Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:07:55 AM

Chapter 152: Money Problems

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Chapter 152: Money Problems

"Mr. Haru If need my help with anything just tell me, You have saved my life it is normal I would return the favor as well so don't overthink this matter," Zenobia spoke in a gentle tone as she drew the line about how she only wanted to return his help and not because he was a strong person that she wanted to bring under her to go against the nobles.

It was a clear intention to return his favor that was the reason she was so open with him about the bad blood she had with the royals and the nobles. So that if he didn't want to associate with her after this she won't say anything.

'She is really something,' Haru smiled as he looked at Zenobia who had a gentle expression on her face and clear eyes.

"I'll keep it in mind," Haru accepted her offer it wasn't something that will harm him anyway.

"Thank you for listening to my selfish request and Please come by here when you feel like it, the doors are always open for you," Zenobia said calmly while drinking her tea. N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.


The sudden noise brought the attention of both Zenobia and Haru who saw Randel Drop a box full of sheathed swords and daggers.

"Are you ok Randel?" Zenobia asked with concern.

"Y-Yeah I am fine Big sis," Randel said quickly as he picked up the box and went to the back of the shop seeing that he was fine Zenobia sighed and looked at Haru.

"Mr. Haru do you have an interest in becoming an adventurer?" Zenobia asked with curiosity.

"I was about to go to the guild to sell some of my spoils and also thought it was about time I register," Haru answered with a nod.

"Yes, that way Mr. Haru can earn money easily," Zenobia said with a nod.

"Yeah, that is the reason I was thinking of registering as well," Haru laughed as he scratched the back of his head.

The reason is that when Haru got the Ring he thought that the money was a lot but when he came to Xyrus city he came to know the currency system.

The few hundred Gold and silver coins that he thought were a lot ended up being 'Insufficient' for him to give the best life to his lovers.

A normal family in Xyrus city needs at least a gold coin for a month to cover their expenses (This is just my estimate don't take it seriously). And he wanted Hae-in and everyone else to live without carrying about money plus he also needed an Adventurer card if he wanted to go into beast Glades anyway, it was his silly mistake that caused the situation to be like this in the first place.

'I need to make more money even if we don't stay here for long, I'll give them the best this world has to offer,' Haru thought as he had around 100 or something gold in his ring which is going to be far from enough. This was also the reason he was going to the property dealership to see the normal price for big houses in the upper residential district to get a goal.

"It sounds like you have a big family, Mr. Haru," Zenobia said.

"Yeah," Haru smiled sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head, he had 4 lovers so he had a big family indeed. As someone who had stepped on the path of the harem, he needed to make it so that don't have any problems no matter what.

A gentle smile formed on Zenobia's lips as she saw Haru's smile.

"Then should we go to the Adventurer's guild tomorrow?" Zenobia said.

"You don't need to come with me Zenobia," Haru was a bit stunned at her assertiveness.

"Mr. Haru you will need a high-rank adventurer to vouch for you so that you can skip some formalities and take the special test on the spot, and you can also sell the materials you want at a standard price as I will be your guarantor," Zenobia said politely as Haru stood up.

As always Raum took off to the sky and started flying around haru just let him be and looked at the hundreds of clones that were busy training different jutsus and skills.


Fire, Water, earth lightning, wood, air, and many different types of elements were flying everywhere as loud explosions sounded out.

Haru nodded and went to a remote place without any noise.

Haru sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes then started to meditate. Kurumi came down from his head as if to not disturb him and quietly watched him.

The nature energy all around started to gather around Haru as he concentrated and entered sage mode as an orange shade appeared under his eyes. Haru had to master this ability fully along with KCM as well but he thought of starting with Sage mode then he will go for the KCM and Sage of Six Path powers.

Kurumi smiled as she watched Haru training seriously.

'What a peaceful day, Fufu as I thought spending time with Ha-kun is the best,' Kurumi smiled as she continued to watch Haru as he trained for hours to master Sage mode.

Haru opened his eyes after a full night of training and stood up.

"Even if I didn't sleep I feel refreshed," Haru said with a smile as Kurumi jumped on his head brushing his face with her tails.

"What happened you look happy?" Haru asked.

[Nothing really,] Kurumi said with a giggle.


Haru saw that Raum came and sat on his shoulder as cried in an unhappy voice.

"You won't find anything shiny in here anyway," Haru laughed as he exited the Training ground and came into his room in the Inn.

After a quick shower in the bathroom in his room, Haru went down for breakfast and then left the Inn to go and meet Zenobia at the determined time.




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