Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:10:48 AM

Chapter 118: Mongrels

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Chapter 118: Mongrels

The internet dwellers went full rage mode as they crashed many government websites and filled them with rants and curse words but the government just said that it is 'Justified' and their 'right' to know where that person is from.

The internet was more active than usual because of the charade.

-It is infuriating, how can these people be so shameless?

-That is human nature at its finest.

-The reason is that if they find the information in their favor they can get a powerful hunter who can rival Hunter Sung while they have a connection with Hunter Tsugikuni.

-The main point is that nothing is known about her background, so it is a very tempting for them. As they know that Haru-sama can't attack normal humans. N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

-If it is monsters that is one thing but the same thing can't be used against humans we live in a society with 'Rules' that can change depending on how it suits the higher-ups. And that is the reason they are clamoring.

-The National Rank Hunters have already warned the countries that they shouldn't even think about coming to them for help if something happens. They do not the confidence to fight against Haru-sama.

-I mean even if they gather they can't do anything, Haru-sama has like 8 clones and even they are stronger than the national ranks.

-That makes it even more absurd for the countries to think they can make a difference. Like what made them go like 'Oh, trying to provoke the strongest creature on the planet.' yeah I can work with that. I just want to know what made them think it was a good idea. I mean what are they snorting before thinking all of this.?


-I am thinking about the same thing.

-I am pretty sure this is just an attempt as they know that nothing is going to happen to them even if it fails other than a little public backlash, so they are just giving it a chance thinking if they get lucky and if Queresha-sama is from their country it will be their field day. Because even if she is living with Haru-sama of her own will, This will create problems for them and I am talking a LOT of problems.

-Queresha-sama? When did this happen?

-Her Fanclub is growing by the second you know.

-Yup so many men are going crazy over her. The chants of 'step on me Queen' have been posted all over the internet.

-She does have that presence after all; anyone who had seen her fight will think that she was pretty badass.

-Many men nowadays like a strong woman after all except for some countries. So it is only natural for her to have many men simping for her.

-I mean it is a surprise how men from all over the world went from 'I want a gentle and devoted woman' to 'I want a woman that can break me in half like a twig'.

-And I am all for it.

-LMAO, me too.

-Me too x1,00,000

-Now this is using 'Me too' for a good cause. Rather than slandering people.

-Yeah fuck you Amber Turd.

And that is how a new epithet was added to Haru.

'Son of Amaterasu' became his second nickname in this world.

As for what Haru was doing at the moment well...


Haru was currently in jin-ah's house, he came here to meet her after he sent Queresha home only to find out that she is sleeping, which was understandable after all she was exhausted from the battle. Even though she had trained with Haru and the others, this was her first time experiencing the battlefield first-hand and it had put a lot of strain on her both mentally and physically.


Haru was currently dodging il-hwan's short swords.

"Ok calm down uncle," Haru said trying to calm down il-hwan as it was his fault so he can't say anything to him.

"YOU STAY STILL I WON'T CLAM DOWN UNTIL I CUT YOU DOWN," Il-hwan shouted as he slashed faster.

"Hey, Jin-woo can you help me out?" Haru asked Jin-woo who was sitting on the sofa looking at his phone.

"How about No," Jin-woo just shook his head he was angry that he didn't get to fight the red-haired bastard again.

And then the door to Jin-ah's room opened.

"What are you doing Honey?" Hearing the soft voice Il-hwan stiffened like a statue as he moved his neck like a machine with no oil.

"H-Honey y-you s-see this kid..." il-hwan was trying to explain but.

"I don't want to hear it, you should know that it has affected him as well. It isn't only you who was worried about Jin-ah." Kyung-hye said as she looked at her husband with a stern expression.

She knew that her husband can go overboard at times with how overprotective he is of Jin-ah, the reason for this was because he couldn't watch over her as she grew up. Making him like this and the thing is that he wasn't even angry at Haru rather....

"No mom, it is my fault. I should've been more careful." Haru said as he blamed himself for this after his fight with Antares he thought that how if things went a little differently.

Things could've gone wrong completely with both Queresha and Jin-ah dying along with Il-hwan and Kyung-hye. That is also the reason he can't say anything to Il-hwan.

Jin-woo was looking at Haru as well.

"That is right Haru, you know we are still human at the end of the day and we all make mistakes. Didn't it all end well that's why don't worry about it and rest you are the one who is the most tried of everyone. I'll call you when Jin-ah wakes up ok." Kyung-hye said as she patted Haru's head slowly causing him to widen his eyes.

"....Ok, I'll go and rest then," Haru said and went back to his house slowly.

Seeing that Haru went away Kyung-hye looked at Il-hwan who flinched a little. Then Kyung-hye looked at Jin-woo who nodded and vanished from the room.

"N-No son don't leave me alone here," Il-hwan said in a panic.

But stopped when he felt Kyung-hye hugging him softly and stroking his back.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!