Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:07:01 AM

Chapter 166: Bonus Chapter: Meeting The King?

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Chapter 166: Bonus Chapter: Meeting The King?

The next bonus chapter if we get 500 more powerstones, arent I generous?

Have a nice day.


There was a big underlying message in this. It has been a long time since the last S-rank Beast core was sent for auction.

So how could 15 of them appear at once in Xyrus after they just announced the new S-rank adventurer? It was clear even a fool could figure it out. This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

The nobles and a proxy from the royal family of Sapin rushed to Xyrus city to participate in this auction.

To no surprise, the auction was a huge success gaining Helstea house tons of profits and this also helped Kaspian to make many connections with powerful noble families while bettering the position of the guild in the political power system.

The main reason for all of this was that the new S-rank Adventurer and Zenobia seemed to have a good relationship. This helped Kaspian a lot as he was the only person who was in touch with both Haru and Zenobia.

And at the moment Kaspian was in his office meeting the king of Sapin who had come from the capital here just to meet Haru.

"Kaspian can you arrange a meeting for me with the new S-Rank Adventurer?" Blaine asked as he was sitting on the sofa.

"That would be difficult your majesty, as Mr. Tsugikuni is supposed to be here the day after tomorrow, I can't call Mr. Tsugikuni here so abruptly," Kaspian said as he had a troubled expression on his face.

"Don't you have a good relationship with him? You should understand I can't stay here longer because I have to prepare for the announcement." Blaine said as he sighed, he was already here so he can't really go back without meeting the person in question.

The reason for this was the Beast cores that had beat wills in them. There were 15 Beast cores with the normal ones being sold first slowly in the span of two days but then one with a beast will came as the last item on the third day.

And it was the beast will of none other than Shadow wolf, this drove the nobles and even the proxy sent by the royal family crazy. The proxy quickly sent Blaine a message to come here and take a look at this.

It was crazy there were 7 S-rank Beasts cores with their beast wills intact. The nobles even disregarded the royal family as everyone wanted to buy the beast cores. They all fought tooth and nail to buy with Blaine taking 4 of them and the other 3 were bought by the nobles.

At that moment Blaine had made up his mind he needs to meet this adventurer who was able to bring 15 S-rank beast cores.

He didn't mind waiting two more days if he could meet the new S-rank Adventurer but he wanted to test how close Kaspian was with this Powerful adventurer.

Hearing Blaine's words Kaspian had a wry smile but he was smiling in his heart.

"Consider this a favor you do to me, I need to go back quickly there is barely any time left till the announcement day," Blaine said as he wasn't joking that he didn't have much time.

'Looks, power and status this man has it all, he only looks in his early 20s, He is so young yet he achieved a strength that can rival the best on the continent, What was I like when I was his age? Damn it.' Blaine felt jealousy rise from the bottom of his core as he looked at Haru who looked at him with a small smile.

"As I had heard you really are a strong person Sir Tsugikuni," Blaine said as he sipped his tea, he was speaking pleasantries as he couldn't feel anything from Haru it was like he was a normal man.

"You can tell?" Haru asked curiously as Blaine was weak even by the standards of this continent.

"Yes, I do have two strong people under me so I can tell," Blaine said as his eyes twitch, he didn't know why but he felt like Haru was insulting him.

"You mean the Lances?" Haru asked and Blaine nodded proudly.

Haru nearly scoffed at his proud expression. With this Haru understood that Blaine was the type of person with the thinking of 'I may be weak but I have strong people under me,'

"I met one of them in Zenobia's shop," Haru said and Blaine was shocked again.

'So his relationship with Zenobia is that good, huh, May it be a king or lance if you want to go in her shop you will need to make a formal request and then you will be answered when she has time other than that there is no chance to meet her, plus she never meets two people at once so that means he was already there before Bairon went in, and not as a customer but as a friend?' Blaine sighed as he himself had to wait for a few months just to call Zenobia to the council meeting.

He also knew that Bairon went to visit Zenobia because he lost his weapon and armor. So that must be the time Haru met him.

"Are you talking Lance Bairon?" Blaine asked and Haru nodded.

"What did you think of him?" Blaine asked with a smug expression for him his lances were surely stronger than Haru.




if there are any mistakes or suggestions on how to make the story interesting comment them down.





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