Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:09:16 AM

Chapter 141: A Forest?

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Chapter 141: A Forest?

"Don't worry I'll be back alive I have to see your wedding in person and marry Jin-ah myself there is no way I am dying, then until next time," Haru said as he looked at status.


-New World

Proceed (Yes/No)


'Yes,' With the mental command the gems on the bracelet started to glow with a blinding light that engulfed him as he vanished from the place.

"Why did you not say goodbye dad?" Jin-woo asked.

"Hmph, Why should I?" Il-Hwan answered as he appeared.

"Won't you miss him?" Jin-woo laughed.

"What the hell? I am more Happy than anything now that My daughter is safe, Hahahaha. But he better come back alive or i'll kill him myself if Jin-Ah gets sad." Il-Hwan laughed loudly as Jin-woo shook his head.

"Sigh* I should keep doing what I need to as well, I can't fall behind him," Jin-woo said as he vanished into his own shadow after looking at the long river that was formed in the African continent.


Haru was going through a cluster of dark tunnels that intertwined with each other each way leading to a different path he had no control whatsoever and many lights passed by him but he wasn't able to keep up.

'Ugh it feels like my body will tear up,' Haru said as he withstood the pain.

But suddenly it felt like a force pulled him in the opposite direction and the sudden change shock was too much for him as his vision became blurry.

'Fuck, this is dangerous,' Haru thought as he was losing conciseness this was his time traveling in space and he already hated it.

Then his body was dragged towards the opposite path than it was originally going on.


"Ugh," Haru groaned while he opened his eyes to see trees covering his vision with a few rays of sunlight coming from between the dense clusters of leaves.

Haru quickly sat up as his katana was in his hands and he started to look around.

'How long was I out for?' Haru thought as he looked at his body to see if something was out of order like a tattoo or collar....

"Phew I guess I was lucky," Haru sighed in relief as it didn't look like he was captured by someone, this could've been troublesome if it really did happen. What can you say it never hurts to be safe especially when he was in another world, A world that he didn't know anything about. The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

'I guess I have read too many novels about The MCs being made slaves just when are go to another world, especially in medieval worlds,' Haru cursed in his mind as he didn't know how he would lose his conscienceness now that he thought about it he felt like he wanted to throw up while feeling light headed.

"Ugh, Is this motion sickness from traveling to another world." Haru sat down on the ground to cool off his head and it didn't take long just a few seconds and he was back to normal.


World Travel [NEW]



The wolves beside him let out a confused sound as he looked at the headless body of their fellow pack member.

They looked around to see if there was someone there but just as they looked away from one another a shadow appeared behind one of them and the wolf's head was cut off.


The sound of blood splashing alerted the one who looked away so he turned around to look and saw that another one was killed just as he was about to howl.


"I can't have you do that, Not that it will make any difference," Haru flicked his katana to get the blood of the wolf off it splattering it on the ground. Then he vanished again with the sound of blood splashing could be heard from the surroundings.

The main wolf was looking around the place while erasing his presence he has already sensed that over half of his pack members have died, it is not like he was angry or sad at their death. The problem was that they still weren't able to locate the one who was doing this. And two more wolfs died.

Even the head wolf himself wasn't able to sense anything it was like they were dying to the passing wind, there was no trace of the attacker. Losing a few pack members wasn't the issue, the issue was that they died without being helpful.

The number of wolves dwindled down to 5 now.


The head Wolf signaled them to retreat and hid himself on the retreat path to observe if the attacker will follow them so he can attack him by surprise because the attacker hasn't come after him which means that the attacker wasn't aware of his presence.



The wolves ran towards the retreat path that was already planned with full speed.



And just like that 2 of them fell down with their heads cut off but the Head of Pack caught the one who was doing it he saw it clearly, The human who was appearing and disappearing as he killed off the wolves and stopped in the middle of the place.

The Head Wolf sneered as he appeared from the shadow behind the Human and slashed at the open back of the human with his sharp claws.


He cut the human into three pieces but....


The Human turned into a log and....


The wolf's head was cut off before he could even think of anything all he saw was the back of the human as his eyes became dim and he died.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!