Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:11:15 AM

Chapter 108: 108 Not The Time

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Chapter 108: 108 Not The Time

'Although this is not even 10% of the Insect army, it will have to do for now as the others have already gone under the Dragon monarch.' Queresha thought as she still felt a bit unsatisfied with it.

"Woah, this is so cool Unnie," Jin-ah said with shining eyes as she landed beside Queresha.

'Wrong place Wrong time,' Queresha thought as she glanced at Jin-ah who is always like this. But she didn't mind her carefree behavior as it had a charm of its own.

"This isn't the time to be amazed little lady," Gun-hee said as he walked out from between the army.

After seeing the gate open he gathered as many hunters as possible and was making his way to the gate but he met the little girl who is Jin-woo's little sister who told him that someone is stalling the monsters so they should evacuate the people first. And he listened to her as Jong-in said so as well.

'This is terrifying, this is the power of beings that have gone past humans' limitations,' Gun-hee thought as he looked at Queresha. He had his suspicions when she appeared out of nowhere but he didn't put his nose in it because Haru saved all the Korean hunters at that time. As this was a huge help to the country so he didn't want to question it and just approved of it.

But this is something out of his expectations to think that the young lady who follows around Haru like a docile cat would actually turn out to be a lioness like this.

Jin-Chul also walked out with Gun-hee while heavily sweating. They had finished the evacuations quickly and it was fortunate that there was no life lost in panic, and it was all thanks to the little girl with ice magic.

She commanded people so orderly that it looked like they had been doing these types of drills their whole lives.

'What a terrifying family this is,' Jin-Chul shuddered as he remembers Jin-ah when she visited Jin-woo in the hospital.

First Jin-woo and Haru then comes the father of Jin-woo, and now even the secretary that follows Haru around and Jin-woo's little sister as well. There was only the mother left at this point.

Then Jin-Chul remembered that Jin-woo and Il-hwan would shudder when asked about her. And Haru would also avoid answering about her.

'Is she the strongest of them of all?' Jin-Chul's mind was muddled by the panic that caused him to think about nonsense.

And rightfully so this family is a terrifying one with the mother being the most dangerous one indeed.

'It seems that everything is done,' Queresha thought as she had bought enough time for the common people to be far away from here.

"Jin-ah come here quick," Queresha called Jin-ah towards her and told her something which surprised her but she listened to it while nodding.

She held the handle of the long sword with both of her hands then a thin black film covered the silver blade with her hands and pointed his behind as she leaned forward placing her right leg forward.

A dark black aura bordered with purple started to gather on her sword shrouding it.

The amount of mana concentrated on the sword was enough to make the ancient dragons in the air uneasy but Antares just smiled as he readied his Great sword with dark red fire gathering around it.

Queresha's red eyes shined more beautifully than ever as she put more force on her legs.


She launched straight at Antares breaking the concrete ground she was standing on as the broken ground flew in different directions and arrived in front of him in an instant.

Queresha swung her sword at Antares's neck in a horizontal swing which he met head on with his sword.


The sound of metal hitting resounded everywhere as the shockwaves from the clash broke everything around them.

The swords were locked in the position as Antares used his strength to push his blade towards Queresha who crouched while tilting her sword to let the greatsword slide above her and swung her sword at his open abdomen.

Antares jumped back slightly to avoid the blow but...

"[First Stance: Flying Shadow]" the slash left her blade and went straight for Antares destroying the ground in the way he was a bit surprised but was able to bring his greatsword in the way of the attack.


[What?] Antares was a bit bewildered that he was knocked back by the force of the slash and then looked at Queresha with his red eyes which were shining more when he saw that his sword was chipped by that attack. His sword was actually chipped this has never happened before.

[This is it, fight me with your all. HAHAHA,] Antares was ecstatic to find an opponent who had so much skill. She was able to find weaknesses in everything as she deflected his attacks with minimal force, broke his armor, and now chipped his sword. She was just full of surprises as she did one thing after another.

Both of them rushed at each other leaving red and black trails reaching in front of each other.

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