Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:11:25 AM

Chapter 103: Fight Starts!

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Chapter 103: Fight Starts!


"[Sword dance]," Hae-in was at the very front slashing and ripping monsters apart with her sword dancing her way through the ranks dissecting monsters in her way leaving light golden trails behind her.

"[Dance of the raging wind]," Kanae ran through the monsters with blinding speed cutting them with her twin katana and wherever she when monster parts flew with splashing blood all over.

'There are so many of them,' Kanae thought as she moved even faster reinforcing her speed with the wind and increasing the sharpness of her blade as well.

"[Dragon slash]," Liu Zhigang swept his double swords launching a large horizontal Slash cutting the monster in half.

"Go forth," Jin-woo gave his order and the shadow army moved forward.


With Beru's(Best Girl) warcry of course,



"[Quicksand]" Asma used a skill to make the land between Hunters and Monsters a quicksand to trap them in it.

Seeing that the monsters were slowing down Asma got ready to use another magic while pointing her scepter to the sky.


"[Earth Spikes,]" she used another skill to rain earth spikes on the oncoming army killing many in the process but it was still wasn't slowing them down.

The Monsters behind used the corpses as footholds and ran above the quicksand making their way forward.

'We'll die at this rate, the Hunters can't move and those who can move can't fight forever.' Asma thought as she used more magic to increase the projectiles.

She propped her scepter on the ground and poured a large amount of mana into it. She was getting ready to use her most powerful skill.

And a Dark Red Aura enveloped the battlefields.


"I-I can Move now, How?"

Everyone was shocked but then they looked at the source of it all. The sole World Rank hunter or his clones were emitting this dark red aura that canceled out the effect of the dragon's roar.

Everyone was able to control their body perfectly like before, they looked at the Monsters in front of them and saw many of them were fallen on the ground with their eyes rolled back while many were bleeding.

They couldn't help looking at the man who made this possible with awe in their eyes. L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

"Damn it Haru, I love you," Kanae and Asma said at the same time shocking the people near them.

But they just ignored it as Kanae moved forward into the frontline delving deeper.

'I won't let this opportunity be lost,' Asma thought.

"[O' Serpent Who Ends the Time of Dawn, Uraeus Astrape]" Asma shouted as she moved almost 60 % of her mana into the ground and the sand took the shape of a large serpent.

It had blue and golden stripes on its body with a length of 100 meters and a width of 20 meters it raised its head looking at the oncoming army with its red eyes that didn't look like that of a statue.


The Snake hissed as it leaped straight into the oncoming army with its mouth open wide swallowing anything in its sight.



"Come my golems, lay waste in your wake," Jonas shouted and 50 large golems made of wood with the size of a 4-story building came out of the ground and rushed towards the monsters that were coming their way.


"Let's do this you bastards, AWOOO" Jonas shouted at the top of his lungs.

"AWOOOOOOO" the South American hunters shouted shaking the air and started attacking as they ran behind the wooden Golems.

The Golems started punching and kicking the monsters killing them as they moved deeper into the army acting as tanks for the Hunters.


In Delhi, A tall man with tanned skin and a fit stature was looking at the battlefield, he had short wavy black hair and black eyes. He was India's National rank hunter Siddarth Bacchan.

Siddarth looked at the Army charging towards them, he pulled the string of his bow and a mana arrow was formed on his bow.

"[Rain of Arrows]" He murmured slowly as he released the arrow into the air.

The monsters looked at the arrow and moved forward without stopping as it was only one.

But then it became two, then four, then eight and it continued till the whole sky was filled with arrows and it fell on the Monster Army.


And the rain of arrows pierced its way into the army killing more than 1,000 monsters at once.

'This will be hard, even with the reinforcements it is almost impossible to clear these monsters without heavy casualties.' Siddarth thought as he pulled his bow again shooting down the monsters killing two or three at once.


And a fire slash cut through the charging army killing more than 10,000 monsters at once turning them into ashes.

Siddarth looked at the person responsible for this.

'.....It looks like we made the right decision in not opposing his participation.' He thought as he turned back to killing the monsters while ordering his guild members.


In Beijing,

Jin-woo and Zhigang were running head first into the army with the shadow army and Hunters following them.


Beru screeched loudly as he ran and started slaughtering the monsters. Igris was running around killing monsters swiftly with his greatsword, with Bellion just standing in one place only moving his sword and letting it rip apart the monsters to pieces.


The monsters were cut up and blood was splashed everywhere.


'I don't have to worry much about this gate, the one in Vancouver and Cairo.' Haru thought as he looked at the dragon that starting to move.

Asma who was becoming like a beacon of courage for everyone was staring at Haru.

'Mou, Why don't you praise me? Give me a head pat at least, Stingy.' She pouted as she saw Haru was looking at the battlefield in thought.

As the battle continued between the Hunters and Monsters went on the more chaotic the space became it was just a little away from distorting.

'Why would they do this? If the space distorts the rulers will be able to come down, and I doubt Antares wants that at the moment as it will mean more enemies for him,' Haru was thinking about the reason behind this.


The ground shook causing everyone to nearly fall off their feet.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!