Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:11:17 AM

Chapter 107: Are You The Only Monarch Here?

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Chapter 107: Are You The Only Monarch Here?

Antares looked at the slash and moved back avoiding the strike.

The dark slash flew off in the air and hit the black barrier causing it to ripple but no further damage was done.

'So that is not going to work that is to be expected as it is made to keep My Lord out so it can't be weak even from the inside, but I understand.....' Queresha was brought out of her thought by a voice.

[It was a powerful attack but it still isn't enough,] Antares said.

"It was never meant for you in the first place," Queresha said slashing her sword in the air before placing it in front of her and resting her hands on it.

[I see you seem to have caught on.] Antares said in a condescending tone as he regenerated his armor again.

"It was too blatant after all," Queresha said in her feminine but strong voice which was full of charisma.

[Well, You can't break it any way, and it won't matter even if you do.] Antares said as he shook his head.

He made this plan after he took a sample of Haru's mana and used Dimensional lost to make a barrier that can counter him perfectly. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

The last time he abducted Shadow Monarchs' vessel his real goal was Haru from that time as he didn't care much for Shadow monarch's vessel at the time as he was weak the main concern was Haru who killed all the Monarchs.

It didn't matter to him if Jin-woo lived or died at that time he was more concerned with Haru who was the anomaly, that is the reason he used Iron Body Monarch to cause a ruckus while also leaving a trail behind so that the rulers can catch on to it.

And it worked as he planned as he knew Haru's whereabouts with the help of Monarch of Transfigurations subordinates who were in the human world.

As the news about the Hunter's moves was published all over the world so it was easy for him to know where he would be. And at the time he should in the west which was the perfect chance for him to attack the small country in the east.

He wanted to see if this vessel who was supposed to dissolve after the death of the Insect monarch will be able to use its powers as the shadow monarch did.

'And I have to say it is amusing indeed, the more amusing things are the more pleasure I get when I destroy them.' Antares thought as the sole reason for his existence was to cause destruction so what if he tries to make things a little interesting before he tramples on them.

And as to not disappoint Antares a large gate the size of a ten-story building opened behind Queresha and Monsters came out of it one by one in an orderly manner like a trained army.

Ranging from centipedes to hornets to ants to spiders there was every type of insect you can think of varying in size coming out of the gate as they lined up behind Queresha kneeling or bowing respectfully. The force numbered over 80,000. And they all stayed silently without making a sound.

Then something came out of the gate again. it was a beetle that looked like a mix between a stag beetle and a rhinoceros beetle. It had a humanoid form with a height of 3 meters that looked like a warrior clad in a pitch-black exoskeleton with visible golden joints. A red-tipped, sword-like horn protrudes from its forehead.

The Insect kneeled behind Queresha bowing its head and placing a hand on its chest showing its respect to her.

Followed by A Dragon with a height of 70 meters because of its height it had to crouch to be able to come out of the gate, It has a reptilian head, with sharp teeth, small light-colored eyes a long tongue, two horns with the top one being longer and a long neck. The body of the Dragon has a thick dark colored shell, four hind legs, and two short arms with each of the limbs having two sharp claws and a long tail with two spikes on the end. It also has a set of wings that are lighter in color than its shell.

It was a hybrid between an insect and a dragon. It stopped just behind the beetle and bowed its head in respect.

Then two swallowtail butterflies the size of a soccer ball came out of the gate one having black wings with red patterns with blood red eyes and the second one had white wings with golden patterns and watery blue eyes. Both of them looked like they were dolls as they flew over leaving a trail of red and golden dust respectively.

They landed just behind the dragon and bowed their head as well.

'Though they aren't as strong as the dragons individually, the strength of insects lies in numbers where enough of them can take down bigger foes with their numbers and tenacity alone. It took me some time to gather soldiers from the Crack between the worlds but this will have to do for now.' Queresha thought as she had been visiting the cracks between the worlds with Haru to gather the forces of the former Insect Monarch the Beetle Lazen who was named by Haru because he looked like Lazengann from Tengen Toppa and Queresha wanted her first servant to be named by Haru so he used this name.

The insect and dragon hybrid named Zeta and the swallowtail butterflies named Shiro for the white one and Kuro for the black one respectively.

They all bowed behind Queresha with utmost respect and admiration.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!