Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:10:10 AM

Chapter 125: Pervert

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Chapter 125: Pervert

'Did I meet him too early? What if this leaves an adverse effect on him? We were lucky last time that we sealed his memories in time but what now? I knew it I shouldn't have listened to that lightning Vixen. This has to be her plan to destroy my relationship with Ha-kun; I won't let it go her way.' The woman's mind was in a full panic as small tears started to form in her eyes.

Haru looked up at her and saw her face which contained an immeasurable worry for her as she was tearing up a little.

'This looks familiar? Wait why do I?' Haru's eyes widened as the pain in his head increased and he fell to the ground.

"ARGH*" Haru felt more and more pain as he tried to remember more.

"H-Ha-kun stop don't think about it, if you do something bad will happen to you," The woman panicked further as her she lifted Haru's head and her tears spilled out falling on his face.

Seeing the woman cry Haru remembered something, it was the same scene as this one but in his past life the one he has been seeing but not completely and it became clearer as he saw the same woman in front of him but she looked a lot older now, He somehow had no memory of it before but it was coming back slowly.

"Nothing is going to happen don't worry...Kuru....mi," Haru said with difficulty and fell unconscious leaving a dumfounded Kurumi behind.


After a few hours,

"Ugh, my head," Haru groaned as he opened his eyes while holding his head.

"So you are finally awake," Haru heard a soft voice above him and looked up to see Kurumi looking at him.

"..." Haru was stunned as he saw that he was resting his head on her thighs and sat up quickly.

'Her thighs were so soft, it wa- SHUT UP BONER NOW IS NOT THE TIME,' Haru shouted in his mind.

"What? You still don't reme-" Kurumi's words were cut short as....

"I missed you Kurumi," Haru suddenly hugged her with a bright smile. The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

"H-hey w-what are you doing? I am still angry at you, Hmph!" Kurumi shouted with a red face as she pushed Haru away.

"Ah, sorry I was too happy as I saw you after a long time," Haru scratched his face with a smile.

"Hmph!" Kurumi looked away while pouting but Haru saw her tails were swaying from left to right.

'She is still the same, huh.' Haru smiled as he remembered his memories from before and his mood became sullen which was noticed by Kurumi.

"Kurumi why did you guys seal my memories?" Haru asked in a sad tone.

"The seal is broken now, so you should know that we aren't normal human beings and your parents couldn't let that fact be known to you, As it will only bring trouble to you," Kurumi explained slowly.

"You have? By the way, where are we?" Haru asked her and Kurumi nodded.

"We are in your mental space so no need to worry about people searching for you," Kurumi said with a smile but the smile looked a little dangerous Haru could feel it.

"Then how did I come to this world?" Haru asked as he changed the topic but he was also curious about this.

Hearing his question Kurumi looked away with a blush.

"You don't know? Weren't you watching?" Haru asked as he narrowed his eyes.

"Cough* I was sleeping at the time so I don't know about that but I am collecting information on it so I'll tell you in due time." Kurumi's blush deepened as she felt Haru's stare.


"A-Anyway now we are going to talk about the most important topic." Kurumi said as she glared at Haru.

"Ah," Haru looked away in embarrassment as he understood what she wanted to say.

"How can you do it with another woman when you haven't even done it with me?" Kurumi as angrily while pouting.

"I think your phrasing is somewhat wrong," Haru was confused as well.

"Hmph, do you know how hard it is for a woman to watch the man she loves get it on with some other woman, multiple times even?" Kurumi said while puffing up her cheeks.

"I am sorry I have no excuse for that," Haru apologized sincerely.

Kurumi moved her head away and pouted.

"Hmph, it is partly our fault, No! it is all your parents, especially that Aunt of yours is at fault that we even had to seal your memory," Kurumi said as she felt that Haru was really sorry for what had happened.

"But still to think that you were watching this and you somehow missed how we came to this world, Kurumi you are really a pervert." Haru snickered.

"Y-You, W-Who are you calling a pervert?" Kurumi pointed at Haru and shouted with her face being as red as her hair.

"Haha," Haru laughed causing Kurumi to pout further.

"ARGH* Ouch," Haru suddenly felt his head start hurting again.

"Ha-kun!" Kurumi appeared beside him to check up on him.

'What happened? did something really go wrong?' Kurumi was panicking once again.

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