Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:06:50 AM

Chapter 169: Two Conditions

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Chapter 169: Two Conditions

"Deities?" Haru was confused as he had no idea what that was he had heard about Asuras but was there a fourth group now?

'As expected, I need more information about the factions here.' Haru thought.

Seeing that Haru didn't know what she was talking about Cynthia had to explain what she meant to him.

"Deities are powerful beings who have helped the humanoid races on this continent since long ago, Only a few know about them, they are also known as Asuras, but they prefer to be called Deities," Cynthia said as she wasn't sure who the person in front of her was, if he wasn't a deity and considering his lack of knowledge he couldn't be from Alacrya.

'Ok so there is no fourth faction,' Haru nodded as it looked like he was overthinking things.

Cynthia was even more confused, As someone this powerful would have access to a lot of information Alacrya has. So him not knowing Deities had thrown her for a curve. As for the case of Haru lying to her? There was no reason for him to do it.

Although she didn't know how strong Haru is supposed to be, he should be one of the stronger retainers or he might even be stronger than the retainers.

"Whatever, any group that calls themselves 'Deities' isn't worth anything, just answer my questions," Haru said with a bored expression. Cynthia still didn't open her mouth and looked at Haru trying to figure something out.

"Just answer, your soul seal won't activate, this is an illusion world. Whatever you say stays here," Haru said as the world around them changed from Zenobia's shop to a dense forest. This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

'This...This doesn't feel like an illusion at all,' Cynthia was dumbfounded, she could breathe the natural air and smell of the flowers that were blooming nearby, she could feel the cold air on her skin and even touch the butterfly that landed on her finger.

This is like she was teleported to a different place. She could feel as if everything was real.

She looked at Haru and still didn't feel even a little mana from him. Just as she was about to ask something the scenery around her changed from the forest to grassland to an icy plain to a lava crater.

Each time the scenery changed Cynthia could feel the change in the atmosphere around her from the sensation on her skin to the air going into her lungs. Everything felt so real that it scared her to no end.

At this point, all of her previous assumptions were proven wrong. The person in front of her was way stronger than she can think.

Seeing this she made up her mind after a deep breath.

"Please save this continent from being destroyed by the upcoming war," Cynthia said as she bowed her head deeply.

She felt it herself that if there is someone who can save this continent then it is the person in front of her. she didn't know why but the person in front of her gave her a sort of reassurance just by sitting there.

"Hmm, go on tell me." Haru nodded as he took a sip from his cup.

Cynthia nodded and started to disclose every information she had on Alacrya and the things they were doing. She didn't mind even if she died when this illusion was lifted. She has seen the power of the young man in front of her.

'If my old life can help this continent while also saving countless innocent lives from Alacrya, it will be worth it,' Cynthia thought as she disclosed further information.

"Mr, Tsugikuni what would you think about teaching in my school?" Cynthia asked with a slight smile.

Zenobia raised an eyebrow when she heard this.

'Looks like something did happen while I was away, But I don't think Haru would be interested in teaching unless there is something to his benefit,' Zenobia thought while looking at Haru.

"Of course, I won't let you do this for a normal salary or force you to take students you don't want to, The main reason is as I have said before," Cynthia said as Haru was thinking about should he go into the academy as a teacher or not.

"Haru Xyrus academy has the biggest library on this continent, You will be able to find all of the books on this continent there and that place isn't accessible to many people, plus you will also get a personal training room in the academy," Zenobia whispered to Haru because she knew that Haru liked to read books (He told her that reading is his hobby), she was set on letting Haru have a good relationship with Cynthia because he will need it later on if the Royal family starts to act up. She didn't know what happened during the meeting or she wouldn't think this way.

Cynthia who was seeing this couldn't help but smile at Zenobia who looked away with a cough.

"Ok I'll accept your offer, But I have two demands," Haru said.

"Please state them," Cynthia spoke with a smile she was more than happy to listen to his demands, The person in front of her was the only one who could help her after all.

"First, I want access to all of the books you have," Haru said and saw a little shock on Cynthia's face.

"Second, I can let a person I want to be able to access them as well," Haru said as he tapped his chin.

Haru was waiting for Cynthia to respond to his conditions. He knew that something was bound to happen while he stays near Arthur who will be going to the Academy starting this year.

'Since Slyvia who gave Arthur her beast will and Sylvie herself being a dragon, plus how Arthur was able to stop time, there is something bound to happen,' Haru thought, he needed to enter the academy anyway so why not get some benefits.




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