Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:08:31 AM

Chapter 149: Xyrus City

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Chapter 149: Xyrus City

After entering the building, Haru saw many people dressed in armor and robes moving about carrying weapons and staves in their hands while chatting or drinking.

'This is the adventurer guild huh? What a rowdy bunch,' haru smiled as he turned towards the left and saw two guards donning full body armor with weapons guarding a Portal.

Haru looked at the purple portal in the middle of black pillars which had an ancient feeling to them with many runes on them.

'So this is the teleporting portal they use in this world, I cant run to the Xyrus city as it is a floating city it might be considered illegal entry if I just drop in, and I can leave a trace this way as well.' Haru thought even though he is suspicious he trying to make himself less suspicious.

"Here," Haru gave his slip to the guard who looked at it and nodded then Haru stepped inside the portal and his vision was dyed in purple.

In the next instant, Haru saw he was in an open area with the portal at his back and two guards on the sides.

From what he knew before he came out on the West Gate of Xyrus city. Looking at the house that had a touch of modernity but still felt old Haru was a little excited. I mean it isn't every day he can see a medieval time period.

Haru didn't feel nauseous or anything from the teleportation and just walked forward on the grey tiles that were on the floor with a small smile on his face which attracted the attention of the opposite gender.

Haru ignored it and went into his 'ghost' mode or so he liked calling it, he completely erased his presence and made his way through the crowd looking around the building and bustling city with zeal.

'Well, I will be using this place as a base anyway,' Haru thought as he didn't know much about this world it would benefit him to be here as this way he can get some information rather than be hit in the face when he least expected. even though Haru hadn't read the novel he was already on edge because of the presence of Slyvia at the start of the novel.

'She was a dragon capable of stopping time and Arthur can do it too, then considering how she was killed after being gravely injured there should be stronger forces hiding around this world. there can be many dragons or creatures like her in this world,' Haru thought as he walked. This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

'There is also the New Continent that was mentioned around this point, I don't know anything about that so it will be better to be here than being afraid of trouble,' Haru nodded as he wasn't afraid of trouble he was powerful enough and he could run if he was in a life-threatening situation because he didn't have anyone to protect he could fall back with ease, But....

'I should figure stuff quickly before I bring them here,' Haru smiled softly as this was the main reason. He was willing to take the risk himself so that when the four arrive they can focus on getting stronger.

[What are we doing next?] Kurumi asked in an annoyed tone as she hit haru with her tails.

[I'll just find an Inn first, then look into Beast glades to find some dungeons that can be used for training,] Haru said plainly as Kurumi was on top of his head as usual and had hidden herself because everyone who saw her would Sqeaul like a kid and try to touch her.

'I don't want anyone else other than Ha-kun to touch me,' Kurumi was vexed as she has been in this situation many times after Haru entered Valden city and she was having none of it.

As for Raum? Well, I don't think I need to say what that guy is up to.

Haru had left him on his own devices because he would just teleport him to him if he was in danger which was unlikely according to Kurumi.

'This place looks good,' Haru looked around with a smile he saw many clothes shops and weapons shops as he passed through the commercial district.

Haru looked at the beach in front of him and saw the waves of the sea crashing on the sand.

'The view isn't half bad,' Haru thought as he looked at the long beach that stretched further ahead.

"[Wood Style: Four Pillar House Jutsu]" Haru used this to make a two-story wooden house that looked like a traditional Japanese house.

The house was big enough to house more than 8 people. Haru made it on the cliff beside the beach because he knew he will be coming by here often in the future when Hae-in and the others come so he prepared a place for them to relax.

[Hmph,] Kurumi just ignored Haru who was placing tags around the place to hide this house from being detected by anyone while sprouting trees to camouflage the house.

Then Haru turned around and ran inside the forest to look for dungeons that still haven't been found so that they can be used for training purposes.

'I don't think there will be anything that can help Queresha since her powers are already high, So I should search it with Hae-in, Kanae, and Jin-ah in mind,' Haru thought as he looked around the deeper end of the Beast Glades because he knew that even the Lances didn't come in this deep so he wasn't in danger of getting found out.

Haru was killing all of the monsters he was coming across most of the beasts were only on the National Rank at the Lowest and some went even higher than Kamish.

Slash* THUD*

Haru cut off the head of the snake that was hiding to ambush his prey, The poor snake didn't even know how he died.

"I guess the stronger beasts are in dungeons rather than in the open," Haru said while getting the blood off his katana and then sheathing it.

Then Haru ran all over the place in search of dungeons.




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