Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:10:46 AM

Chapter 119: Do You Have A Wish?

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Chapter 119: Do You Have A Wish?

"There is no need to feel bad you know. just leave what happened in the past behind, there is no need to dwell on it. you are here with us now that is all that matters." Kyung-hye said and il-hwan felt like his wife can see through him really easily.

Il-hwan was feeling a bit complicated that he couldn't protect his family and the fact that he wasn't there for his family for more than 10 years made him feel bitter. Even though they tell him not to worry about it he can't do that.

He thought that he can make up by giving his life for them, Even though he had the last card which would lead to his death but the thing was he knew that it won't make a difference against Antares.

He was angry at himself for not being able to do anything to protect his family.

"You can read me easily Honey," Il-hwan said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Of course, I am your wife after all," Kyung-hye said with a soft smile.

"So can I get some dinner today?" Il-hwan asked.

"No you are still under punishment period, so no dinner for you," Kyung-hye answered back.

Il-hwan laughed slightly hugging his wife.


Dongdaemun, Seoul.

Jin-woo was walking down the cracked and empty road and entered a 20-story building after he was said to leave the house. Even though he walked in silence his mind was busy thinking.

'It all ended, there are no more monsters who can threaten the world,' Jin-woo thought as he walked.

With the Monarchs all dead there was only the Monster army left, and they were in the cracks between the worlds so he didn't need to worry about them coming here because the world is protected by the barrier which was made by the rulers, and the only ones who can bypass that are Monarchs who are now dead.

He was in deep thought about how things would've been so much different if Haru wasn't here to help him.

'How many would die in the Monster attack? What would the damage be like? Will I be able to defeat Antares on my own? ...Would my family be able to live together like this?' Jin-woo clenched his hands as he thought about all the things Haru has helped him with till now, if it wasn't for Haru taking action and using his status as an S-Rank it would be a wonder when his father would be able to come home normally considering he came out of the dungeon.

'Should we turn back the time and take care of the monarchs while not giving humans power..... No, if there is no natural mana Haru won't get his powers either and he would remain as a normal human, so it would be me alone fighting the Monarchs. Will I be able to do it on my own?' Jin-woo thought as he was about to press the doorbell but his hand stopped.

'She will forget about me as well,' Jin-woo was thinking again about the thought of how things will be like if they turn back the time and everyone will forget about what happened to them in these years, This includes Haru as well. Jin-woo won't forget anything as he is a monarch but everyone else will.

'What will he think about losing everyone that he loves, what will I tell him....' Before Jin-woo was about to go back but the door in front of him opened.

"Ah, Jin-woo I was just about to come and visit everyone. Are you hurt? Are Jin-ah and uncle ok?" Jin-woo looked down at the orange-haired woman who was looking at him with worry in her bright blue eyes.

This look has been the same since the day he met her, a day hasn't passed where she didn't worry about him.

Seeing Jin-woo wasn't answering her Joo-hee tilted her head.

"Jin-woo what are you worried about?" Joo-hee suddenly asked him.

"How did you know?" Jin-woo asked her as he was surprised that she was able to guess it.

"Hmm, whenever you worry about something you have a habit of putting your hands in your hoddie pockets as you frown while looking down," Joo-hee said with a smile.

"Oh, so you look at me that much, huh," Jin-woo said as he scratched his face as he was shocked that she knew him this well.

"Who will I look at if not you? anyway come on in and tell me what is worrying you," Joo-hee just smiled at him as she turned around and walked into the house.

Jin-woo suddenly remembered his talk with Haru that he had a year after his mother went into a coma.


It was night time and Jin-woo had just come back from a raid which can be seen by how he had bandages on his head and right arm.

Jin-woo didn't find Haru at home and went to the terrace of the building to look for him. As that was the place you can find Haru if he wasn't at home during the night.

"So you were here after all," Jin-woo said as he looked at Haru's back as he was sitting on the edge of the terrace looking at the sky.

"Jin-woo do you have a wish?" Haru asked him without looking back.

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