Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:11:01 AM

Chapter 115: This Isn't Even My Final Form

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Chapter 115: This Isn't Even My Final Form


The loud Explosion shook the land and air. The land was melting turning into magma kicking up smoke clouds shrouding the place where Haru was.

[That is what you get for being cocky,] Antares snorted as he observed that there was no sign of something moving.

The smoke cloud which was obstructing the view was cleared and Antares came face to face with...

RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH* N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

A large Nine tails fox that was light orange in color as it made an earth-shattering cry while letting its tails flare up. Haru was hovering in its head looking down on Antares as the height of the Nine tails was 520 Meters.

[So you finally decide to take it seriously,] Antares smirked in his dragon form.

"Seriously? This isn't even my final form." Haru scoffed back.

[What?] Antares didn't understand anything but that wasn't important at the moment.

The Mana which was excluded from this was way more dangerous.

'This guy had such a trick as well,' Antares thought as he moved.


Both the nine tails and Antares rushed towards each other on all fours with full force breaking the ground with every step.

Antares made the first move as he swiped his claws at the nine tails head who punched at the claws.


The claw and the fist struck and a loud explosion was heard as the ground around them gave way.

Both of them pulled their fists back and Antares stood on his hind legs then brought down his massive front claws at the Nine tails head with full force.


[What?] Antares was shocked as he saw his claws were stopped by the fox's tails which arched over his head acting as a shield.

The ground behind the fox cracked under the pressure.

"What are you so surprised for, did you think they were just for show?" Haru scoffed as he flicked the tails up knocking Antares's claws in the air and exposing his wide open stomach.

The Fox punched the open stomach with its right fist at full power.


[ARGHH,] Antares groaned as he was blown away by the force of the punch and he landed on the ground heavily.

He looked up and saw the fox was falling straight on him with a big orb that had a diameter of more than 100 meters in its right hand.

"Big Ball Rasengan" Haru shouted as he put his right hand forward while he was about to fall on Antares.


Antares moved out of the way as quickly as he can and the attack hit the ground leaving a big crater in it kicking up a dust cloud.

The Fox which was about to stand up had his arm grabbed by Antares's tail.

"[Abe no Ohabari]" Haru spoke as the fox drew a katana out of thin air the blade of the katana was red pulsating like hot magma and the temperature it was emanating was higher than the surface of the sun the ground around Haru started to melt as he held the katana.


Haru rushed forward at full speed leaving craters with every footstep in the way. And the two reached in front of each other.


Antares swung his large claws at the Torso of the Fox.


Haru moved the katana and blocked the claws with ease. He then kicked Antares midsection with his right leg.


The kick connected pushing Antares back who skidded on the ground and opened his mouth to launch a breath at Haru with full force.


Seeing the beam approaching Haru swung the Katana bringing it down in a vertical slash cutting beam in two from the middle.


The beam that was divided in two collided with the ground and blew up making a loud explosion.

But Antares already appeared in front of Haru again with his mouth wide open trying to bite him.

Haru stepped to the side easily as Antares could only bite at empty air Haru used the sword to slash at Antares's head.


But the attack was blocked by Antares's left claw or so he thought as the blade cut into his flesh after it sliced through Antares's dragon scales with ease and his front left claw was lopped off.


A large amount of blood flew in the air as Antares grimaced at the pain but despite that, he flapped his wings and moved backward avoiding the katana that was moving towards his neck narrowly.

'Argh, what the hell is this? Why do I the King Of Dragons feel like I am being burned alive? What did he do?' Antares was livid as his eyes flashed the bleeding from his arm wasn't stopping nor was it regenerating rather the burning was...

'It's spreading? I have to....' Antares quickly ripped off his arm and sighed in relief as he saw that he had made it in time.

But then he saw the katana heading straight to his face which was narrowly avoided but....


[ARRRGHHHH,] Antares screamed again as he felt his left wing was cut off but before he could do anything something hit the side of his face with full force. Of course, it was Haru who kicked him with his right foot.


Antares was hurled in the air with his large body and sent flying over a few kilometers as he landed roughly on the ground.

He quickly ripped off his left wing from the base in fear that something would happen like the last time. He understood that ability was blocking his regeneration.

'This is more troublesome than what I thought at first,' Antares thought as he wanted to keep his distance from the blade the farther the better.

But before he could even think there was a huge fire slash coming straight at him.....

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!