Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:07:30 AM

Chapter 159: A Goal I Wanted To Realize.

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Chapter 159: A Goal I Wanted To Realize.

Whenever he lost he was able to see the backs of the ones who defeated him. He had the will to get up and move forward and catch up to them.

But things were different now, He couldn't see the back no matter how much he tried, he wasn't able to move his body up no matter how he wanted to stand up he wasn't able to.

Randel stood there with his mouth agape while looking at the scene.

Haru looked at Zenobia who was looking at him and nodded.

Seeing that Zenobia walked over and stood in front of Bairon.

"Lance Bairon," Zenobia called out in her gentle voice making Bairon look up at her.

"If you are going to crumble from something like this, Then my assessment about you having a fragile mentality will become accurate, A person like that can never hope to hold even a normal sword made by me, my weapons are like my own children to me, I don't give them to someone who can't take care of them properly, So if you want to hold a weapon made by me, Prove your worth to me," Zenobia said while looking straight at Bairon.

"..." Bairon's eyes widened when he heard that, they were the same words she said to the other lances when they complained about how Varay and Alea had their personal weapons and armor. After all, they were all lances and had pride in their power.

Zenobia's words were clear 'I don't care what the world thinks of you or how high the pedestal you stand on is, if you are confident in your strength then prove me wrong and make me eat my words if you can do that then find me my doors are always open, otherwise don't run your mouth in front of me again.' these words made them shut their mouths they had no choice but to take on this challenge and improve further.

'All these years that I thought I knew her, But I was wrong I don't know a thing about this person in front of me.' Bairon clenched his teeth as he looked at Zenobia looking at him.

'Stop, Big sis he is already dead, But I like this get a few more punches in,' Randel felt a bit bad for Bairon but he was ecstatic when he saw how the pretty boy was getting shot down. He was even smiling without a care in the world.

Bairon stood up and looked at Zenobia. He took a deep breath and spoke.

"Then... I will make sure that no one else but me can hold the weapons you make," Bairon said as he looked at Zenobia who didn't have a reaction to that.

'That is impossible, there is only one person like that and it isn't you,' Zenobia thought as she looked at Haru who was yawning but she chose not to say it.

Following Zenobia's gaze, Bairon looked at Haru and clenched his hands tightly.

"For Lady Zenobia I will surpass you," Bairon said while looking at Haru's face.

"What did I say before? Lower your head," Haru said and Bairon flinched his gaze lowered without him knowing.

Bairon felt anger rise from his core, veins appearing on his forehead and neck as he ground his teeth but he was weaker that was how it was for now. But he vowed to make it different in the future. This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Zenobia shook her head and didn't say anything.

"I would say that you have," Haru affirmed as he saw how Bairon was able to pick himself up after Zenobia talked to him. He had also seen how the civilians think highly of her.

"Thank you," Zenobia said as her face burned up even her dark skin wasn't able to hide it now.

Randel looked at Zenobia and Haru a few times then nodded his head.

"Sir Haru," Randel called out to Haru who looked at him.

"Please take care of my Big sis," Randel said while bowing his head.

"W-What?" Zenobia was flustered of course as she looked at Haru with a red face.

"My big sis, is too kind although she can be scary sometimes, she often neglects her own life and needs, so please look after her. And when she is working sh-AH!! OW! OW! SIS! STOP MY EAR!!!!!" Randel who was asking Haru was crying out loud as Zenobia was pulling his ear with a flushed face.

"Y-You brat," Zenobia was both livid and ashamed as she heard Randel say that to Haru, wasn't he like asking Haru to marry her.

[I should've killed her before,] Kurumi's voice sounded in Haru's head making him smile wryly.

And with this small episode they went to have lunch and Haru had to say that Zenobia's cooking was first-class.





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