Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:11:06 AM

Chapter 111: I Have Been Waiting

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Chapter 111: I Have Been Waiting

Il-hwan looked at Jin-ah who was also on the ground breathing heavily while sweating.

'I have many questions at the moment, but the most important one is..... WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT BASTARD? IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO MY DAUGHTER I'LL FUCKING HAUNT YOU EVEN AFTER DEATH YOU HEAR ME, RRRRRAAAAAAARRRRRRHHHHHHH,' Il-hwan was raging in his mind cursing Haru.

Everyone was the same in this situation as they can only look on while gritting their teeth while lying on the ground.

Queresha was still standing but her body didn't move at all as she saw that Antares came closer to her with a mocking smile as the wound on his chest has been healed already it was like he wanted to show her that it wasn't that big of a deal.

[It was a good fight but this is the end,] Antares said as he opened his mouth gathering a ball of red and purple fire as his teeth became jagged and the slits in his eyes became more pronounced.

'No Queresha Unnie, Are we really going to fail after coming this far?' Jin-ah was teary-eyed as she looked at Antares who was ready to burn Queresha to a crisp and it wasn't only Jin-ah but even Gun-hee and other hunters were trying to stand up to save her, the problem was they couldn't move. They knew that the only one who could confront Antares was Queresha and if she falls then.

[QUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNN] Lazen was shouting in panic as she tried to get up but her weakened body didn't help her.

"That is right, This is the end," Queresha said as she moved all of her Haoshoku Haki compressing it, it was compressed to the extent that it manifested physically.

The reason she used it like this was that she knew that a normal burst isn't going to work on someone like Antares, She had learned this from Haru after she often observed him when he was training although she isn't as masterful as Haru in it she can still use it to a minor degree but the toll it takes on her is really high. This is also one of the reasons Haru praised her so much for her talent.

She used her will to push it straight at Antares who was shocked because the Dragon Fear's effect wore off Queresha or more like she was never affected by it and before he could react he was hit by the Compressed Haoshoku Haki in the face at point blank range.

'W-What? My body is not... did she plan it to this extent? Did she even take this into account? And where did she get that Mana? She shouldn't have any left.' Antares thought as he tried to move his body back as he saw the amount of Mana that was gathering on the sword of Queresha covering it in pitch black aura and it only got bigger as the length of the sword increased to 2 Meters.

'Your biggest fault was to take my mana reserves at face value,' Queresha thought as the ring on her left finger shone brightly.


Ring of Disguise(C+):: A ring that can be used to mask the user's appearance and mana giving out false information that the user wants to the opponent.

Price:: 6,000


[So you have no plan after that, it is a bit of a disappointment.] Antares smiled while shaking his head.

"As I said before, that attack wasn't meant for you," Queresha said causing Antares to look up in shock.


The black barrier that was covering the city was broken but there was another barrier above it and this one had cracks on it and the cracks spread more but the barrier still didn't break and some of the cracks were even being mended.

[Did you think there was only one barrier? and don't tell me you did all that just for this one chance, so much planning using so many tricks just for this? That barrier can repair itself as well, did you really think that It will be over just because you broke it once.] Antares said as he thought that he might have overestimated this woman when he saw her silent.

'Anytime now,' Queresha thought and suddenly Jin-ah stood up with Shiro on her shoulder with her body shining because of the buff she received from Shiro......

"[ICE DRAGON BREAKS THROUGH THE BARRIER,]" Jin-ah's voice shook the entire battlefield which was shrouded in silence.

And everyone couldn't help but think one thing.

'Really, you had to use such a name.' Even Queresha didn't expect this as she was sighing but she had a smile on her lips.

And soon traditional four-toed Chinese dragon with blue antlers, sharp teeth, blue scaly skin, red eyes, a long serpentine body of mostly tail, long flowing whiskers, a long snout, crescent-shaped nostrils, and flowing blue hair on his cheeks. It has a body length of a 10-story building as he rushed up into the sky towards the place where most cracks were.

Antares's eyes widened as he saw this and he knew what they were trying to do.

'So she did have a plan after all,' He looked at Queresha again while thinking.

'This is the only chance because I won't be able to use it again. I have put all of my mana in that. If this fails then....' Jin-ah clenched her fists tightly her mana reserves are comparable to a Lower S rank hunter.

'How did I miss an attack of that caliber being prepared right in front of me,' Antares thought as he looked at Jin-ah's hand to see the same ring that Queresha took off her finger before.

'Damn it this woman but it is still her short-sightedness to think I would let that attack land,' Antares looked at Queresha only to see her smiling. he hated being outplayed when he thought that he had won.

Antares opened his mouth gathering the ball of purple and red fire he was ready to blast it straight at the ice dragon and melt it.

"I have been waiting for that moment," Il-hwan said as he appeared out of thin air.

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