Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:06:58 AM

Chapter 167: Noble Title? No Thanks

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Chapter 167: Noble Title? No Thanks

"Hmm, well I would say that you need to train your dogs properly," Haru said as he looked at the frozen Blaine even Kaspian was sweating and it wasn't because of Haru's words but the air around him.

Blaine's smug face was frozen in place with sweat on his forehead and back even his legs were trembling. He looked at Haru with fear.

'W-What happened? How can the air around a person change so quickly in less than a second?' Blaine was scared at the moment perhaps he was even more scared from the time he met the messenger of that 'Man'.

"W-what do you mean?" Blaine asked in a respectful tone he dared not behave presumptuously now that he felt that pressure if Kaspian wasn't here Blaine might as well be kneeling on the ground but he was king so he had to maintain a little dignity.

"What I mean by that is, if you don't train your dog properly they try to bite someone they can't handle, you know what happens when such a thing happens?" Haru asked Blaine who shook his head as fear gripped his heart.

"The poor dog has to be put down and in worse case the Master of the dog too," Haru said as he saw Blaine gulp in horror.

'W-what did Bairon do? Damn it why does that bastard have to implicate me as well,' Blaine was scared shitless even when he was the king of an entire nation and the person in front of him was threatening him. Even though Blaine could use this to make the other party pay but for some reason.....

'Why do I feel like I am a bug standing in front of a god?' Blaine was scared out of his mind right now. It was like one wrong move and Dicathen itself can end the very next second.

Blaine looked at Haru's red eyes and saw that he was dead serious at this moment. Blaine wasn't even able to look at him and couldn't help but look down towards the table. This surprised even Kaspian who was gulping in terror himself.

"I-I understand," Blaine said in a shaky voice he was thankful that he went to the toilet before or at this moment..... yeah let's not think about this.

"That is good," Haru said as the air around him went back to normal like everything that happened was an illusion.

"Then Blaine what did you want to talk to me about?" Haru asked as he called Blaine by his first name but he didn't dare say anything back.

"Well, there was something I wanted to tell you about," Blaine said as Haru nodded telling him to continue.

"The nobles in the capital are targeting you, the main ones are the Wykes family and Aurae family," Blaine said and looked at Haru who didn't even bat an eye.

"They are upset that a Commoner became an S-rank Adventurer but the main reason is that you are acknowledged by Zenobia," Blaine said and saw Haru raise an eyebrow.

"I can understand the Wykes family but why the Aurae family?" Haru asked as he was sure he didn't even meet anyone from the Aurae family.

"The reason Wykes family is behind you is that they have been trying to get Zenobia into their family by hook or by crook for a while now, Their family head has even proposed to Zenobia for marriage on multiple occasions only to be shot down viciously." Blaine said as he coughed as Haru was looking at him like 'And you let that happen?'

Haru couldn't help but roll his eyes at Blaine as because this guy didn't intervene Zenobia's reputation was taking a hit as an old man past his prime tried to marry her. One can only imagine his expression if he knew that the man in front of him has also tried to do that.

"As for the Aurae family, well they have a grudge against Zenobia or more precisely her family," Blaine said as Haru was looking at him without saying anything.

"Ok I understand, was this all?" Haru said as he looked at Blaine.

'I mean, does it bother you Haru?' Zenobia asked with a straight face as she looked at Haru who shook his head. What can he say anyway? Would you say No?

Well, it was quite different from how she would blush sometimes when calling him by his name but she has no qualms about showing her body.

'I guess, everyone has their quirks,' Haru shrugged as he didn't mind it anyway.

"Yeah I had to meet Kaspian for my Adventurers card," Haru said.

"I see, Then Haru can I trouble you to meet someone?" Zenobia asked as she looked at him.

"Hmm, Well who is it?" Haru asked.

"Cynthia Goodsky, The Founder of the Xyrus Academy, She asked me if she could meet you?" Zenobia answered.

'I was planning to meet her anyway, and considering Zenobia she won't arrange a meeting that will be detrimental for me, I have to know her better in these past days, so I don't have to worry much.' Haru thought as he saw Zenobia waiting for his answer.

"I guess it is alright if it is just to meet her, anyway I trust you, Zenobia," Haru said with a smile fluttering Zenobia.

"O-Ok then I'll say you agreed and we'll meet her tomorrow," Zenobia said Haru nodded and went up to the library.

Seeing Haru go up Zenobia felt her face burning up and she quickly shook her head.

'He said he trusts me,' Zenobia thought as she smiled beautifully without knowing it herself.

Then she went to the kitchen to have a quick bite after sending the answer to Cynthia then went back down to the basement to continue her practice all while skipping around happily with a smile.




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