Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:07:23 AM

Chapter 161: I Miscalculated

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Chapter 161: I Miscalculated

"N-No retainer, we couldn't find the chance to infiltrate the City because of the Lances that came by without any indication, and that woman rarely leaves the Xyrus city. When she came to the Beast glades we even used monsters to try to injure her and then kidnap her but we had to abort that plan as three lances came into the forest so we had no other choice," The leader said with a stutter as he felt the killing intent leaking from Jagrette.

"Tch, why did I get sent here? Give me the short report, say more words than necessary and I'll kill you," Jagrette said as she looked at the Leader.

"The lances have already been sent far away from Xyrus city where we need to capture the target so we can make a move anytime, But we weren't able to find the whereabouts of the beast that caused the huge fire in the Beast Glades and now there are no traces of it other than a scorched area with a lava lake with a width of about few kilometers," The leader said quickly.

"So you failed both of your tasks, useless shits give me the portrait of the person I only need to take her back," Jagrette cursed as she said and the leader gave her a rolled up paper tied with a string.

Jagrette opened the paper and she saw a beautiful woman that you won't find even if you look all over the two continents she was even more good-looking than that damned bitch. Zenobia had incomparable looks and a mature body that went with it, Jagrette's eyes flashed with anger and murderous intent. This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.


"That b*tch must've done this on purpose, Does she think she can do anything because she is pretty, She must've sent me here on purpose, she just wants to see me suffer as I take this person back," Green Mana came out of Jagrette as her killing intent went off pushing everyone in front of her to the ground.

Her mind was a mess and anger had clouded her mind, all she wanted was to go back to Alacrya and rip that bitch to pieces but....

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!' Jagrette was cursing in her mind as she couldn't do this, even if she wanted to. The person who told her to come here was her superior and even though she hated her to the core, she was still weak in front of her.

"Damn it," Jagrette stomped her foot and the ground beneath her cracked she remembered the words that came with the message.

'If you touch even a single hair on this woman's head, God's wrath will await you,' This was the message she got so she couldn't even torture this person as she was important to their god. Her superior Viessa Vritra was one of the four Scythes under their god and she personally said this to her knowing her tendencies.

So even if she wanted nothing but to torture this woman she was supposed to take back, she couldn't as it was an order from their god. She looked at the trembling people she couldn't help but get even angrier.

'How are these weaklings going to help me anyway? I have to do this alone and quickly. I can't take this,' Jagrette scoffed as she withdrew her mana and all of the people gasped for breath. Just as Jagrette was about to leave.....

"I thought someone strong was going to come," A calm voice spread out causing everyone to turn around and look at the source.

Even Jagrette looked at the source but her eyes flashed as soon as she saw this person.

"But, you are just another Cannon fodder," Haru said as he had a bored look on his face.

'She has at most twice the amount of mana Thomas has,' Haru thought as he was disappointed but it was still something as he had read in a Cultivation novel 'Even a mosquitos meat is still meat,' so the information he was about to get may be little but it was better than nothing.

'How many people like this have infiltrated this continent? Sigh* this is a headache, what are the kings of this continent doing? Are they just warming their seats?' Haru just gave up thinking about it and looked at Jagrette who had sent four vine whips that were emanating green smoke.

Haru moved his head slightly to left and dodged the first one.


The whip landed on the ground and cracked it.

'Looks like I miscalculated,' Haru calmly dodged the other three whips aiming for his body with little movements.


The three whips landed on the ground sending rocks flying all over.

'Her strength isn't twice of Thomas, It is..... 1.5 times, she is weaker,' Haru looked at where Jagrette was but she wasn't there.

"Where are you looking, pretty boy?" Jagrette's voice sounded behind Haru using plant movement her speed was extremely fast as she made huge hands with her corrosive mana and grabbed Haru's body.

"Now let me hear your blissful voice!!!" Jagrette said in a deranged tone as green smoke came out of her hands covering Haru in green smoke.




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