiger, which technically was a large cat. He couldn't blame her for not recognizing a superior race here.

'Should I scare her a little?' He thought while using 10% of War Beast's mode, making silverish-white furs grow on his skin.

A pair of beastly eyes stared at Koneko. She yelped in shock and gnashed her teeth because the imagery of a massive white tiger abruptly appeared before her. There are also several powerful creatures, like a snake-tailed black turtle and a fiery bird.

Huo Yuhao watched cat ears grow on top of Koneko's white head, and two cat tails came out from her skirt, revealing her cotton cat-marked panty. This transformation "simply." was triggered because of his War Beast's aura.

'Cute~!' Tian Meng squealed upon seeing the new Koneko.

'Hmph!' Bing Di haughtily swayed her head when looking at Tian Meng's reaction.

Eluxia noticed the Ice Emperor's response and teased, 'Aww~! Someone is jealous.'

'W-Who is JEALOUS!' The green-haired beast yelled and crossed her arms to show dominance. Still, no matter how Eluxia sees it, Bing Di is an adorable girl who throws her appealing tantrum.

Tian Meng overheard their conversation and felt heart-warmed because Bing Di cared about her attention. The Ice Emperor is a soft-hearted creature with extreme pride and jealousy, which makes her much cuter than usual.

'BING BING~!!' She hugged Bing Di tightly.

Koneko shivered and asked, "A-Are you going to hurt me, N-Nyaa?"

"Oh?" Huo Yuhao was surprised because Koneko used "Nyaa." at the beginning of her question. Yet, he chuckled as his small prank went too far.

The pressure of Divine Beast covered the park, which left Kuroka silent inside because her knees became jelly-like all of a sudden. All her strength also left her body, and that was out of instinct.


"Beast God... My mother said it was a myth." Kuroka looked at Huo Yuhao and watched his blue hair become white. His above-average body also grew more dominant with compact muscle, making him like a humanoid beast.

Huo Yuhao clenched his hand a few times because War Beast's form had become more powerful. After absorbing some blood, his overall strength has reached a new height. He looked down on Kuroka, sweating puddles or maybe not sweat, and sighed inside.

Surprisingly, Kuroka stood up with shaky hands and legs, walking to protect Koneko. She fought her instinct back with a desire and will to save her younger sister. "I won't move..." She crossed her arms solemnly and prepared to die till her last breath.

Huo Yuhao scratched his cheek while deactivating War Beast's form and said, "What a surprise. You actually fought back Nekoshou's instinct with sheer will alone? Your aptitudes and potential to become stronger are higher than your younger sister's."

"Is it because you're older?"

"No, you just want to protect her." He smiled in amusement because Kuroka would be a fine piece to improve this world later. Her origin as a yokai will be helpful, considering there are two factions of yokai in japan now.

"Hehehe~, I think Dragon Nest needs a house cat."

"N-Nyaa?" Kuroka shivered when seeing Huo Yuhao's evil smirk.



At the same time, Narita Airport.

"Ugh, I should have used the Teleportation Rune." A young woman with long purple hair and red eyes stepped outside the airport. She wore black jeans and an oversized purple shirt tucked into the pants. And black sunglasses that cover her eyes from sunlight.

"What a bright idea, Giana..." She glanced at her watch.

After awakening her lineage as a progenitor vampire, the young woman prefers darkness more now. The sun didn't affect her in any shape or form, but the shadow of the night was just better.

Giana pouted and responded, "Eh, but you're the one who told me to choose a way to reach Japan?? Didn't you say you wanted to surprise the Master by secretly taking flight? Teacher Scathach is horrible, Hmph~!"

"Don't act cute..." Scathach rolled her eyes.

"Fine, it's my fault."


The God Slayer glanced at the quiet part of the airport and saw some black metal boxes carried by so many people. She could feel weak holy energy come from them, which left her confused for a moment.

She pondered and said, "Giana, do me a favor and track those metal boxes' location later."

"Do you want to share this information with others too?" Giana returned while using Iofi as a temporary core memory.

"Sure," Scathach answered casually. She moved her gaze back to the asphalt road and clicked her tongue in annoyance because she didn't have transportation to Kuoh City.

"Aih... Come here, Selia."

An invisible creature resembling a massive purplish-skinned bat appeared out of nowhere and landed before Scathach. "Bring me to Kuoh City." She patted the familiar's head gently. The bat nodded and let Sctahach ride her back.

"Let's go, girl. I need my Yuhaonium."

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