Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:16:51 AM

Chapter 16: What to do?

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Chapter 16: What to do?

After the little episode at the dinner table, we finished our breakfast. And it was time to tell Jin-ah about her father's return.

I took the plates back to the kitchen and came back looking at Jin-ah who was lying on the sofa.

"Jin-ah about what Jin-woo was talking about uncle returning," I said to her sitting near her head.

"Yeah I forgot about that, we need to take him to a doctor." She said getting back to her feet and sitting next to me.

I can only shake my head at her antics.

"It's true uncle is coming back today we have to pick him up at the Hunter Association," I said looking into her eyes. And she was shocked as her eyes widened. She then looked down and said.

"Haru, you're not lying to me right." I can see her hands trembling and some tears falling from her eyes down on her hands.

'Yare Yare' I pulled her into a hug as I patted her back with her head on my chest. I said softly.

"Have I ever lied to you?" I know it might be hard for her to believe that uncle is coming back because when you believe that someone close to you is dead. it leaves a hole in your heart and then that heart fills up with time and we get used to that sense of loss over time. But what if that person is suddenly alive and is in front of you. Although something like this is not possible in real life but still..... I want to believe that I can see them again. I closed my eyes as I hear her crying.

"Sniff* I...don't....know Sniff* What....To...say....I.....Knew....Sniff*...that..... Oppa....was...telling the truth.....Sniff* I just didn't want to believe it. Sniff*." She said in a choked voice.

"It's ok, Aren't you happy that uncle is coming back," I said as I was patting her back.

"Yes, I want mom to wake up as well. Sniff*" she said slowing as she was crying. I can see Jin-woo looking here he was a bit shocked.

Well, it's natural for both of us Jin-ah is a very strong girl the only time she has cried was when uncle went missing and the second was when aunt went into eternal slumber.

she has always been strong and didn't ask for anything this was the first time in the last four years that we have heard her asking for something.

After crying for 20 minutes she stopped.

"Looks like she fell asleep," I said while I caressed her head as laid her down on my lap. Wiping her tears with my fingers.

"It's the same as when dad went missing. You calmed her down then as well. You are the only one who she shows her weak side." He said as he looked at me and Jin-ah who was sleeping in my lap. he just came back after a shower. he must've heard what she said. He smiled for a bit and then looked at me.

"Take care of her, alright." He said smiling at me and then his eyes glowed purple.

"If you hurt her, I'll beat you up."

"What are you talking about? Anyway, what about you?" I asked as if I didn't understand.

"What, about me?" he asked confused.

"Did you make any progress with that Miss Joo-hee?" I asked him while smiling.

"What do you know about Tsugikuni Haru, Hunter Sung." Mr. Go asked me a question.

"Why are you asking?" I didn't know why he would ask about Haru.

"I just want to know more about him as he has become an S-ranker. And I can't read him at all. He is like an enigma." He said simply.

"Well, you aren't wrong. He has always been sensible even as a kid, he knows what has to be done and he is headstrong. If he makes up his mind no one can change it." I thought as I recalled what he said to me when he was nine.


"Come in," Mr. Go said.

An employee came in and said

"Someone from Mr.Sung's family came to pick him up."

"Ok, well then I guess it's time to end the meeting here, let's work hard for the future." He said as he extended his hand towards me.

I shook his hand and gave him a nod. And exited the room.

I walked silently towards the reception and saw my son standing there. Looking at me.

"Please sign this before you leave and you will get your hunter license tomorrow." The employee gave me some papers. As I signed them.

And looked at Jin-Woo who turned around and started walking towards the parking and I followed behind him. As he sat in a van and I sat in the passenger seat.

"So how have you been," I asked him as I can see that he grew up well. His timid behavior has vanished and looks pretty similar to me now.

"It's alright." He said simply as he started the car.

I nodded as I understood how hard it would have been for them to live without proper support

"Can you take me to Kyung-Hye," I said as I wanted to meet her again in the past ten years there hasn't been a day where I haven't thought about her.

He nodded and after 15 minutes we reached the hospital where she was staying. He took me to her room and waited outside I went in and saw her with long black hair, slight wrinkles, and a small burn scar on the left side of her neck. She was in a coma right now because of eternal slumber. Hooked on a life support machine that runs on mana stones.

I went near her as I took her hand and held it between my own. After coming back from the dungeon the person to who I wanted to apologize the most was you. And now look at this I can't even do that. I wasn't able to make you happy as I said, I wasn't able to fulfill my promise.

Sometimes I thought of how lucky I was to meet you and fall in love with you.

I recounted my life with her till now and unknown to me tears started coming out of my eyes. I held her hand near my face I cried silently. After half an hour I went out and found Jin-woo looking at me turned around and said.

"Let's go home Jin-Ah and Haru are waiting for you." He said as he walked away.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!