Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:08:48 AM

Chapter 147: Zenobia

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Chapter 147: Zenobia

"Do you have any potions?" Haru asked as he saw the injuries on her body.

"No, I have already used them. I will just apply some first aid to this," The woman said as she looked at Haru.

Seeing that she didn't have anything to heal herself with Haru looked through his inventory and all he found was.....

'Damn it there are no low-level potions in here, the ones I have will be overkill, it is like bringing a bulldozer to take down an anthill,' Haru's face twitched as he didn't find what he wanted he quickly bought some low-level potions from his system and gave it to her along with a mana recovery potion.

"Here use this," Haru said with a smile.

"Thank you," Zenobia bowed her head as she knew she can't be picky in the situation if she does heal herself it will be difficult for her to move. So she took the potion and drank it because if the man in front of her wanted to do something to her he didn't need to play tricks like poisoning, because he had enough strength.

Green light enveloped the woman as her wounds closed at an incredible speed that even shocked her.

"Ok all done, Can I know your name?" Haru who saw her drinking the potion and saw that her wounds were healed asked her a question with a smile.

"Oh, yes, My name is Zenobia," Zenobia answered his question quickly, too quickly that even she was shocked.

"Nice to meet you, My name is Haru Tsugikuni, and this is Kurumi," Haru said as he pointed at Kurumi who was on top of his head.

She was shocked as her gaze fell on the small fox on his head.

'That beast, I couldn't even sense her till now,' Zenobia was even more shocked if Haru hadn't pointed at the fox she wouldn't even know that the small fox with nine tails was there in the first place.

'Is that fox his bond?' Zenobia thought and didnt pry in the matter.

"Is Mr. Haru an adventurer?" Zenobia asked Haru curiously because she would surely hear about him considering his powers. He didn't even use mana and killed the beast with his sword alone. But she didn't know anything about him.

'Is he the masked swordsman that I heard of before? No, I have heard he is a child about 12 or 13 and was moving with Jasmine from Twin Horns,' Zenobia shook her head as she looked at Haru who is a fully grown handsome man with a height of about 6 ft 3in.

'Adventurer? What is that? Is that what they call hunters here? Hmm, or is it a medieval period?' Haru thought as he looked at Zenobia and opened his mouth.

"No, I am not," Haru answered because he didn't want to risk things, from the novels he had read adventurers always have IDs and he doesn't have it at the moment.

"Oh," His answer bewildered Zenobia who didn't know why someone of this level wasn't an adventurer and if he wasn't an adventurer why was he so deep inside the Beast Glades.

[You know I can make that for you,] Kurumi talked to him telepathically.

[Say that first will you,] Haru sighed as he will surely look suspicious now.

"I am really sorry," Zenobia said quickly.

"No it is fine, don't mind it," Haru said with a smile playing along with this new identity.

"Thank you but can you tell me why did Mr. Haru appear in beast glades? The reason I am asking this is that the entry here is barred for non-adventurers and even adventurers lower than A-Rank are not allowed here by the Adventurer guild it would be troublesome if someone else saw you, You will be punished if you are discovered at the moment," Zenobia explained as she hinted at him.

'Beast Glades? Is it really that world? And from the looks of it she doesn't seem like she will hand me over,' Haru thought as he had heard something that might be a clue for him.

"I was in the forest bordering the Beast Glades, I saw the huge smoke cloud and got interested in it, I have been in beast glades for a few days but then I saw you so I came to help, I didnt know that that entry was barred or something," Haru said as he pointed at the Smoke Cloud which was visible from here.

'That smoke cloud? Did he come over from that far? The distance between the two places is huge but it looks like he isn't lying maybe he was in the forest for a long time because the order was only issued about 2 weeks ago....' Zenobia thought but she had seen his strength first hand so it was possible for him but she could deny that he was wrong for coming here.

"So do you feel alright now?" Haru asked Zenobia.

"Yes, I have recovered enough Mana and my injuries are healed as well," Zenobia said with a small smile.

"Ok, Then I will go back, if I get seen by someone else it might be troublesome as you said," Haru said with a polite smile.

"That is right and if you have time, you can visit my shop 'Palmyra' in Xyrus city, But do take the Northern route you won't find any patrols there," Zenobia said gently as she didn't want someone who helped her to be subjected to anything wrong. She knew how twisted the nobles and royalty on this continent were and she didn't wish someone who helped her to be wronged.

She knew it was a dumb reason and a dumb decision on her part but she still didnt mind it as he was the second person in her life to extend a helping hand to her.

'It looks like he doesn't know about me,' Zenobia thought with a small smile.




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