Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:17:06 AM

Chapter 11: The First Gate

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Chapter 11: The First Gate

"I trained a little too late last night," I said as I looked at the clock.

It was currently 1 in the afternoon I just finished my breakfast as I was sitting in the living room as I got a call, And I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said as I didn't know who it was.

-Hunter Tsugikuni it's me Go Gun-Hee I am calling you to tell you about the condition for you to enter gates alone.

"Please go on Chairman," I said as I wanted to know.

-We have assigned 8 gates 5 B-Ranks and 3 A-Ranks for you. we will send Hunter Cha Hae-in with you for insurance even if we know your power. it's better safe than sorry.

"I understand Chairman and thank you again. So when can I start." I asked him.

-That's the reason I called you. can come to the association training ground in Half an hour she will be waiting here as she is on her way.

"Ok, I'll come there," I said as I put my phone down as I went towards the hunter association with my katana in my hands it would be suspicious to take it out of nowhere.

I reached the training ground in 20 minutes as I entered I saw both Chairman Go and Hunter Cha talking.

"You came well you both know each other already so I'll go as I have a meeting to attend." He said as he left.

"Thank you, chairman," I said as went he just nodded with a smile and went away.

"Hunter Cha so when are we going to start the raids," I asked her as she was staring at me intently. So I asked.

"Is there something on my face?"

"A-AHH, no no there is nothing and you can call me Hae-in," she said blushing.

"Ok, then you can call me Haru, Nice to meet you," I said as I extended my hand towards her and she took it.

'His hand is rough, he must have practiced for a long time.' That is what Hae-in thought.

Then she came near me and sniffed near my shoulder. I wasn't surprised as I know the reason and I shouldn't have a pungent smell for her. As I use chakra as energy and not mana from this world. But I should ask just in case.

"Do I smell bad?" I said snapping her out of her daze as her face turned red. And she waved her hands around trying to explain.

After calming down a bit she explained to me the reason she was doing this.

"So do I smell bad," I asked her again as she calmed down a bit more.

"N-No, you have a calming smell. It isn't like any of the hunters I have met before. You are the first to have a good smell." She said as she was blushing and fidgeting with her fingers.

'How can she be so cute?'


After a few minutes, Hae-in calmed down And said

"About the gate, we can go to one now it is on the outskirts of Seoul. And the rank of the gate is B" She said.


Hmm, I leveled up guess it is because it's an A-Rank Beast. I feel a bit lighter. Guess my stats increased. I'll check it later.

I stopped just past the orc as this was an open space and I can feel 20 High orcs coming towards us from that narrow passage and fighting in there won't be good.

Although it does limit the opponent's movement it also limits my movements. Hae-in stopped near me and said.

"Why is there an A-rank beast here isn't this a B-rank gate." She had a solemn expression contrary to how she was acting before.

"This is a problem we should go back and report to the guild to send a request for help." She said as she was about to turn around.

But I stopped her and said.

"20 orcs are coming our way we should finish them off first and then retreat." She nodded and took a stance. I didn't stop her from doing so.

ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR* We both heard a loud sound as we looked ahead at the tunnel and a high orc came out and ran towards us as he was followed by other high orcs. I looked towards Hae-in who happened to look towards me. I nodded at her with a smile.

And we faced the magical beasts.

'Hi no kokyū Yōkatotsu (Breath of the sun Sunflower thrust)' I used one of the fast techniques of the breath of the sun and while leaving a trail of fire I arrived in front of the orc and jumped towards his head as I thrust my katana into his forehead. Burning his brain matter and killing him instantly.

I removed my katana from his forehead and used his head as a springboard towards the second Orc and used...

'Enbu' and cut his head into 2 killing him and from my haki, I felt an attack left and right I used the shoulder of the orc I killed and jumped up as I used hand seals Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger and used the Jutsu.

'Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu' and a big ball of fire went towards the orcs burning it alive.

After landing I dodged a bit to right and an axe went past me just missing and landed on the ground I used it as a foothold and cut off the head of the orc that attacked and moved on to the next one.

I looked towards the remaining six orcs coming towards me I laughed and ran towards them as I imbued my katana with Busoshoku haki and used the technique 'emission' and a slash of haki went towards them. They weren't aware of it as it cut 3 of them in half.

'Hi no kokyū Nichiun no Ryū Kaburimai(Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance )' I unleashed a continuous fast and powerful sword attack that seemingly takes the form of a Japanese dragon made of solar flames.

And decapitated all three of them and stood in front of their dead bodies as I looked towards Hae-in who was fighting the last three orcs.

As she dodged towards the side from the one that attacked her in the front and stabbed in the heart killing him then she jump as an attack on her former position she spun in the air like a gymnast and stabbed the one who attacked her in the forehead killing the orc and using his head she jumped towards the last one and cut his head.

Then she looked towards me and said.

"Let's go." And started running towards the exit.

I followed her and heard a voice in my head.

{Earned 9000EXP}




'Now that's what I'm talking about.'

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