Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:07:46 AM

Chapter 156: Question?

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Chapter 156: Question?

Both Haru and Kaspian shook hands for the last time today.

'I'll make sure to use this opportunity well,' Kaspian thought as he looked at Haru.

'You better not waste this chance,' Haru thought Both of them didn't say a word but their words reached the other.

"Then I wish you all the best for your endeavor Mr. Bladeheart," Zenobia said with a slight smile.

"I wish the same for you, Lady Zenobia, I hope you succeed at what you want," Kaspian said as he looked at Haru who was about to open the door. Zenobia had a tinge of red on her face but she smiled.

"I hope so as well," Zenobia said and Kaspian was shocked as Zenobia didn't deny it.

'Well, it is good for her,' Kaspian smiled as he suddenly remembered something. The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

"Lady Zenobia my niece wanted to meet you if you ca-" Kaspian was talking but Zenobia spoke cutting him off.

"She is still 'young' maybe in the future," Zenobia spoke in a firm tone making Kaspian sigh but he was happy that Zenobia thought that his niece has potential. He was proud because he was the one who taught her since childhood.

'Claire is going to be delighted if she hears this, But still young huh, Haven't heard her say that in a while,' Kaspian smiled as he understood the meaning behind Zenobia's words.

"Ok, I'll carry your message to her," Kaspian smiled and Zenobia turned around then walked towards the door after a nod.

Seeing that both Haru and Zenobia had left Kaspian went back to his desk and slumped down on his chair.

"Phew* I feel like I aged about 10 years today," Kaspian said with a tired look but the smile on his face was clear as day.

'I didn't think that Lady Zenobia will take so much interest in someone,' Kaspian thought while thinking about what type of person Zenobia is.

" 'I can compromise with my life but not with my creations,' I still remember her saying that to the three royal families face at the council." Kaspian chuckled when he remembered that day he was also there at the request of King Glayder who thought Zenobia will soften up after meeting an old friend but well things didn't go as he thought.

"She had left things like friends and family behind a long time ago or the Royal Family of Sapin wouldn't have lasted this long," Kaspian muttered as he looked outside of the window to see Haru and Zenobia board a carriage. And even till the end...

Kaspian shook his head and looked at the Beast Cores and smiled.

'Now let's get this party started shall we,' Kaspian stood up and wore his cloak after storing the cores in his dimensional ring.

He walked out of the office and headed towards the Helstea Auction House himself. He also had a few things he wanted to confirm there anyway.


"I don't think that the people will blame you for not making weapons for someone you deemed unworthy, it shows your character and knowledge if you can infer that much about a person, no one has the right to criticize you for something you believe in," Haru said with a smile shocking Zenobia as she was brought out of her thoughts.

Seeing her shocked expression Haru thought she looked quite cute.

"Any weapon is a good weapon if it is in the hand of the correct wielder, if a wielder can't bring out the best of a weapon then it is his own fault and from a forger's point of view it would be better to keep the weapon than let it be wasted," Haru said plainly making Zenobia laugh. she was happy as her heart felt a warmth she hadn't felt before, she was happy to know that someone trusted her judgment, other than her teacher Haru was the first time to agree with her views.

Haru smiled looking at her face. Haru could see her eyes clear up as she looked at Haru with a smile.

"Really, Thank you very much, Mr. Haru, I thought I would help you but you have once again put me in your debt," Zenobia said with a sincere expression.

"I was just talking bullshit here, don't mind me," Haru said as he waved his hand.

"It might be like that to other people but it was important to me, So thank you very much, Now I feel like I can do it," Zenobia said with a smile.

"Do What?" Haru asked with curiosity.

"I can make the best weapons this world has ever seen," Zenobia said with a bright smile making Haru laugh.

"Then you will need a wielder of that caliber as well," Haru said making Zenobia smile as she nodded her head.

'That is correct But that won't be a problem anymore,' Zenobia thought as she looked at Haru with her face blushing a little but it was hidden with her skin.

"But Zenobia, say if many people die because of your choice this time, Would you regret your decision?" Haru asked and Zenobia looked at him.




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